Valentine's Day... Oh Lord Help... Pt. 3

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"I still don't understand why you pushed me into the alley. Are you looking for a fight?" "I told you already, it was for his safety! Yama-Chan is a big cinnamon bun and I don't need you hurting him. Anyways you need a disguise then we won't have to run around like we have been." "I don't know, I kinda liked running around like that." "Well I don't! Oo, I got it! Stay right here." Kisa runs into a small convenience store and comes out two minutes later. She pulls something out of its wrapper. She sticks it on his upper lip and smiles triumphantly, "There! Now no one will recognize you!" Kamui touches the fake mustache and narrows his eyes, "You're ruining my good looks with this thing. Maybe you are looking for a fight." "Look the only people who can probably see through this disguise is Gintoki, Shinpachi, and maybe Kagura. Other than that, everyone else is too dumb." "Ruined my good looks and took advantage of me while I was knocked out. How classy." "You were dying! You drowned and I saved you!! Shopun was right I should've let you drown. So damn ungrateful!" Kamui rolls his eyes and spots a poster, he pulls it off the wall and shoves it in Kisa's face, "Let's do this!" Kisa takes it and starts reading, "Mudslide... Wait a real mudslide! Why would you want to do that!" "Do it with me and you'll get this bag back." "Fine!" "Oho so quick to agree." Kisa grabs his hand and drags him along, "Shut up! It's because I really need that bag back!" "Ah but you should treat me to food first! I wanna pass some time before we do the mudslide." "Are you serious!" "Yes I'm being serious." "No way! Absolutely not! Not in a milli--"
"So one breakfast buffet for you and you just want a drink." Kisa nods her head, "Yes just a drink." "Okay then everything will ready for you momentarily." 🔹I think I'm getting stomach ulcers... If I do get them then I'm naming them after Kamui... It will be Kamui Senior and Kamui Junior...🔹 A couple of plates are set on the table, Kamui stares at them with excitement, "Where to start first!" "Eat all of it and die..." "Such a negative attitude. That won't get you anywhere in the world. You should always send your enemies off with a smile." "Your smile scares the crap out of me.." "That's no good. I should be putting you at ease during your final moments." "If you're going to to kill me then can you please do it while I'm asleep?" Kamui tilts his head, "Why would I do that?" "Because at least I can die in peace." "Don't worry my smile will give you a moment of peace." Many plates and two hours later, Kamui finally finished. They leave the restaurant and Kisa has to lean against a wall, "Where in the world do you two store that food?" "In my stomach like a normal person." "You're not normal at all..." Kamui rolls his eyes, "Can we do the mudslide now?" "Fine fine... I should still have some time." "Good! Let's go!!" Kamui grabs her hand and starts dragging her towards the mudslide. Kisa looks at it and gasps, "No way... Why is that long!! Where the hell did you get all this mud from?" "Don't worry, Miss. This slide is very safe just sit between your boyfriends legs." "You know Kamui... It is February and it's kinda cold.." "No excuses! You promised me.... Or maybe you don't want this back?" Kamui lifts up the bag and smirks then he jumps onto the slide. Kisa gasps, "Come back here!!" She jumps onto the slide but ends up going face first, "Bleh this isn't fun at all!!" Kamui laughs as he watches Kisa behind him. "How can you go down like that?! How have you not fallen yet." "Because I have great balance." Then he hits a bump and lays on his back, "Ah! It's in my mouth!" "Ha! How does that feel! Bleh! My mouth!" Kisa catches up to Kamui and grabs his arm, "Got you! Now hand over the bag." "End..." "What?" "We're at the end of the slide already." Kisa looks forward and sees a pool of water, "Ugh it's too cold for this shi--" Before she could finish her sentence, Kamui and her land in the pool of water. She resurfaces and scowls, "It's flipping freezing!" Kamui resurfaces and laughs, "That was fun! If you want the bag I threw it over there so it wouldn't get wet." "Geez how thoughtful of you." Kisa exits the pool and grabs the bag. Kamui stretches and gets out of the pool, "Mmm! What time is it?" Kisa goes in the bag and flips open her phone, "It's 4:55..... EHHHH!!! I have to go!! I'm going to be late! See you later, Kamui!" "Aww how rude, she left me for someone else. Oh well, I'll have a good time by myself."
Kisa runs through the street, soaking wet and has mud all over her. 🔹Dammit!! I should've been paying attention to the time!! It's already 5:15!!! I feel so freaking bad!!!!🔹 Kisa keeps running till the theater was in sight. Her eyes spot a familiar person standing in front of it, "he waited for me even though I was late. Thank goodness!" Kisa runs up to Sougo and drops to her knees, "I'm so sorry I'm late!!!" Sougo looks down at her, "You must have had one hell of a Valentine's Day if you're that dirty." "Ugh don't get me started on my day... How was your day?" "Full of crime, but I feel a bit more entertained seeing you like this." "I'm entirely no good, right? We can do the date on another day.." Sougo stands her up and smiles, "No I think you're just fine. Plus we could do other fun activities for a date. How about we go down that mudslide together?" Kisa smiles, "Are you serious?" "I'm not in work clothes so why the hell not?" "Oh before that!" Kisa pulls out the wrapped chocolate and hands it's to him, "Happy Valentine's Day, Sougo!" He takes it and opens it up, "Dark chocolate? You truly are my girlfriend. Here open wide." Kisa hesitantly opens her mouth and Sougo pops a piece of chocolate into her mouth. "Mmm! So yummy! Hehe and your face is so cute." Sougo takes her hand and starts walking, "Yeah yeah, shaddup and start walking." Kisa giggles as she follows behind Sougo, "I'm coming, I'm coming.. Happy Valentines Day.." "You said that already." Sougo tightens his grip on her hand, "But Happy Valentine's Day, Kisa.."

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