Near Death But So Close To Life! Pt. 4

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Hijikata stands next to Sougo and sighs, "It's our fault... We let her go in the room by herself.." "Where's the bastard that shot her?" Kondo tries his best to wipe his hands off, "Tied up, outside.." Sougo unsheathed his sword and starts to walk away but he is stopped when someone grabs onto his jacket, "don't leave me..." He puts his sword back and runs a hand through his hair, "Are you trying to kill me?" "I'm sorry.... I'm so sorry...." Kisa lets out a few sobs, "I'm sorry I lied... I knew about the cure way before I found out about the drug..." Hijikata and Kondo look at her in shock, "What!" "It happened three days ago... Ami stopped by and gave me a powder, she said that alcohol would make people paralyzed in three days. So I put it in all of your alcohol bottles.." "So the reason why we didn't get paralyzed was because of you?" "Y-yes but the reason I made you stop drinking it was because I had no idea what it did.. I took it as well and ended up just fine so I thought I could save some more lives.... B-bu-but I didn't save anyone! Ami is dead because she took bullets for me!" Sougo turns around and pets her head, "Obviously she didn't catch all of the bullets. Why are you so sad? You should be happy that you're alive and that she's in a better place now." Sougo wipes her tears away and sits down, "You should rest now.. Don't need you getting sick or anything." Kisa grabs his hand and squeezes it, he squeezes back. "Awww Toshi look they're bonding.." "That is not what that is... They've gone past that and now they are trying to break each other's hand." Kisa and Sougo go back and forth squeezing each other's hand, each squeeze getting tougher each time. About ten minutes later, Kisa fell asleep.
🔹I don't know what happened over the period I was asleep but over the past few days the cure was distributed and everyone was getting better. There was a side effect to the drug which was pretty funny actually, everyone who was able to move again had the bad urge to pee. It was hilarious! But because of my wound I have to come to the doctor every two days.🔹 The doctor hands Kisa a pain killer and chuckles, "Now you're almost finish with treatment. Come in for one more checkup and you'll be done!" "I'm so tired of these things! I wanna heal as fast as Kagura." "Well you're human so you can't expect a speedy recovery." "Course I can! Because I have a very reliable doctor!" "Well this reliable doctor wishes you would stop getting hurt. I want to be the one who delivers your first child, not the one who's announcing your time of death!" Kisa blushes and waves her hands around, "What are you saying?!!? Sougo and I haven't even talked about marriage let alone kids!" "Well for what it's worth, I think you two would have beautiful children." Kisa covers her face, "Ahhh please stop it!" "Kisa are you telling me that you've never once thought about the future? You're going to be 20 in 10 days, you should really think about your future." Kisa uncovers her face and sighs, "How does one bring that topic up?" "Well depends on which topic." "The m-m-marriage topic..." "While you're walking past a jewelry store say that you want to go inside. Then say it might be a present for someone and while you're there look at the engagement rings." "Hehe, is it that easy? I guess I'll have to give it a shot."
Sougo and Kisa walk hand in hand down the street. For some odd reason, Sougo kept glancing at her. "Sougo is there something wrong?" "Mm no, not at all." Sougo tightens the grip he has on her hand. 🔹You can't lie to me, Bakakita.. I always know when there's something wrong.🔹 Kisa spots a jewelry store and smiles, "Sougo come with me for a second!" "Hm?" Kisa drags him into the jewelry store and starts browsing around the rings. "Kisa why are we here?" "I'm looking for a gift for a friend! Please bear with it for awhile." "Why would your friend need a ring? Shouldn't you indulge yourself in something like this?" Kisa giggles, "I think that everyone needs to be spoiled. Especially this friend." Kisa bends over and looks at the rings in the display case. Sougo hovers over her and puts his face next to hers, "Aren't these engagement rings?" "Oh are they?! Oops guess I don't know the difference between any rings." Sougo looks at her, "Which one do you like?" Kisa smirks, "That one right there." Kisa points to a simple ring that had a sparkling red stone sitting atop of it. "Why do you like that one?" "I like the stone. It's very beautiful and has a strong feeling to it." "You like that sort of thing.. That's weird." Sougo moves away from her and heads to the door, "Everyone listen! She actually has a girly side to get! Ain't that something?" Kisa runs over to Sougo and throws her hands over his mouth, "Shaddup!! You don't have to yell that stuff out loud!" Sougo grins beneath her hands, "How cute she gets flustered over things like this." "I'm going to crush your face, you hear! I'll do it!" Sougo places his hands over hers and snickers, "Will you really do it? Who's supposed to get you that ring?" "I-I-i wasn't there for me!! I was looking for a gift!" "Sure sure a gift. If you want a gift then just tell me." "I don't want a gift!! You've given me enough to make me happy for life!"

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