Princess For A Day

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🔹I don't understand why anyone would want to be a Princess? Literally what is the appeal in that?? If I want to be royalty, I would be the Queen! And a Queen without a King is just more powerful! I'll rule the entire Edo land!🔹 Kisa and Kagura continue binge watching their tv drama, Princess For A Day. "Kisaaa!! Pass the food!!" Kisa looks at the bowl and reaches for it. Her fingers slightly touch it, "Nghh! Almost got it! Just a little more!" With much determination she is able to grab the bowl and pass it to Kagura. "Thank you!" "No problem!! Now shhhh!! It's back on." Gintoki walks in and yawns, "Are you two still up? You know it's the next day right!" "Gin-Chan, shut up! She's about to confess to the Prince." "Kisa, you don't even look like you're enjoying it!" "I'm not enjoying because that's a stupid dream." "She's right-aru!" "What's a stupid dream?" "Wanting to be a Princess. Why aim so low? Why not a Queen! Where you can have more power over the people." "Knowing you, you'd probably be a Dictator or something." "Hail Kaiser Kisa!" Kagura lays on her back and salutes to Kisa. Gintoki shakes his head, "That's the laziest salute I've ever seen." "I'm sorry Hijikata! Maybe you need to train us harder." "Don't compare me to that idiot!!" Kisa rolls onto her back and looks at Gintoki, "Your royal hairness, do you plan on interrupting our show some more?" "Are you two planning on ever getting dressed?" "You're in your pajamas too, Gin-Chan." "I was just going to change but I could sense a lack of sleep coming from this room." Kisa rolls back onto her stomach, "We slept... For like an hour." "And how does that help you at all?" "It helps the fact that we slept-aru." "We have nothing to do today so it's okay to be like this for awhile." Gintoki shakes his head and walks back to his room. That's when there was a knock on the door. Kisa and Kagura spitefully look at the door, "Gin-Chan! Someone is at the door!" "Then answer it!" "Can't... Our legs are not functioning right now." Gintoki stomps out of his room, his pants unbuttoned, his strawberry boxers hang out a little. Kisa giggles as he walks past them to the door. He opens the door to be greeted by Kondo and Matsudaira. "Huh? What do the tax thieves want today?" "We have business with the ladies of this household." "There aren't any ladies here but there are some weird potatoes growing mold over there." "Sorry for intruding." Kondo and Matsudaira walk inside and go over to Kisa and Kagura. Kondo smiles as he looks down at them, "Kisa, Kagura, we need your help with something and would appreciate it if you came with us." Kisa and Kagura roll onto their backs and stick their tongues out. "We can't go-aru." "We have a very busy schedule and plus we are still in our pajamas." Matsudaira and Kondo nod at each other. "Guess you leave us no choice!" "We'll have to go with Plan B." Matsudaira picks up Kisa and tosses her over his shoulder. Kondo picks up Kagura and tosses her over his shoulder. They start to leave, taking the girls with them. "Oi, aren't you supposed to be taking my taxes? Not my daughters/employees?" "We need them for a job." A sadistic grin spreads across Gintoki's face, "A job, huh? So there's payment?"
"Why did the rest of you come along?!" "You supposed police officers kidnapped my employees/daughters, we can't let you two get away with it. Isn't that right, Shinpachi?" "That's right, Gin-San." 🐒They don't care about these two! They only care about the money!🐒 Matsudaira fixes his sunglasses and stares Gintoki and Shinpachi down, "You want payment? You'll have to ask the client." "You guys aren't the client? Then who the hell is?" Kisa and Kagura kick around in the trunk, "Who the hell cares about that!? Why do we have to be in the trunk of this police car!!" "I can smell the Sadist and Mayora all over this-aru!" "Kagura-Chan, Kisa-San, you both need to be in there because you're both dangerous.. You almost broke Kondo-San's nose." "Don't worry Shinpachi-Kun! I'll be fine!" "No you won't! Put your nose back into place!!!" "I told you Kondo, we had to knock the girls out or else they would've been a handful!" Gintoki looks at them both, his mouth is agape, "That's really kidnap! What the hell are you crooked cops thinking of!" "They are needed! Okay this is a very important job!" "What kind of job requires you to kidnap girls!?"
"Soyo-Chan!!" "Hello Kagura-Chan." Kagura runs up to Soyo and hugs her. Gintoki and Shinpachi stand in a corner discussing their plan, "Gin-San should we really charge them now? I mean this is a job for the Shogun." "Shinpachi-Kun, don't you understand this opportunity? We can probably get a lot out of this!" Matsudaira stands in front of them and points his gun towards them, "Did I forget to mention that if you charge the Shogun, you'll have to commit sepukku?" Gintoki and Shinpachi freeze to their spot, "See I told you, Shinpachi. We can't charge the Shogun!" "Wha!! Gin-San don't push your dumb idea onto me! I told you from the start that we shouldn't do it!" "Kagura and Kisa would be happy to do it for free." Kisa puffs her cheeks and crosses her arms, "I have no problem doing the job. I just wish I could've changed clothes!" "Kisa-San, please don't worry about your attire." "Oh no Sho-San, it's just I don't like being out in public in my pajamas. Plus this is the first time meeting your sister, I wish I looked a bit decent." Soyo smiles and bows her head, "I'm very pleased to meet you. And please don't worry about your clothes. My name is Soyo." "Nice to meet you, Soyo. My name is Kisa." Matsudaira clears his throat, "I think now is the best time to describe the job they will be doing." The Shogun nods his head, "Of course. If it is no trouble to you two lovely ladies, I would like you to be body doubles for Soyo. You see, two of her doubles have gotten sick and we especially need them now." Gintoki crosses his arms, "For what?" "Arranged Marriage Meetings." "Ehhh!!! An omiai!! Kondo, I have a boyfriend! Why was I kidnapped!" The Shogun waves his hands around, "No no, Kisa-San! You misunderstand, we just need you to attend them. Nothing serious, all will be rejected." Kagura raises her hand, "I'll do it!!" Kisa slightly raises her hand, "I'll help too... Under one condition!" Kisa points at Kondo, "Sougo is not to know about this! If you can promise me that then I'll help you get a date with Tae-Chan." "My lips are sealed!!"

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