I Love You More Than Anyone Pt. 5

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"Aaaaahhhh a night walk is always the best.... Though Gintoki said I should try and stay safe. He said there was weirdos out... Oh well I shouldn't worry so much." Kisa walks around enjoying the night air. But something started to trouble her, "Where the hell is everyone? It seems kind of empty right now.." That's when she hears an unsettling laugh. "What the hell is that?" Then someone steps out of the shadows, "I have a very uncontrollable impulse.... I want you all to myself... You, my beloved, belong only to me..." Kisa's eyes widen as she starts to slowly step backwards, "Tamotsu! Wh-what are you doing here?" He points to Kisa and smiles, "What do you want? To be loved, right? You'll be happy to be loved by me, isn't that right?" Kisa furiously shakes her head as she turns around and starts running away, "No! I have someone already! Please stop acting weird!!" "Oh Kisa, you don't need to lie... It's okay for you to admit you're love. How about I steal those lips of yours? So that you can't kiss anyone else.."
Sougo sifts through some papers hoping to find something. "Still nothing... I know I've seen his face before! Just where exactly!" Hijikata walks in with a folder and hands it to Sougo, "Here I think this will enlighten you." Sougo opens the folder and reads the content aloud, "Yukimura Tamotsu, a.k.a Lady Killer... Wanted for the murder of 18 civilians.... 12 male victims and 6 female victims.. Was arrested 3 times for stalking, let out due to good behavior. Now known to be very dangerous, approach with caution and arrest on sight. Why the hell is he called Lady Killer?" Hijikata lights his cigarette and inhales deeply. A cloud of smoke escapes from his mouth, "Apparently his targets were only women. His intentions weren't murder but they weren't pure. The men that were killed had some type of relationship with the those women. Yukimura had the delirious idea that those women belong to him solely, but they were all afraid of him. So they tried running away, in the end they were killed by the stalker." "So you're telling me that his next target is---" "Yep, Odd Jobs Kisa is his next target." Sougo flips open his phone and quickly dials a number. *ring* *ring* *ring* *click* "Hello?" "China? Dammit, where the hell is Kisa?!" "Uhhhh she went on a night walk... Kinda stupid because it's still cold out.." "Sonuva.... Never mind then!" *click* "Hijikata, I'm heading out. Don't wait up for me." "Sougo don't get too out of control. I don't feel like cleaning up after you." "I'll try." "That was a disingenuous I'll try!!! Come back here and mean it!" Sougo waves goodbye to the fuming Hijikata.
🔹Fuuuuucccckkkkk!!! What the hell is wrong with him?! Was he always this crazy? Wait a second, that time at the park with Kondo and all the times I've felt like I was being watched.... He's in a fantasy! Like he owns me or something?!🔹 "Look Tamotsu, I'm already in a relationship! You saw that, right? You followed us all the way to the park so you should know." "Kekekeke! He's getting in our way... You know you want me... So hurry up and tell me your answer! Who the hell is it that you love? Me, right? It's me, right? There can't possibly be anyone else!" Kisa picks up her speed and grits her teeth, "Yes! Yes there is someone else!! You saw me making out with him!" "No there isn't... Is there a reason you can't tell me? Are you thinking about other men or--- Yeah right!" 🔹Oh god! Sougo please help me!! This guy is freaking me the hell out!!! Sougo please help me!!🔹 "There aren't any right? Tell me that you love me!" Kisa desperately searches for any sign of humans, hell even any signs of an Amanto. "Now, who are you looking at?" "No one!! This place is freaking ghost town... Wait never mind that! Stop following me!" "Kisa, you shouldn't look at anyone but me..." Kisa nervously chuckles, "And why's that?!" "You're my one and only, that's why.. How about I gouge out those two eyes of yours? Just me being reflected in your heart would be nice, huh? Hey would you answer me? Who is it that you love? It's me, right? I won't approve of anyone else!" 🔹Sougo!! You know what, I don't even care who saves me anymore! Someone save me from this psychopath!! This guy is worse than Takasugi!🔹 "What's keeping you from saying it? Those guys who interfere with you and I--- All of them- All of them- All of them- I'll get rid of them all!" A thought of horror strikes Kisa as she thinks about the people she cares about. "Look, it's fine now, so say how you really feel." Kisa makes a turn into an alleyway hoping it would lead to another street but to her dismay the other opening was covered by a fence. "I won't hand you over to anyone ever again.. Let's always be together like this." Kisa backs up, trying to find a way out. Tamotsu slowly closes in. "Hey hey hey, where are you going? You won't ever run away from me again, okay?" As Kisa was backing up, she ends up tripping on something. She falls to the floor and ends up hitting her head. Everything became fuzzy as she watches Tamotsu hover over her. She feels a hand wrap around her throat. "Now if I kill you right here, I wonder if I could make you mine alone?" Kisa feels all her senses leave her body. Her vision begins to blur even more and her hearing began to dull out. "Wouldn't that be my greatest happiness? Because I love you more than ANYONE!" As Kisa is about to pass out, she sees something swiftly glide past her face. Then next thing that was as clear as day was a scream. Tamotsu falls backwards yelling in pain. Kisa sits up and begins to cough holding her throat, she looks around. The first thing that catches her eye is the severed hand. "Wha! What the hell?!" She then hears a familiar chuckle. Sougo picks up the hand and tosses it to Tamotsu, "I have to hand it to you... You almost got away with it." Kisa stares in horror as blood spurts out from where his hand once was. "Y-y-you monster!" Sougo laughs, "I'm the monster? Tell me Lady Killer, how many people have you killed with that hand? You and you're delirious mind made up stupid scenarios and then you kill them because they tried to get away from you... And then you had the audacity to try and take what belongs to me... Don't fuck with me!" Sougo stands above Tamotsu and unsheathed his sword, "And now I'm going to cut you down in order to protect what's precious to me." He brings his sword down and slices through his chest. Kisa watches the blood splatter onto the ground. She squeezes her eyes shut, trying to ignore what's happening in front of her. But instead of seeing it, she can hear it all. All of the slashes that hit Tamotsu. She slowly opens her eyes when she feels a strong gaze on her. Sougo walks up to her and kneels down, he lifts her chin up and stares at the marks on her neck. He sighs deeply, "Are you okay?" She gives no answer. "Are you scared of me?" Kisa shakes her head and wraps her arms around him. He places his hand on the back of her head and gently rubs it, "You hit your head pretty hard, huh?" She nods her head slightly. "Were you afraid to die?" Kisa nods her head again. "It's okay to be afraid.... I'm right here, I won't let anyone kill you.." Hijikata walks into the alley and sighs, "Didn't I say not to go get out of control! Look at this mess! Oi Sougo! Are you listening to me?" "Hijikata look at the mess you made." "Me?! You're the one covered in blood! Stop flirting, we have to take Kisa in for questioning." Kisa looks over at Hijikata, "Questioning?" "You're the he attacked. It's just procedure, don't worry we'll get someone to look at any injuries you got." "Okay, I'm ready for the questioning then."
After the questioning, Kisa immediately got her wounds looked at. "Sort of surprises me how I only needed a bandage for my head..." "They can't do much for the handprint on your neck... That'll go away soon though..." Sougo gently glides his finger against the bruise on her neck. Kisa slightly smiles. He pinches her cheek and shakes her head back and forth, "Ow ow ow! Hey what's that for?!" "Don't be all smiley when you almost died!" "Oops sorry! I'm just happy you saved me." Suddenly something weird happens. •Sadist Mode Activated• "What the hell was that?!" Sougo looks at Kisa and chuckles, "Well since I saved you, you owe me... Wear this collar and add woof to the end of your sentences." "What the? Hell no!" Kisa pushes the collar away and moves away from Sougo. "Don't you dare put that collar on me! I'll do something else for you!" "Hehehe, Kisa put the collar on." "No I refuse!" "Don't you want to make me happy? Don't you love me?" "I do, but I refuse to put that on!" Kisa starts running, Sougo is following behind her. "Come on!!!!" "Noooo!!!! Don't come near me with that thing!" Kondo chuckles as he watches them fade off into the distance. "My my Sougo, you have grown into such a good man. I hope everything stays good for you."

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