A Child's Heart is Very Finicky Pt. 2

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Hijikata laughs as Shinpachi explains the situation. "See this is why I didn't want to come to these guys!" Kisa puffs her cheeks and starts hitting Hijikata's leg, "Stop bullying Gintoki! Such a big bully!" Hijikata holds Kisa up and stares at her, "This is Kisa? Why did she turn so young?" "I don't know, it just happened, okay. We drank this alcohol and then we went to sleep." Hijikata sets Kisa down and takes the bottle, "It doesn't look like it was tampered with... Where did you find it again?" "Outside the door with this note." Hijikata reads the note and scoffs, "How do you expect me to find this person with this crappy evidence?" "Well that's all we got." "Kagura-Chan and I both looked around while walking here but we still found nothing." "Kata! Kata! Play with me!" Hijikata places his hand on Kisa's head and ruffles her hair, "She's an attention seeker, ain't she?" "Play with me!" "Sorry squirt. How about we wait for Kondo-San? He'll surely play with you." "Yay!! Someone is going to play with me!" Kisa runs outside and starts throwing leaves around. "Well that should keep her busy for a little. Anyways do you guys know who would do this to you guys? They were obviously hoping this mop head and Kisa would drink it." "Mmm can't really think of anyone off the back of my hand. Takasugi hates me but has nothing against Kisa... It has to be someone with an M..." "Gin-San are suggesting it was the Mimawarigumi?" "I didn't say it, you heard it. Pachi is suggesting it was those bastards." Hijikata scratches his head, "But do they really have anything against you?" "Not that I can think of." "Gin-Chan, I can think of plenty of times!" "Shhh! Kagura-Chan, we can't just go and blame police officers!" While they were talking, Kondo walks into the room. "Toshi have you seen my belt? I swear I placed it somewhere around here.. Oh Odd Jobs how nice to see! Wait what happened to him! Why is he so small!" Hijikata tosses Kondo the bottle, "He and Kisa drank this, no clue who sent it." "Does that mean Kisa is small too?" Hijikata chuckles, "Oh she's very small. Kisa! Kondo-San is here to play with you." Kisa runs inside and bumps into Kondo's leg, "Oomph! Hey, who put dis wall here?" Kondo looks down at Kisa and just stares, "She's so tiny... Kisa how old are you?" Kisa holds up five fingers, "I'm this many!" Kondo picks her up and rubs his cheek against hers, "She's so damn cute!! Of course I'll play with her!!" Kisa pets his beard, "Haha! Uncle Kondo is so fuzzy! Like a Gorilla!" The Odd Job trio starts to chuckle. Kondo sighs, "I guess that nickname still sticks despite age.." "Shinpachi, China, you both need to go out and ask around to see if anyone saw who place this bottle there. I'll send some officers around too." Kagura and Shinpachi salute, "Yes sir!" They run off leaving Gintoki and Kisa behind. "Ah! Where did Kaguwa and Megane go?" Gintoki clicks his tongue and sits down, "I refuse to move from this spot! I'm taking a nap till someone fixes this mess!" Gintoki closes his eyes and lays down and right before their very eyes his body grew back to normal. Hijikata drops the cigarette he was about to put in his mouth, "How the...." Gintoki sits up and touches his body, "Holy crap, I'm back to normal! Hell yes! Maybe if we put Kisa down for a nap then she'll return to normal." Hijikata nods his head, "Let's do that!" "Kisa, if you take a nap like a good girl then you'll get a treat." "I don't wanna! I wanna play." Kondo chuckles, "If you take a nap you'll have more energy to play." "Nuh uh! I wanna play now." Kisa jumps out of Kondo's arms and stands her ground. Hijikata pulls out a lollipop, "If you go to sleep right now, I'll give you this lollipop." "You can't bribe me with your mayonnaise flavored lollipop. Someone play with me!" Gintoki scratches his head, "Fine, I'll play with you." "Not you! Or Kata, or Uncle Kondo. You guys are traitors. Find me someone else to play with." 🚬This brat has a lot of attitude! Just wait till you're back to normal.🚬 Kisa crosses her arms, "Well? I won't sleep till someone plays with me." Gintoki clenches his fists, "Oho someone has sass. You won't be all big and mighty when pick you off the ground." "Still not going to scare me." While the three try to figure out how to get Kisa to sleep, Sougo walks in. Hijikata gets a good idea, "Sougo! Play with Kisa!" "Huh? She's 19 years old, why do I have to play with her." "Cuz that brat is 5 years old right now and is refusing to take a nap! We need her to sleep to fix this problem." "Boss are you already drunk? It's only mid-afternoon." "Sougo this is very serious. Just look at the floor right now." "Kondo-San, you're going to join these crazy people?" "Just do it." Sougo looks towards the floor and sees Kisa but a miniature Kisa, "What the hell happened to her?" "Long story short we drank some alcohol that shouldn't have be drunk." "No one has convinced me enough. I guess I'm not taking a nap." Sougo bends down and holds out his arms, "Come on, Kisa. We can go take a nap together." Kisa looks at Sougo and turns away, "Hmph, I don't wanna." "What do you mean you don't wanna? You love me, right? It's only natural to take a nap together." "I-I-I-I don't love you, Baka." Sougo falls backwards and lands on his back, his soul slowly seeping out of his mouth. "Hang in there, Souchiro!" "Sougo don't die! She didn't mean it!" "Dammit Sougo now is the time to act like a Sadist!" Yamazaki comes into the room with a worried look on his face, "Vice Chief what's with all the noise?" "Yamazaki, you have to do something about this.." Hijikata falls to his knees, "I can't handle her sass anymore.." Kondo also falls to his knees, "Zaki, you're our only hope." "Only hope for what?" All four men point towards Kisa, "Ah Kisa, you're a little kid. What do you guys need me to do?" Gintoki looks at him and sighs, "We need her to take a nap.." "That's it? How hard can that be?" Yamazaki walks over to Kisa and kneels down, "Come on Kisa. It's nap time." "Don't feel like it." Yamazaki smiles and tilts his head, "Is that so? And here I thought that I could make you queen of everything." "Weally! Okay then let's get mawwied!" Sougo immediately sits up, "Excuse me! Oi Yamazaki remember who's girlfriend that is." Kisa turns her head away blushing, "Don't listen to him Wama-Chan.... It's not like I like him or anything... Not at all!" Yamazaki chuckles and picks Kisa up, "You shouldn't lie, Kisa. That's no good at all." Kisa blushes even harder. "Now I bet the Captain would like to take a nap with you. Will you let him take a nap with you?" Kisa slowly nods her head, Yamazaki smiles and passes Kisa onto Sougo. Kisa covers her face as Sougo stands up and walks to his room, "Don't worry, I'll handle this brat from here on out."
Kisa lays next to Sougo but can't close her eyes. "Kisa close your eyes already. You're making me nervous for no reason." "I-I can't sweep... I have to say something first!" "What exactly do you have to say?" Kisa sits up and places her hands on the futon, "I-I-I-I l-l-li-lo-love you!" "Oh is that all?" Kisa's face drops once he says that, she grabs a pillow and hides her face, "that was weally hard to shay..." "I didn't mean it like that, stupid." Sougo moves the pillow away and kisses her forehead, "I love you too." Kisa faints and Sougo chuckles, "A little kiss made you faint like that? How vulnerable." An hour later, Kisa wakes up and is in her normal body, "Huh? I'm normal! Yes finally, I couldn't stand being five again!" Sougo sits up and yawns, "Oh look you're back to normal." "Yes! And now I'm going to go find out who did this to us!" Kisa stands up but realizes she wasn't in her normal clothing, "Am I wearing a sheet? Agh, it's so damn short on me!!" Sougo laughs, "I have no complaints down here." "Stop being a pervert! Give me clothes or something." "You expect me to have some of your clothes here?" "Yes." "Sorry to say this but I don't." "Then hand over your clothes. Not your work clothes but your everyday clothes." "Why would I do that?" Kisa pins Sougo to the ground, "Cuz if I go out there like this then all the Shinsengumi officers will get a nice show." Sougo stands up and grabs his everyday clothes. "Put these on right now." "That's what I thought."
"Who is this horse face man?" "This is Sasaki Isaburo. The commander of the Mimawarigumi." "Isn't there enough police officers? Why have more?" "It was made when the Shinsengumi was made." "So this guy is responsible for what happened to me and Gintoki." Isaburo stands up clears his throat, "To be honest, we thought only the white haired one was going to drink the liquor. We didn't account for another person to be caught in the mix." "Why would you even do that in the first place!" "An experiment." With that said, Isaburo leaves. "That guy was really weird."

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