I Love You More Than Anyone Pt. 3

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Kisa rubs her eyes, she leans against the wall outside of Snack Otose. "Mmm... It's too early... He better hurry up or else I'm going back to sleep." "Who's going to sleep?" Kisa's eyes light up, "Sougo!" She stands up straight and grins. "How has work been?" "I haven't gotten to fight anyone, so not really any fun." "Is that a hint of pouting I hear in your voice?" Sougo takes her hand. "I don't pout, I leave that to my dog. Who I'm about to take out on a walk." "I'm not a dog, but I will accompany you on your walk." Sougo starts walking making sure that she kept up with his pace. When they reach the park, he brings her a little closer to his side. 🔹I'm glad that he sometimes gets affectionate in public.. I know how much he dislikes it. But when he does it, I get all flustered and always get butterflies...🔹 Sougo notices her cheeks tinting with red, this makes him smile. "How long do you have?" "What?" "I know Hijikata didn't let you come without giving you a time limit." "I have 30 minutes." Kisa frowns, "30 minutes? Why is he so mean?" "He probably ran out of mayonnaise to suck on." Kisa starts laughing, "Perhaps he did." Sougo suddenly looks around with a scowl on his face. "What's wrong?" "It feels like someone is following us.." Kisa looks around and shrugs, "You've been working a lot. Maybe you're a bit paranoid." "No, I have a gut feeling.... It's really nagging me." "Sougo..." He turns his head and looks at her. She takes this opportunity to tip toe and kiss him. Before he took any action, he quickly looked around to make sure no one was around. When he made sure there was nobody present, he wraps his arms around her back and pulls her closer. Tilting her head up, he starts leaving a trail of butterfly kisses on her neck making his way up to her lips. He started giving her small pecks over and over again until he grew tired of it and instead went for a full make out. He breaks away for a second, giving Kisa a chance to speak. "Sougo, try not to get too excited. You have a time limit, remember?" "Screw the time limit. Actually scratch that, I have something else to screw." Sougo goes to her neck and again starts leaving a fleeting trail of butterfly kisses all over her neck. Kisa's hands find their way onto the back of his neck, her nails slightly digging into his skin. Without realizing it, Sougo lets out a small moan of pure ecstasy. Kisa giggles, "Was that you, Sougo?" "So what if it was? You mocking me?" "N-no, I thought it was cute." Sougo gently bites her collarbone making Kisa release a little moan. "There now we are even." "N-n-not even! What are going to do if it leaves a mark? Gintoki will get all fatherly and scold me before he finds you and lord knows what he'll do.." "Then maybe I should leave my mark on an area the Boss can't see." Kisa's face turns bright red. "Not out in public! That's something done in the bedroom!" "You're right, it is something we've done in the bedroom." Kisa starts hitting his back. "Shut up! What if someone hears you?" Sougo moves his hands to her waist. "Good, then they'll know you belong to me." "Would you please stop making sexual advances on me? We're in public, we can't do it here." "Says the one who has her hands around my pants." "I'm only doing what you're doing to me." "Oh so I should start doing more things to you then?" "Not a chance, buddy." Sougo kisses Kisa again, both oblivious to the fact they are being watched.
"Who is that guy she is with.... Who does he think he is, putting his hands on her like that.... It's ridiculous!" He punches the tree and takes a deep breath. "It's okay Tamotsu.... She only belongs to you..... He is insignificant!! He doesn't love her like I love her.... I've been watching her for a while now... And he's come to mess it up.... But don't worry... I'll make her mine in no time at all..." His mouth contorts into an evil smile, "She'll be all mine....."
*ring* *ring* "Sougo, you're phone is ringing." "Get it from my pocket." Her face once again turns red. "What why?!?" Sougo only stares down at her with a smirk on his face. "F-f-fine, I'll get it." Kisa sticks her hand in his pants pocket and grabs his phone. *ring* *ring* He takes his phone and answers it, "What?...... I thought I would take the day off....... Poor Hijikata....... Fine.... Fine.... Fine...." *click* "You have to go, don't you?" "Yep." "Damn Mayora, I was actually getting in the mood." Sougo looks down at her with a scowl on his face, "You say this now." "Oops, my bad." Kisa playfully sticks her tongue out. "Dogs should keep their tongues in their mouth or else they'll drool everywhere." "I'm not a dog so it's fine." Sougo stares at her with a smirk on his face. "Stop staring at me and go to work!" "Heh, I guess you're right." He brings her in for one more kiss and then releases her from his love grasp. Kisa watches him walk away, as a smile spreads across her face someone bumps into her. "Oops I'm sorry... Oh wait Kisa! What a surprise to see you here!" "Tamotsu? How nice to see you! Are you out for a morning stroll?" "Yes, the air is just so nice and fresh out right now. I couldn't help myself. But I immediately found something much better." "Oh yeah, what's that?" "You're pretty face." Kisa lets out a laugh. Sougo turns around and stares at the two. 🔺That guy... I've seen that face before but where? I'll probably remember later, but in the mean time he better keep his hands off of her.🔺 Sougo walks back to work, his mind stuck in a puzzle. "Finally, I gave you thirty minutes what took you so long?" "I saw this guy and his face looks really familiar... I can't put my finger on it though." "Maybe he's famous or maybe you saw him before while you were out with Kisa." "That could be a possibility.. But it was something more urgent... Huh, where's Kondo-San?" "He said he was going to patrol the park. He'll be back soon so he said to start without him." Sougo sighs, "If that's what Kondo-San wants. Then let's get started." Fiiinnneeee

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