Marriage Is Something Done Between Lovers Pt. 5

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When Sougo wakes up, he was already aware that he was alone. His arms felt empty and the house was not lively. He sighs and gets up. "Guess I'll have to go to her myself... She's probably back at Odd Jobs.." Before Sougo heads to Odd Jobs, he takes his stuff back to the Shinsengumi headquarters. Once he gets to Odd Jobs, he knocks on the door. *Knock* *Knock* Kagura opens the door to find Sougo standing there. "What do you want, Sadist?" "Where's the midget? I have to talk to her." "Uh she's not here right now." The moment Kagura says that he sees Kisa in the background walking to another room. "Don't lie to me, China. I just saw her." "That was her ghost....." "You're telling me from the moment I saw her yesterday to today, she died?" "She got really bad indigestion and died early this morning." "Tell her to come out here." Kagura shakes her head, "Her ghost is too busy haunting the kitchen." Sougo rubs his temples in annoyance. "China, I'm not playing around. Tell her to come out here now." "I can't do that because, she doesn't want to see you ever! Bye!" Kagura slams the door shut, leaving behind a confused Sougo. "Doesn't want to see me ever..... Oi China, the hell does that mean?" Sougo knocks on the door again as his patience slowly fades away. "I know you two are in there. Tell that midget to get her ass out here right now.. China, Kisa, I will break the damn door down if I have too." Kagura opens the door and punches Sougo. "Sadist, Kisa doesn't want to see you again. So just leave!" Sougo kicks Kagura inside and walks in. "Pardon the intrusion." Kisa peeks from inside the bathroom and gasps, "oh god if they fight now, they'll break stuff and Gintoki will make Shinpachi clean it up... I have to stop those idiots." Kisa tiptoes out of the bathroom and sneaks up behind Sougo. Standing on her tippy toes, she puts her hands over his eyes. "G-g-g-guess who!" He smirks and places his hands over hers. This causes Kisa's face to flare up. "Hmm I wonder... Maybe it's a midget or perhaps a bug?" "Ha ha ha, don't test my patience, Sadist." "Kisa, you don't have to talk to him! Let me kick his ass and then we'll bury his corpse at the park!" "China, this is between an adult and midget. Stay out of it." "It's alright, Kagura. We'll just step out for a little. Don't worry about it." Kagura stares at Kisa skeptically and sighs. "Fine but if he hurts you at all I'm going to kick his ass." "I'm fine with that." "Oi oi, I'm still standing here." Kisa removes her hands from his face and takes him by the jacket. "Alright let's go, Sougo." They go out the door and head toward the park. "Well what did you want?" "To talk about something." Kisa starts twiddling her thumbs. 🔹What could he want to talk about? Maybe I should get something off my chest as well.. Gintoki said it is okay to complain when I need to..🔹 "Good, I have something we need to talk about as well!" "How were we supposed to talk if you never wanted to see me again?" "I can hear the sarcasm in your voice and it makes me want to punch you... Plus that doesn't matter! Wherever we go, we always end up bumping into you guys anyways! We could've talked then." "I'm a busy man, midget." "I bet you are. Let's see, sleeping on the park bench during work hours must keep you busy." Sougo pinches her nose and shakes her head side to side. Kisa begins to blush. "St-st-stop it, Sougo! That's foul play!" "I see nothing foul about it." Kisa frees herself from his grip and backs up. "You stay on that side of the path and I'll stay on this side! No crossing over to the other persons side." Sougo stares at her with an uninterested look on his face. He walks over to a big tree and leans against it. 🔹Now is the time to tell him! Wait?! Why does it sound like I'm going to confess?!? No I'm just going to clear something up! My feelings don't matter right now! I will not mess up whatever we have!🔹 Kisa walks over to him, standing right in front of him she takes a deep breath. "Sougo..." He takes off his jacket and holds it in one hand. "What?" "I want to clarify something with you.... That time in the apartment was a mistake right? The kiss had no meaning to it? It only happened because the spark of the moment?" Sougo pulls her closer and places the jacket over their heads. He grabs her chin and roughly kisses her. 🔺You belong to me, Kisa. This kiss is going to get it through your thick head.🔺 When they break away from the kiss, her face was a bright red. "Wh-wh-wha-what was that?!?!" "A way to show ownership." "Ehhhh!!??!!?!! Ownership?" Sougo goes for another kiss and this time it was more gentle. With his other hand he calmly takes her hand and intertwines his fingers with hers. Slowly but surely she let her fingers curls against his hand. Taking this as a sign of acceptance, Sougo continues to kiss her. Again they break the kiss, but this time Kisa has tears rolling down her face. "Wh-what is this? Some way of making fun of me because I have feelings for you. Cause if this is, it is the most sadistic thing you can do.... I don't want my emotions to be played with, Sougo..." Sougo tightens the grip he has on her hand and brings them to his face. Turning their hands so her hand faces him, he kisses it over and over again. "S-sougo, that isn't an answer... I want a real answer. And it's getting hot under your jacket." Sougo pulls Kisa in so that he is able to whisper in her ear. "You belong to me and no one else. Is that enough of an answer for you or would you like me to kiss you more to prove it." Kisa nods her head and buries her face into his chest. "That's enough of an answer for me." With his free hand, Sougo removes the jacket from their heads. Kisa looks down at her hand which is now twined with his. She smiles and giggles a little. "What are you laughing about?" "Nothing, I just never thought that I would ever be holding your hand..." "You've held my hand plenty of times, like when we were stuck in the elevator." "This is totally different...." "But your feelings were no different." Kisa blushes a little harder. "H-how would you know that?" "Because the moment I touched you, you automatically responded positively towards it. Almost like a dog. And if you hated me at the time, you could've easily thrown me through the glass." "Yeah but right now is different because our feelings are neutral, right?" "I don't know, maybe I've felt the same for a long time." "If you did then you should've told me!" "Why do that? I got to watch you agonize over how much you said you hated me but in reality you were really in love with me." "You truly are a Prince from the Planet of Sadists...." "But you fell in love with me which makes you my little masochist." "Like hell I am going to be a masochist! I'll be your girlfriend, but not your masochist!" "Mmm, I guess girlfriend will do. But don't worry soon enough you'll be a little masochist. Now that you belong to me, I can take you on walks and if your a good girl, I'll get you a treat." "I'm not a dog...." "Close enough if you ask me." Kisa sticks her tongue out, "You're such a bully." "But I'm your bully." "Yeah... You are my bully..." They kiss one more time. Enjoying the bliss of each other's presence.

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