A Promise Is A Promise Pt. 2

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"Walkie Talkies! Kondo you'll have this piece in your ear and I'll guide you through your date to make it perfect!" Sougo chuckles, "Hehe, this looks oddly familiar." "Yeah I know, Gintoki told me the entire story." Kondo puts the piece in his ear. Kisa talks into the walkie talkie, "Can you hear me?" "Loud and clear!" "Good! Um Hijikata, Sougo do you plan on following me the entire time." "I got nothing else to do." "I have to make sure Kondo-San and Sougo don't get into any trouble." "Such a doting mother." Hijikata squishes Kisa's temples, "Who are you calling a doting mother?" "Ow ow ow!! I'm sorry it was a joke! Just a joke! Oh look there's Tae-Chan! It's time to initiate!" Kisa pushes Kondo out of the alleyway they were in. "Okay Kondo, call out to her." "Otae-Chaaan!" Tae looks up and grimaces. "Now calmly walk up to her, she's expecting you to run but now it's time to change that." Kondo calmly walks up to Tae and smiles, "Good Afternoon, Otae-Chan." "What's this? No jumping or attacking? Are you really the Gorilla?" "Yes it's really me!" "Good now she's surprised. Put rule number two into action!" "Otae-Chan it would make me very happy if you went out on a date with me tonight." Kisa strikes a victory pose, "He did it normally and with confidence! I'm so proud!" Tae tilts her head, "There isn't any ulterior motives, are there?" "No not at all! I just want to take you out on a nice date tonight!" "Well how about right now then?" "Huh! F-f-for reals!" "Kondo don't you dare jump on her! Remember the clinginess!" Kondo regains his composure, "Of course right now sounds good." Tae smiles, "Good then shall we get going." "Of course!" The two walk side by side, one is in total bliss the other is very suspicious.
"Damn Kisa, who knew that would've worked?" "I did! Because I was the one who helped!" Hijikata watches Kondo and Tae disappear from their sight, "Should we follow them?" "Yeah we should. Let's go, Sougo." Kisa turns around to face Sougo but is pushed back. Hijikata easily catches her, "Where the hell did this group of women come from?" "Oh Mister Police Officer, I lost my wallet I need help finding it." "Ignore her problem! I lost my date for lunch and I was wondering if you could fill in for him." "No me!" "Ew not her! Choose me instead." Kisa angrily stares at the women, "Who the fu--" Hijikata throws a hand over her mouth, "Don't you dare say it. Sougo do you think you can catch up once you get out of this mess?" "Uh yeah.. Give me like 15 minutes, I'll meet you guys over there." Hijikata nods his head and starts dragging Kisa away. She starts moving her arms around, he moves his hand away from her mouth, "Hey what's the big idea! Those beasts are all over my man!" "I can arrest you for disrupting the peace, you know. Just deal with it and finish helping, Kondo-San." Once they find him, Kisa tilts her head, "But look they're laughing. I don't think he needs my help anymore." "You promised him though." "That's true... A promise is a promise... I'll kill those--- I mean I'll calmly talk to those women later." Kisa and Hijikata follow Kondo and Tae into a restaurant. "Table for two?" "Ah uh yes please! Preferably over there." "Right away, my lady." Kisa and Hijikata are seated where they can see Kondo but he can't see them. "Perfect choice, Kisa." "I knows it. It kinda sucks though..." "What?" "I feel like if Tae-Chan found out about me helping that it would ruin any chance Kondo would get again." Hijikata pats her head, "Kondo-San is a charismatic leader, there is no way he can be rejected so many times." "I see your point. Hehe, Tae-Chan looks so suspicious of him and Kondo is staring at her likes she's the most precious thing in the universe." Kisa smiles as she rests her head on her hand, "Kondo remember to keep a small distance. Not too close but not too far." Kondo happily smiles as he scoots back a bit, "I'm sorry, Otae-Chan. Was I too close?" "Not at all... It's weird, you are the Gorilla but something is a bit off. Like you went through some transformation and now have a bit of femininity in you." "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" "I don't know yet.. This date has just begun." Kondo softly smiles, "It must be weirding you out, huh? Instead of me jumping out from trashcans or hiding under your house, I calmly asked you out on a date." "I don't feel weirded out at all! Actually I like this part of Kondo Isao, but I also like the other part of Kondo Isao so it's okay to act a little weird when we're together." "Otae-Chan, you truly are an angel sent from above!" "There just like that. Be the Gorilla and Leader we all know and love." Kisa and Hijikata both stand up, "Hijikata don't you think we helped enough?" "I think Kondo-San can handle the rest from here." "You hear that Gori-San? Be the Gorilla Leader we all know and love." Kisa turns off the walkie talkie and heads outside with Hijikata. "Wanna go grab some ramen?" Kisa pats her stomach, "I would love too." "Don't you dare try and snatch her away from me, Hijikata." "Oh Sougo, you finally escaped?" Hijikata's cigarette falls from his mouth and Kisa drops the walkie talkie. "S-S-Sougo what the hell is this?" "You truly are a Prince of Sadists." "These girls wanted my attention, so I gave them my attention." Kisa cringes, "Where did you even get that many collars?" "One must always be prepared. Don't worry I have one especially for you and Hijikata." Kisa starts running away, "No thanks!" Hijikata follows behind her, "Wait for me!" "Come back you two! Come join my Masochist Army!" Sougo follows after them. Kondo and Tae exit the restaurant. Tae picks up the walkie talkie, "My my, if she's going to turn it off she has to do it right." Tae properly turns off the talkie. "I guess my cover was blown?" "Not one bit! It was obvious you got some kind of help from a girl. Who knew it was going to be Kisa-San." "Well it was a promise between friends." Tae smiles and links arms with Kondo, "Promises are such nice things. So promise me this, don't go changing just to impress me. You can be a bit wild like you usually are." "Will that ever score me a date?" "Who knows? That's for fate to decide." They start walking towards Koudoukan Dojo. "Can I be a bit hopeful?" "I'm not telling." "Otae-Chan it's not fun to tease a man with strong feelings." "I'll tell you this, I don't kiss on the first date. So better luck next time." "So there will be a next time!" "Maybe." "Agh! Otae-Chan make up your mind!" "Women are very complicated are you sure you can handle me?" "Of course I can!" The two continue to talk as he walks her home. Shinpachi stands on the side of the street, his face a blank slate, "What did I just witness?"

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