It's Not Jealousy, It's Annoyance! Pt. 2

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"What are you staring at?" "Your food..." "Do you want some?" "No.. Not really.... All you did was buy an ice cream cone and then put mayonnaise in it..." "So what? It's good." "Hijikata that looks unhealthy... Like really unhealthy." Hijikata holds it up to her face, "Just try it once!" "This would be more romantic if that wasn't mayonnaise..." "Try it!" Kisa shakes her head, "I refuse!" "Just once!" He holds it closer to her face, she tries to pull back but fails. "Please Hijikata! That looks really gross." "I'll stop once you try it." Kisa hesitatingly sticks out her tongue and touches the mayonnaise. Once she brings her tongue into her mouth she smiles. "Haha it was very delicious!" 🔹Damn I can't hurt his feelings! I'll just have to deal with it!🔹 "You really think so?!" Hijikata's face lights up with excitement. Kisa is taken back by his unexpected smile. 🔹I didn't know Hijikata could look this cute! In the name of all that is holy that caught me off guard!🔹 "Umm Hijikata are you really that happy?" Hijikata looks away, his cheeks are tinted with a little pink. "Not really..." Kisa starts laughing, "Hahaha! That's so cute! You should do that more often, HijiCutie!" "Who the hell are you calling HijiCutie!?" Kisa starts laughing even more, "You obviously! Your reaction and answer was just so damn cute!" "Let's stop talking about this! What else would you like to do?" Kisa thinks for a second and comes up with a brilliant idea, "Let's go to the haunted house!" "Haunted house?" "Yeah! It will be loads of fun! That last thing we can do is go on the Ferris Wheel!" Sougo's words echo through Hijikata's head. 🚬The Ferris Wheel was made for kissing.. She doesn't want to kiss does she?! Don't think about it!! Change the subject back to the haunted house!🚬 "Why a haunted house first?" "Well people use it to get closer to their dates... and it would be a great way to make Sougo jealous." "Why are you whispering?" "You've noticed it, right? Someone has been following us around this whole time." "Yeah I've noticed... I've been trying ignore it... But it's a very dangerous aura that is following us around." "That's why we should lose him in the haunted house." "Fine..." Kisa takes his hand and pulls him along. "Come on let's go!" Hijikata follows behind her and laughs. They get to the front of the haunted house, "Hello, it's two dollars per person." "Oh okay. Let me get some money." As Kisa reaches for her money, Hijikata stops her. "Whether this is a fake date or not, I can't let the girl pay." Hijikata pulls out some money and pays the person. "Please enjoy your spooky experience!" They walk inside and Kisa sighs, "Well maybe Sougo won't follow us in..." "I knew it was him!" "Besides that.... She said spooky right?" "Yeah she did." "Awww that means it won't be scary!" "You really want to be scared, don't you?" They walk along the path and roll their eyes at the lame props and costumes. Suddenly a transparent girl covered in blood jumps out of the shadows. "Wow! This one is really cool!" Kisa turns to look at Hijikata but to her surprise he was gone. "Hijikata?" She finds him behind a fake bush covering his head. "Hijikata what are you doing?" "Uh I found the path to Mayo Land.." "Hijikata are you perhaps afraid of Ghosts?" Hijikata immediately stands up and clears his throat, "Me? Afraid? Hahahaha don't make me laugh!" "Suuurrreeee. Oh look the ghost is back!" Hijikata immediately jumps behind another fake bush. "What's with you and Gintoki being afraid of ghosts... It's pathetic.." Hijikata looks at her, "Hey! What the hell is that apathetic look for?!" "Have fun in your little world... I'm going to finish this haunted house.." Kisa starts walking away. "Oi, where are you going?! Wait for me!" Hijikata runs after Kisa. When he gets behind her, he grabs her shoulder. "I said wait!" "Okay okay! You know that was a hologram right? It was fake.." "Hah, I knew that! I don't need you to tell me that!" Kisa giggles, "Hijikata do you want to hold my hand?" "I'm not holding your hand because I'm scared or anything! I'm holding it to keep up this little farce." Kisa starts laughing a little harder, "Hahaha okay! If you say so." Kisa takes his hand and feels a chill down her spine. "What's wrong?" "I feel the eyes of death upon me... Hijikata can we please leave! H-he followed us in.." "So now you're scared?!" Kisa starts shaking his arm, "Hijikata it's not funny!!" She pulls him down to her size and whispers in his ear, "I saw a side of Sougo that scared me okay... And right now I can feel that same tension..." "You saw Sougo kill someone, didn't you?" Kisa nods her head. "You understand that is still Sougo, right? If you truly love him, you'll love everything about him. Even that side you think is scary." "I honestly do accept him all, but I didn't want him to kill anyone especially not to save me.... I'm not worth dirtying his hands over." Hijikata smiles, "Sougo is the Prince of Sadists, but no matter what he'll always do what's right." Kisa smiles, "You're right... Let's go now." They finish the horribly made haunted house. "Finally! Now let's go to the Ferris Wheel!" "Let's get it done then." Hijikata and Kisa are still hand in hand as they walk to the Ferris Wheel, when suddenly someone grabs Kisa's other hand and tries to pull her back. "Huh?" Kisa looks behind her and sees Sougo holding her hand. "Don't get on that Ferris Wheel with him." Her eyes widen as she feels her heartbeat pick up. Hijikata grins, "Now now Sougo, you know it's rude to ruin someone's date."

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