The Difference Between A Goodbye And A See You Later Is.... Pt. 4

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"We have to leave...." Odd Jobs and Otae all look at their Shinsengumi friends. Otae tilts her head, "Go-- Kondo-San, you're leaving us..." "I apologize, Otae-Chan! But we need to get this guy or else you and all the ones we love will be in danger!" Kagura looks at them and her jaw drops, "Who's going to protect Edo while you're gone?!" Hijikata takes a drag of his cigarette and let's the smoke leak out of his mouth, "The Mimawarigumi." The four all let out an overdramatic groan. Otae giggles, "Someone has to do it." "If you five want then come to the docks. We'll be waiting on our goodbyes." Gintoki nods his head and smirks, "Oh we'll be there."
Later on in the day they all met at the docks. A feeling of sadness filled the air, yet there was a tint of happiness as well. Kondo looks at the five and sadly smiles, "Glad to see you all came. Though this just makes it harder to leave..." Otae looks at the ground and softly smiles, "What are you talking about? We'll see each other again... Just like before, you'll be hiding in the trees or in the ceiling. Stalking me just like before." Kondo takes her hand, "I'll come back and just like before, I'll be stalking you everyday." Otae giggles and then she sighs. Kisa looks at Yamazaki and then at Sougo. She feels a hint of sadness fill her chest. 🔹These idiots are going to be gone.... How different will things be?🔹 Sougo looks at Kisa and quietly sighs. 🔺I feel as if I'll be gone for a long long time.... Not being able to see Kisa would be awful for me...🔺 Shinpachi looks at his friends and smiles, "You'll have to try and keep in touch, okay?" Yamazaki smiles, "I'll try! These idiots would forget even if you told them 100 times." Gintoki takes the initiative and walks up to Hijikata, "Mayonnaise Bastard. Come back a new man...." Gintoki pats Hijikata's shoulder and grins. "I don't want to hear that from you! When we come back then you should be a whole new person, got it!" Gintoki's finger picks his ear, "What? I didn't hear that last part." "You bastard!" Hijikata punches Gintoki which starts a fight. Otae sighs and looks at Kondo, "Come back safely, okay? Nothing would be the same if you don't come back." Shinpachi adjusts his glasses and looks at Kondo, "Don't break Ane-ue's heart, Kondo-San. You have to promise that you'll come back safely." Kondo smiles and nods his head, "I promise to come back safely! So promise me that we can have tea together when I get back." Otae smiles and nods her head, "Of course.. We'll be waiting for the day you return." Kagura and Sougo stare each other down, "China." "Sadist." Yamazaki shivers and stands off on the side with Kisa, "Why do I feel like this goodbye isn't a real happy goodbye." Kisa grabs Yamazaki's hand and frowns, "This isn't goodbye, Yama-Chan!" The others look at her. "This isn't a goodbye because goodbye can mean that we'll never see each other again...." "Then what would you call this?" Kisa sniffles and smiles brightly, "This is a see you later! So to you Shinsengumi idiots, See You Later!" Yamazaki chuckles and pushes Kisa towards Sougo, "See you later, Kisa.." She stands face to face with Sougo and holds her breath. "Kisa the reason we are leaving is dangerous so we have to--" "Break up? Yeah I thought so... Kinda sounds weird when I hear it coming from my mouth though.." Sougo slightly smiles and sticks out his hand. Kisa grabs his hand and firmly shakes it, "1st Division Captain Okita Sougo.... I'll see you later..." "Odd Jobs Kisa, I'll see you soon..." Gintoki stands up and dusts off his clothes, "ODD JOBS! SALUTE TO THE TAX THIEVES!" Gintoki, Shinpachi, Kagura, Otae and Kisa all salute towards their friends. "To the ones we spent a lot of time with, we say See You Later! And don't come back without some souvenirs. With that said, we send you off with a smile." Hijikata rubs his temples and sighs, "If you're sending us off with a smile then why do some of you look like you're about to cry." Gintoki sneers, "I'm sad because you won't leave already." Shinpachi rubs beneath his eyes, "I'm not crying, this is sweat." Kagura uninterestingly picks her nose and turns her head away, her voice wavers a little, "I don't really care." Otae slightly smiles, "These are tears of happiness." Kisa looks at the ground, "I don't cry. My eyes just broke and ended up leaking weird fluids." Sougo rolls his eyes and resists the urge to grab her, "Look up and send us off with a smile, midget." Kisa looks up and smiles. The Shinsengumi officers board the ship and waves to the five who were sending them off. The ship lifts into the air and starts to fly off. Kisa's lip begins to quiver and tears stream down her face. "Kisa-San aren't you supposed be smiling?" "I am smiling!" Gintoki places a hand on her head, "We'll see those idiots again.. So don't worry about it." Kisa nods her head and let's more tears fall.
Sougo runs a hand through his hair and sighs. "Sougo, you did the right thing. If she had any connection to you, they would go after her and probably do something horrible." Sougo nods his head, "Yeah but she showed that kind of face.." Kondo smiles and pats their backs, "Don't worry! We'll be back to our loved ones in no time! Isn't that right, Zaki!" Yamazaki nods his head, "That's right, Chief!"
🔹What we thought was going to be at least a week trip turned into something more...... Soon it became two weeks, then three weeks and next thing we knew, it had been a month since we've seen or heard from the Shinsengumi....🔹

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