Something Snaps Pt. 2

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"Mmm, where am I? Sougo is that you?" "Do I look like that damn Sadist to you?" Kisa stares at the person in front of her and is speechless. "Wh-what the hell are you?" "Rude! I'm you, stupid! Or can you not figure that out by yourself?" "Why am I dreaming about this? And why are you covered in blood!" An evil grin spreads across her face, "Oh you know, I was just spilling some blood before you came. I'm your bloodlust!" Kisa stares at her in disbelief, "Why are you in a school uniform?" "Is that all you care about? You don't care about who I killed and why I killed them?" "Well you're in my head so I don't have to worry about anyone real dying. And I could care less why you did it. If you crave blood so much it's probably because you just wanted to watch people bleed." "Boo hoo, you're no fun." "No but in all seriousness, why a school uniform?" "I like it! It makes me feel good about myself!" "How does it even do that? Actually I need a name for you.. Calling you Kisa wouldn't feel right since I'm also Kisa... How does Crazy sound?" "I'll kill you and take over your body.." "Okay so maybe not Crazy... How does Mamiya sound?" "Fine, I'll take the name you don't want." Mamiya puts the bat against her shoulder and laughs, "Kukukuku! Hey hey Kisa, wanna know something?" "What?" "You could've killed Reiji and finished him off months ago. But you always stop me! It's no fair, I wanna play too." "All you want to do is kill, I don't want to do that." "Yes you do, you just won't admit it! Why won't you accept me? Everything would be so much better if you weren't trying suppress a part of you." "You're not a part of me! You're a whole other person! A split personality!" "No I'm not. I am your real personality and one way or another I will get you to realize that! This facade of yours is what is the split personality. Never crying or complaining, always apologizing for others mistakes. That is a fake and not part of you." Kisa scoffs, "This is hella real! Are you even real!" Mamiya drops the bat and covers Kisa's eyes, "Just imagine, Kisa.... Don't you think Bakakita would like a girlfriend who is on par with him? He enjoys fighting and sometimes killing and if you finally accept me, we'll also enjoy fighting and sometimes killing." "No, no thank you. Sougo enjoys me for who I am." Mamiya sighs, "Fiinnneee! But you'll understand why you need me soon enough."
Kisa opens her eyes and groans a little, "Ugh, that was an awful dream. Mamiya is something else... Maybe I could get rid of her..." 🔹~I wouldn't do that if I were you.~ Stop talking to me!🔹 Kisa gets out of bed and looks at her hands. "If I were to kill like everyone else does, would that make me bad? Ah who knows!"
--------------Few Days Later------------
"Vixa is this all we need? I feel like we're missing something." "We have the eggs and the vegetables... I think we forgot the soy sauce!" Kisa chuckles a little, "It's okay, I think we can use something else." "Yeah I guess you're right." Kisa and Vixa laugh as they walk  back to the house, when suddenly someone flies right past them. "What was that! An orange ball flew right past us!" "That's not a ball, that's Kagura." Kagura stands up and rubs her back, "Kisa! What's going on?" "Just shopping, hoping I can finish this job soon. I'm guessing you're fighting with someone?" Kagura laughs, "You guessed right! Bet you can't guess who though!" "Well by the way you were thrown, I have three guesses. One it could probably be Gintoki, Two it would be Kamui, and three would be Sougo. But I doubt Kamui will show his face right now and Gintoki needs a good reason to hit you. So number three it is." "Ding ding ding, we have a winner! To be honest the Sadist started it-aru. Want me to get him for you?" Kisa gently shakes her head, "No it's fine." "Are you sure? You haven't seen each other for four days, that's why he's acting like a spoiled little brat!" "Is he really acting like a brat? Don't worry, he'll stop being a brat later." Kagura clicks her tongue and turns away, "He's getting annoying! Do something about him already!" Kisa sighs, "Fine.. Vixa hold this bag for a second!" Kisa hands the bag to Vixa and walks toward the direction Sougo is. When she gets to him, she finds him leaning against the telephone pole. She nonchalantly walks up to him and flicks his forehead, "Are you going to act like a spoiled brat forever?" "Who said I was acting like a spoiled brat?" "Kagura.." "Well China was wrong." "Oh is that so? Then shall I take my leave?" Kisa turns around and starts slowly walking away. Sougo grabs onto her arm and pulls her back. "I'm not being spoiled... But it would be appreciated if you would stay right here with me." "I see, you aren't spoiled, you're just being needy." Sougo nuzzles his face into her hair, "Yeah I'm being needy. So indulge me, please." Kisa giggles and places a hand over his hand. "Sure I'll indulge you." Kisa and Sougo stand there for a few minutes, when finally he lets her go. "Feel better now?" "Much better. How about you give me something before you disappear for another four days?" Kisa takes a quick look around before facing Sougo. She tiptoes and gives him a quick kiss. "There are you happy?" "I was going to say money, but that was much better." "God, you're greedy." Sougo pushes her forward, "Alright now go away. I have a fight to finish." Kagura walks up to them and cracks her knuckles, Vixa just right behind her. Kisa walks over to her and takes the bags, "Alright let's go!" "Sure, let's take the shortcut." "The abandoned trail? Sure, why not."

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