Marriage Is Something Done Between Lovers Pt 2

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"I can't believe I'm stuck with you!" "I'm not too ecstatic with our situation either, Kisa." Hearing her name escape his mouth makes her blush. She quickly avoids his gaze and starts going through her suitcase. "I call the bed." Kisa looks at him disbelief, "I think the girl should get the bed!" "Well if you find a girl then she can have the bed." "I'm a girl!" "Sure you are."  Sougo pats her head and walks into the bedroom, closing the door behind him. Kisa touches the spot that Sougo's touched and blushes.🔹Awww I was hoping that I would finally get to sleep on a bed... Guess it'll be the couch for the rest of my life.. Oh well! I won't let it get to me or else Sougo wins! How am I supposed to stay here with the guy I like?🔹 Kisa sits on the couch and sighs, "It's pretty empty in here... But at least we get to stay in here for free.." Sougo comes out of the bedroom but instead of being in his uniform, he was in his casual clothes. "I'll be back." "Where are you going?" "None of your business." Sougo leaves the apartment. Kisa begins to feel lonely, "Man, I'm so used to a hectic household... I could never think about living alone..." Suddenly there's a knock at the door. "Coming!" Kisa answers the door with alacrity. Outside were some neighbors. "Welcome to the apartments! We came to greet you and your husband!" Kisa's stomach does a little flip when she hears the word husband. "I'm sorry my husband just stepped out. But please come in!" The three women walk in and take a seat on the couch. "I'm sorry our house is kinda empty! Let me get you ladies some tea." "That sounds amazing because we brought some goodies that go well with tea." Kisa smiles and goes into the kitchen. She quickly makes some tea and brings out to them. "Well I believe introductions are in order! I'll start. Hello my name is Ayumi! I'm right next door if you ever need anything." "Hello my name Naoki! I'm the neighbor to your left! If you ever need the daily gossip just come to me!" "Hi my name is Hana! I'm right next to Ayumi! If you ever need any cooking tips just come to me!" "Thank you all. I really appreciate it! Um are you all perhaps married?" All three women laugh and nod their heads. Ayumi lifts up her hand to show of her ring, "I've been married for 5 months! We still act as if we are still in the honeymoon stage." Naoki laughs, "Oh Ayumi! Haha I've been married for 3 months. It's very fun to be married to your best friend!" Hana takes a sip of her tea and then says, "I've been married for 3 months as well. And let me tell you something, the best way to keep your man satisfied is to keep his stomach satisfied!" They all start laughing, Kisa desperately tried to keep up with their conversation. "Well it's your turn to introduce yourself! And don't forget to say how long you've been married for." "My name is Kisa and I've been married for 4 weeks." Ayumi gasps, "You're still so fresh to the game! Tell us what your honeymoon was like!" All girls eagerly lean in. "Well we went to a hot springs for a whole week..." Naoki smiles, "So I guess you have to say that, you had one hot and steamy honeymoon!" Kisa's face flares up the moment she realized what Naoki meant. "Oh Naoki! You're such a bad girl!" Hana giggles, "Aww she's still so shy about it! I bet your husband is a looker!" "Um yeah... I can gladly say my husband is very attractive." All three girls giggle again. "Um is it true that newlywed women are being attacked here?" "Yes it is very true! If only you moved in after that person was caught! Now you must be very careful at night! But with looks like yours, I bet you always have to be careful." "You're right Ayumi! Kisa is very pretty, I bet she has men just begging for her attention." Hana joins in with the flattering, "Her tea is amazing! I bet you would make a wonderful hostess!" "Oh no, please you all flatter me too much!" Just then the front door opens and Sougo walks in. All three girls stare at him in awe as he walks into the kitchen. "Kisa! Your man is drop dead gorgeous!" "Where the hell did you snag him from!" "I bet that story is romantic!" "Not really..." "Come on! Tell us!" "Mmm fine! We met at a diner!" "That's not romantic at all! Get into the details!" 🔹Should I tell them that he stepped on me and called me a bug? No, I'll have to make a story up.🔹 "Well I was walking to a table and I ended up tripping, I thought I was gonna hit the ground! But then some strong arms caught me. I looked up and there he was, with his stupid sadistic smile and his 'I told you' look in his eyes... His attitude was god awful and he was such a butthole!" "And then you fell in love with him later on?" "Hahaha it was love at first site for me! I guess it sounds like I have a bad taste in men.." "No not at all! It sounds like you have a wonderful love life!" Sougo comes out of the kitchen with two cans in his hands. He places one against Kisa's cheek, the chilled drink sends shivers throughout her body. "Sorry ladies but I would like to have my wife to myself if you don't mind." "No we don't mind at all!" "Please excuse us!" "Don't be to rough on her!" All three girls immediately leave. Kisa takes the can that is on her face and opens it. She takes a sip and cringes, "Bleh, the alcohol is so bitter!" "The one who drank ten bottles of alcohol by herself is complaining about this little can of alcohol." "Well I was already drunk after six cups so the flavor didn't matter by then." "You're weird.." "I know I am." "Ah wait right here." "Okayyyy...." Sougo goes to the bedroom and comes back out with a box. He tosses it onto Kisa's lap, "Here for you." "What is it?" "Just open it and find out." Kisa hesitantly opens the box and to her surprise she finds a white kimono with a light pink flower design. "Ah! It's so pretty!" When she pulls it out of the box, a frown spreads across her face. "What you don't like it?" "Well I usually wear a short kimono, so it's kinda weird." A smirk spreads across his face, "But you see, Kisa, for now you are my wife. Which means I own you and I get to control your entire life. So get changed, my wife should always look decent." "I do look decent though..." Sougo takes her chin and smiles, "Should I make a penalty game for every time you don't obey me." Her face turns a deep red as she quickly jumps back from his touch and rushes to the bathroom to change. When she comes out she feels flustered. "T-there I changed... A-a-are you h-h-happy now?" "Not quite." Sougo walks over to her and takes her hair out of the bun. It gracefully falls to her shoulders. "Wait what are you doing?" "As much as I enjoy seeing you wear this ribbon, it just doesn't go with the outfit. So I bought you a new one." Sougo takes her hair and ties it up with a white ribbon. "Oh and this time don't use it to dress a wound." Kisa looks down, her heartbeat picks up and her face turns a deeper shade of red. "Now be a good little wife and start making us dinner." "Oh I'll make dinner for you.... Egg on rice!" Sougo pins her to the wall and smiles, "No I think we should have something else.." "Okay! I'll make something else! Just please move." His smile becomes wider, "Why? Are you nervous?" "Nervous?! N-n-no it's just weird!! Please move..." "Weren't you the one who said she liked me?" "That was the alcohol talking!" "A drunk mans words are the truth." "Well good thing I'm a woman!" He lays his head in the crook of her neck, "So are you going to be a good girl and make dinner? Or will I have to punish you?" "None of the above." "So punishment time?" "No thank you." Kisa could feel Sougo moving his head, his mouth hovered right above her skin. Her mind becomes a muddled mess as does her heart. He places his lips down onto her neck and starts parting his lips slowly. "Will you make dinner? Or do I have to continue?" "Mmmm... I still refuse to make dinner." "Suit yourself.." Sougo opens his mouth slightly and gently bites her. "Gyah! Sougo, what the hell!?" He does it again, this time a bit more rougher. "Haah! S-S-Sougo, please stop it." "You're saying stop but that moan was saying go." Kisa squeezes her eyes shut and bites her lip, "Fine I'll make dinner!" She feels him smirk against her neck. "Good girl." He releases her from his hold and she rushes into the kitchen. "I can't believe I'm making him dinner! Stupid stupid stupid! He's probably got a lot of little masochist who are just waiting for him to push them around... So why the hell am I being bossed around?" Kisa stares at the meal she made, "I haven't made Sukiyaki in forever... I wonder if it taste good.... Why am I worrying about that?! Now I actually do sound like a wife!" Kisa brings the food out to the table. She sets it down and sarcastically smiles, "There you go, Sweetheart!" Sougo looks down at it and then looks back at Kisa, "What is that?" "It's Sukiyaki... Do you not like it?" "Not the food." Sougo then takes his chopsticks and takes a big piece of meat from his plate. He quickly puts it in his mouth. "Sougo? What were you talking about?" He points at her and then swallows the meat, "What are you wearing?" "It's an apron.... Is there something wrong with it?" He puts down his chopsticks and stands up. "I'm going out." "Why?! You barely touched your food." "I'll eat something while I'm out." "Then what was the point of me making it! You literally molested me just to get me to cook!" Sougo pats her head and leaves. "What the hell was that about?!" Kisa cleans up the food and then puts her pajamas on. She grabs a blanket and pillow and settles herself on the couch. 🔹I don't know what crawled up his ass but whatever! I'm never making him a meal again!🔹

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