The Difference Between A Goodbye And A See You Later Is.... Pt. 3

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All three girls fall onto the floor, desperate for pure air. Otae sits up and wraps her arms around Kisa and Kagura, "I-I-I thought I almost lost you two..." They both start chuckling, "Anego, it'll take a lot more than a burning building to take me down-aru." "If a few bullets to the stomach didn't kill me then some fire isn't going to do any damage. Plus you're hurt way more than we are..." Kisa points to Otae's foot where the sock had burned away leaving only a huge bruise, some blood, and a burn. "Oh I'll be fine... Besides you have a cut on your face and Kagura has some burns on her hands.." Kagura looks at her hands and sighs, "It's fine, I can still fight-aru!" Kisa smiles, "See we'll be fine! We need you to be safe though or else Kondo and Shinpachi will be sad." Otae softly smiles, "You're right." In the background they hear sirens coming their way. Kisa lays back on the floor and chuckles, "I'm going to find this bastard and when I do he's going to suffer." Kagura does the same, "I'm in-aru!" Otae grabs their hands and gently squeezes them, "Please come back safely." Car doors slam behind them. "OTAE-CHAN!" A smile spreads across Otae's face. Kisa and Kagura stand up and help Otae up. They walk her over to Kondo. Kondo kneels down and gently grabs her foot, "What happened?" Kisa points to the building behind them, "That happened... Some asshole planted a bomb and well this happened." Hijikata lights his cigarette and deeply inhales, "Do you know who did it?" They shake their heads, that's when Kisa pulls something out of her kimono, "This should help though... He used this to record people and himself.. But the one he used to record himself was the bomb. Oh and Hijikata, you and Sougo have interesting conversations." He takes the bug and growls, "We've been bugged this entire time!" Kondo stands up, "Otae-Chan let's take you to Kyubei's place... You'll be safer there." "What about Kisa and Kagura?" "Don't worry we'll take care of them." Kondo walks her to his car and puts her in the car. Sougo comes out of the car and walks over to Kisa. He puts his hand on her cheek, "Are you okay?" She nods her head, "Yeah just a little startled. Whoever did this really doesn't like us or you guys.." "It's okay, no one like us anyways. We can live with it, but you.... I can't stand it if people hate you." Kisa giggles, "Don't worry! People naturally end up hating me!" "I think it's the opposite, really. For some reason, everyone comes to love you and it's bothersome because you belong to me only." "That's right I belong to solely you, Sou-go." Sougo wraps his arms around her. Kagura gags, "That's gross. Stop flirting already-aru!" Sougo looks at Kagura and sticks his tongue out, "China, I'm about to do adult things to Kisa. Get lost." Kisa lets go of Sougo and Kagura kicks him. Hijikata chuckles, "At least we can be a bit relaxed..."
Gintoki crosses his arms, "We were tricked! He wanted us to leave those three alone." Shinpachi bows his head multiple times, "Kisa-San, Kagura-Chan, we're so sorry! Even Ane-ue got hurt!" Kagura looks at her bandaged hands and shrugs her shoulders, "This is no ones fault but the bastard who planted the bomb-aru." Hijikata crosses his arms, "So who could it be? If Katsura's men were threatened and even Takasugi was bugged does that mean we are dealing with a whole new enemy." Sougo clicks his tongue, "How long will it take to track him?" "Give him time, Souchiro. We'll find that bastard soon enough." Kisa stands up and stretches, "Well while we wait, I'm going outside." Shinpachi stands up, "Wait for me, Kisa-San! I'm going to join you." "Alrighty." Shinpachi and opens the door and finds a box, "Uhhh Gin-San, there's something out here..." Kondo grabs the box and brings it inside. He shakes it and nods his head, "It doesn't sound dangerous. Let's open it." He opens the box and pulls out a recorder. He presses the play button. "Did you like my riddle from earlier? Kisa got it, right? That's why those three didn't die. It's kinda annoying, you weren't allowed to figure it out. You're an annoying girl, I swear! But I can't get rid of you, the little Captain would get angry and hunt me down." Sougo grips his sword and stares at the recorder, "Damn right I will." Kisa sighs and grabs his hand, "Please don't get crazy." "Well besides all that jazz, how would you all like a clue to who I am? Haha no that's not going to happen!" Kisa crosses her arms, "It's a guy in his early twenties. He still has that cracky voice." Sougo looks at Kisa, "I'm in my early twenties and I don't even sound like that." Kisa shrugs her shoulders, "It happened to some people. You're just too mature." Sougo chuckles, "Mature in what kind of factors?" Kisa punches his arm, "God, you're such a pervert." Hijikata groans, "Stop flirting already." Kisa and Sougo look at each other and smirk. "Yeah so you all will never find out who I am! Because I'm an enigma!" "ChouChou! Come help mom clean the bathroom!" "Ah! I must leave! Until we meet again!" Hijikata and Gintoki looks at each other and grimaces. "We got his name." "ChouChou? What kind of name is that?"
*Knock* *Knock* "Hello? Oh good afternoon, Officers. What can I get for you?" "Ma'am we are looking for your son ChouChou." The lady tilts her head, "ChouChou isn't here. He's gone on a long trip." "WHAT!!!" Kondo, Hijikata, and Sougo run down the street. They see a car, "You can't catch me, officers! I'll be gone but don't worry! There'll be danger for all of you and those around you! That is if you can catch me!" Hijikata starts running faster, "You bastard stop and come be arrested!"

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