Not Everyone Kneeling Down Is Sick!

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🔹Damn what's with the Shinsengumi today? They're literally everywhere, maybe Katsura is out somewhere..🔹 Kisa walks past two Shinsengumi officers who are whispering to each other. She "accidentally" overhears their conversation. "We have to find the Shogun quickly. Who knows what can happen to him?" "Who would've thought he would've snuck out." A grin spreads across Kisa's face. 🔹Haha, Sho-San is amazing! I wonder what he's doing right now?🔹Kisa holds in her laughter while she heads towards a vending machine. "Let's see, what do I want today? Perhaps a candy bar will suffice." While Kisa is typing in the number someone bumps into her and makes her mess up the number. Which makes a whole other item come out. She takes out the nutrient bar and growls. She crushes it in her hands and throws it at the person who bumped into her, "You bastard! How dare you mess me up! You owe me a dollar!" The man turns around and Kisa loses all color from her face. She threw the bar at a Shinsengumi officer. "Did you just throw this at me." "Ehhhh... Ahhh uhhh, you know what it slipped out of my hands when I was celebrating about getting it." The man pulls out a dollar and gives it to her, "I apologize for bumping into you! I'm in a great hurry so I must go now." He runs off leaving Kisa speechless, "Uhhhhh thank you?" 🔹This Shogun thing is making everyone crazy! I'm pretty sure Katsura is going to get away with so much today... I have a feeling today is going to be a fun day!🔹 Kisa gets her chocolate bar and starts walking around. That's when she spots someone kneeling down. "Oh snap he doesn't look so good! I should help him out." Kisa walks over to him and touches his shoulder, "Hey buddy are you okay? You don't look so well..." The man looks up and Kisa yelps in surprise, "Sho-San! What the hell are you doi---!" The Shogun quickly stands up and covers Kisa's mouth, "Mmph!! Mmmph!" "Kisa please remain quiet, I am undercover right now." "MPHH!" He removes his hand and bows his head, "I apologize!" "That's not even the problem! You aren't disguised at all, I immediately recognized you." "You have been the only one to recognize me. You must have a very keen eye." "No you're just wearing the worst disguise ever... It's literally the same disguise you wore when we went to the maze." The Shogun laughs, "I guess it is." Kisa takes him by the hand, "Come on, let's take you back to the palace." "No!" "Heh? What do you mean by no!" "I want to have a little fun today! Please join me!" The Shogun smiles a bright smile which makes Kisa's heart melt. "F-fine! But only for a little while, okay?" "Thank you very much!"
--------------One Hour Later------------
"So we went to the movies and we've done some shopping. What do you want to do next?" "How about we do something you like to do?" Kisa makes a perplexed face, "My day usually consists of getting involved with things I don't want to be involved in." "Like what?" "Well let's see, I was kidnapped by Space Pirates, I met a psycho who is related to my friend, and I was dragged around by a radical wanted terrorist. There's probably more but I don't recall them. But hey, I'm still alive so it's okay! What about you Sho-San? Have you ever been through anything strange?" "Well I did go snowboarding with everyone and ended up as a snowboard. But I was told that was normal for snowboarding." "Ehh! Who told you that!? 'Cuz they lied to you big time!" "Well lie or no lie, I still had fun." "That's a good thing then.... Oh I have an idea! Let's go eat, I know a perfect place!" "That sounds wonderful! Please lead the way."

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