Something Snaps

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🔹You know how people say killing someone is really hard even if you were determined to get rid of that someone? I can say one thing for sure, it isn't hard... Well I mean if you have the right reason, of course.. And that's what has happened to me... It started out like any other day.......🔹 "You see I feel like someone is following me around and its starting to get worse, that's why I need someone to accompany for awhile until that feeling goes away." Gintoki looks at Kisa and then back to the woman, "This one will do it, but she's pricey." Kisa looks at Gintoki and shakes her fist at him. "Oh that's no problem! How does five hundred dollars, only because this could be dangerous." "How does that sound, Kisa?" "I would've done it for less but yeah that's totally fine." The woman sticks out her hand, "The name is Vixa." Kisa takes her hand and shakes it firmly, "Kisa, nice to meet you." "Alright! Introductions are out of the way, now scram."
The two girls walk side by side making their way to who knows who. Kisa looks around with much determination. "Kisa why did you take the job? I did say it might be dangerous." "Well I would have to say the most cliche thing ever, dangerous is my middle name. Trust me, I have a thing for walking into dangerous situations. Actually why would it be dangerous? Is it a crazy stalker or something?" "My husband is the leader of a small Joui Faction. I have a feeling that it might be one of his enemies." "The Shinsengumi?" "No another Joui Rebel." "What the hell? Aren't they fighting for the same cause?" "Some of us are more radical than the others." The first person that pops into Kisa's head is Takasugi. She shivers and sighs, "I see... It must be hard then.." 🔹Speaking of Joui Rebels, I haven't seen Katsura around in awhile... I wonder what he's doing right now.🔹 "Oh no it's not hard at all! I honestly don't mind at all. I really do love my husband." "Is that so? How did you find out about his occupation?" "He told me about and I accepted him. I also help him sometimes." 🔹~Kukuku... Look she accepts him even if he goes around killing people.~ Who the hell? Who the hell is in my head? ~I'm you, but another you.~ Me but another me? What is that supposed to mean?! ~I'm a part of you that you refuse to accept... Why won't you accept me?~ What am I not accepting? ~Your bloodlust....~🔹 Kisa profusely shakes her head. Vixa stares at Kisa in confusion, "Is there something wrong?" "N-nope! Nothing at all! Um actually, where are we going?" "I thought we could walk around, I was kinda hoping you would be able to feel the eyes following us." "Ah now that you mention it... I kinda do feel like we're being watched." 🔹~You should find the person and kill them! Then there is no one following you and you're finished with the job!~ Ughhh! Stop It! Why are you even in my head?! ~I am a part of you, idiot! You need me!~ I don't really need you... I don't believe I need to kill anyone. ~Trust me, you'll need me and if you don't accept it now, you'll find out the hard way.~ What is that supposed to mean....... Oi, you gonna ignore me now! Ah hell nah!🔹Vixa takes Kisa's hand and pulls her along, "You aren't scared, are you?" Kisa laughs, "Ha! Me scared? Don't be ridiculous. I've faced scarier people than one small little rebel." Vixa chuckles, "You make it seem like you've faced the Shogun, himself." "Hahaha, you'd be surprised..." "Lay it on me." "Ever heard of a man named Takasugi Shinsuke?" "Yes he is the leader of Kiheitai. What's he got do with anything?" "That man is adorable and probably a sociopath. His comrades are crazy too! Especially Kawakami! That bastard out-sadist Sougo! I never thought that would ever be possible! And don't get me started on the girl Kijima! Ugh talk about rude!" Vixa laughs even more, "Hahahaha!!! That's so amazing! You are truly a wonderful person." "Well Tokugawa ShigeShige also thinks that." "You've met the Shogun?! How in the world are you able to do that?!" Kisa recalls the times she spent with the Shogun and sighs, "You wouldn't understand how much it tires you out... It's as bad as being near the Shinsengumi! I always get in trouble even though I didn't do anything." "You even have it good with the Tax Thiefs?! Honestly you are an amazing person! Tell me your secrets!" Kisa sighs again, "There are no secrets... I met the First Division Captain and Vice Chief at a diner... The First Division Captain was an ass! The Vice Chief was demon like! It's ridiculous and don't get me started on the Gorilla." Vixa smiles, "It's already five in the afternoon, I bet you're hungry. Let's go back to my home and I'll cook us a good meal! Oh you'll get to meet my husband as well!" Kisa smiles as they walk back to Vixa's house. As they enter, it surprises Kisa on how nice and homely the house was. "It's so nice in here... You must have a happy life." "Yes for a couple who got married five months ago, we have a pretty nice home." "Five months ago?! Wow that's amazing!" "Oh yes, he was arrested in May but released a week later. That's when he decided it was his calling to be a Joui Rebel." "He was arrested? For what!" "Hmm I don't recall, but he got out because he wasn't a threat to them.. Which is silly, everyone is a threat in some way." They both go into the kitchen. "Oh no Kisa, you don't have to help me with dinner! Please take a seat in the living room. I'll bring some tea out momentarily." "Oh okay." Kisa goes to the living room and takes a seat on the couch. 🔹I have this strange feeling something bad is going to happen.... ~Nothing a little stabby stab can't solve. Let's find the guy who was following you two and get rid of him!~ Is everything you suggest murder? Can't you suggest a more peaceful approach? ~Like what?~ Like I don't know! Kicking him to the ground like I did to that attacker! ~Bleh! Booorrring! You could've ended his life when you hit him with the kunai.~ Seriously anything other than murder! Why am I even talking to you?! You're a voice inside my head, that's all! ~I'm you dummy! We are the same person! I'm not just some voice inside your head!~ Bleh! I'm done talking to you.🔹 Once Kisa finishes talking to herself, Vixa walks in with some tea.  "Here you go. I hope you like barely tea." "I do, thank you very much." Vixa leaves the room again. Kisa slowly sips her tea as the front door opens. "Dear, I'm home!" 🔹That's a familiar voice.... Why is it so familiar... Hmmmm....🔹 "Heh? What the?!" Kisa looks at him and drops her cup, "Oh dear god." Vixa rushes into the living room with enthusiasm, "Reiji-Kun! Welcome Home!!" Kisa stares in horror as she watches Vixa kiss her husband, who is also twice as shocked. "Vixa, what is she doing here?" "Oh I hired Kisa for a job! I'm sorry I did it without telling you." "That's fine! It's just a surprise to see her." "You know her?" Kisa chuckles, "Know me? I'm practically the reason he got a arrested and the reason why he has a scar on his ass." Vixa looks at Kisa in surprise, "You're the reason he has a flower shaped scar on his butt?" "To be perfectly honest, he started it. He threw the kunai at me first!" Vixa giggles, "Well you two have to get along until the job is over! Now if you'll excuse me, I have to finish preparing dinner." Vixa leaves the living room once again. "So shouldn't you be with your husband?" "Husband? Ooh you mean Sougo! Nah, he's my boyfriend not my husband. We actually became a couple the day after busting you." "Ah, so a lie to bring my gaurd down. Not bad, not bad at all. You must've hurt his pride that day, huh?" "What do you mean?" "He's a cop, right? And you went in and stole his arrest." "Hey that's not my problem! They had a chance to apprehend you, but nooooo! So Odd Jobs was hired." Reiji laughs, "You're in a relationship with him yet you criticize his job? What a mean girlfriend." "I try... We have a pretty good relationship though and I promise I'm not cheating. Speaking of cheating, I thought you didn't like newlywed women?" "Shaddup! She's my newlywed wife. But I guess we wouldn't be considered newlywed anymore, would we?" "Hmm five months.... You could probably still pull it off." Vixa comes out and claps her hands, "Dinner is ready! Please come to the table!" They all sit at the table and enjoy a great dinner. "So is she leaving soon?" "Ah no! She might stay with us for a few days." "A few days?! What kind of job did you hire her for?" "Personal Girl Reasons!" "Fine, good thing there is a spare bedroom." Vixa smiles and looks over at Kisa. Kisa smiles back. Later on she is led to the spare room, where she immediately plops down onto the bed. She slowly drifts off to sleep.

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