The Presents

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"So you knitted the scarf for him? That's impressive, Kisa." She nods her head, "Impressive, huh? Don't worry Hijikata, I got you a gift too. Well pretty much all of you." Sougo clicks his tongue, "I don't understand why they all need gifts." Kisa grabs Sougo's hand and giggles, "Don't be jealous. Yours is made with a lot of love!" Sougo smiles, "Just wait here. I have something for you." Sougo leaves the room and comes back with a present. "Here it's not much..." Kisa happily takes it and unwraps it. Her hands immediately stop once the cover is revealed. "Kisa what's wrong?" "Is this a photo album...." "Yeah what's wrong with it." "The front cover is awesome... It's of me and Odd Jobs.." Sougo chuckles, "You haven't looked inside of it yet." Kisa flips through it, every page makes her happy. When she gets to the last page tears fill her eyes, "Sougo.... It's so wonderful!" Kisa hugs him and he pats her head. Kondo and Hijikata chuckle as they sip their tea.
------------------Later On-----------------
"Gin-Chan this gift is awesome!!" "Well naturally!" Kisa shakes her head, "You got her like thirty boxes of pickled seaweed." "And you got her more head thingys." "It doesn't matter! I love all the gifts I got! Shinpachi gave me new shoes which is awesome-aru!" "Gintoki why do I feel like Shinpachi outdid us." "He kinda did... Even with our gifts." "If anything, they needed to get you a straightener for that wavy hair of yours." "He should of bought you a medicine that would help you grow. Instead he got you a new hair pin." "I like the hair pin." "And I like the boot shiner he got me!" They all start laughing. "Merry Christmas Kagura, Gintoki.." Gintoki pats both of their heads and smiles, "Merry Christmas, you two!"

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