I Love You More Than Anyone Pt. 4

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"So Kisa what are you doing here?" "I was also out for a morning stroll! They just feel so good and I can't get enough of them!" "Is that so?" Kisa smiles and nods her head. Tamotsu tilts his head and slowly reaches out to touch her hair, "You know, Kisa, I---" Before he can finish his sentence he is interrupted by someone. "Kisa! How nice to see you here!" Tamotsu pulls back his hand as Kisa looks at the person, "Gori---- Kondo! What are you doing here?" Kondo walks over to them and chuckles, "I thought I would do Sougo a favor and patrol the park for him." "Does that mean you're going to sleep on a bench?" Kondo laughs a little more, "Sougo is a good sport! He's probably only taking a small break." "Kondo, you honestly are a kind and trusting soul.." Kondo pats Kisa's head, making her lose her balance, "Kondo! If you keep patting my head like that, I'll stay short forever!!" "Haha! Kisa, you're 19. I think you've finished growing." She puffs her cheeks and glares at him, "Geez Kondo, you could've found a way to be less blunt!" "Oh sorry!" Tamotsu stares at the two and grows irritated. 🕯How dare he touch her so casually... She belongs to me... And if I have to kill everyone to keep her then I will!🕯 "Well I better be going. Those guys are waiting for me." "Tell Hijikata, I said hi!" "Can do! Have a nice day, Kisa!" "You too! And don't work too hard, okay?" "No promises!" Kondo walks away. "You know a lot of people, huh?" "Well you could say that...." "Lots of men... They just casually touch you.." "Wait what?" "Haha nothing! Don't worry about it, just talking to myself!" 🔹Why does he have such a dangerous aura?? It's kinda scary....🔹Kisa looks at him one more time before her phone starts ringing. *ring* *ring* Kisa flips her phone open and grins, "Yay! We got a job!" "A job?" "Oh yeah, where I work we take random jobs. So I just got a text we have a client. Sorry we have to part so soon but I gotta head back!" "That's fine! Maybe we'll see each other soon!" "Yeah maybe we will.... See you later." "See you later!" Kisa runs off leaving Tamotsu behind. "I will always see you around, Kisa. You've never left my sight. That day when I first saw you was the day I fell in love."
- "Yama-Chan, I can't reach the book...." "Don't worry Kisa, I'll get it for you." "Yay, my hero." Tamotsu angrily stands up and peeks through the shelves, "What is with these people flirting in a library. I'm trying to read." When he spot the people his heartbeat picks up. "Good Lord, she's so beautiful..... I have to make her mine." Tamotsu stares as Kisa and Yamazaki go through the books. "I wonder if that's her boyfriend..." -
Kisa and Shinpachi walk home with groceries in their hands. "Thank you again for coming with me, Kisa-San." "No problem! Tae-Chan is busy working so I'm here to help!" Suddenly Kisa stops moving. "Kisa-San what's wrong?" "Someone is following us... It's giving me the creeps." "Well just ignore it. We'll be at the dojo in no time." Kisa looks around skeptically and sighs. Shinpachi grabs her hand and pulls her forward, "Don't worry, Kisa-San. I promise I'll protect you." Kisa chuckles and starts walking again, "Thanks Shinpachi. You're such an admirable little brother." Shinpachi smiles and walks alongside her, "That's my job! I have to protect what's dear to me."
"Who's this plain Jane? How dare he hold her hand like that! Another person who has to die... So many guys to get rid of..." Tamotsu cracks his knuckles and evilly smiles.
-----------Couple of Days Later----------
"Gintoki.... Why are we doing this again?" "Look this was the job. Now hurry up and screw in that lightbulb! I can't hold all of you up any longer!" "If Gin-San wasn't so cheap, we could have gotten a ladder for this! Gah! Kagura-Chan, stop moving!" "It's not me! Kisa keeps moving around!" Kisa strains her arm a bit as she tries to screw in the lightbulb, "I'm trying to screw in the lightbulb!" "Pachi stop moving your crotch around! It's disgusting!" "I can't help it!! I'm trying to keep my balance!"   "Hahaha!! I got the lightbulb in!!" As Kisa throws her hands up in victory they all fall backwards. Shinpachi falls on Gintoki, Kagura landed on Shinpachi, and Kisa falls on Kagura. "Oomph! All of you get off me! I can't feel my lungs." "You can't feel your lungs?! I can't feel my stomach!" Kisa and Kagura laugh, "Good thing I landed on your lap. Huh, Kagura?" "Haha yeah! Or else we would be complaining like these girls beneath us." Using all his might, Gintoki is able to push all of them off. "Ugh, you all need to go on a diet!" Kagura shakes her head, "No thank you-aru!" Kisa stands up and pats the dirt off her butt.
"Look at her hands.... Look at her beautiful face.... It's all mine.... Her eyes are shining like beautiful diamonds in the night sky." Tamotsu awkwardly chuckles as he stares at Kisa from afar. "My dearest love, we will soon be united and no one will ever get in our way... All of those who get in between us will perish... Together we can roam the universe and live happily together..." Hijikata and Sougo spot Tamotsu. "Oi Sougo, isn't that the guy who's been floating around Kisa?" "Yeah, he's a freaking weirdo... And I know I've seen that face before, I just can't put my finger on it." "I can see what you mean. He does look familiar.. Maybe he was in picture we saw... We can go back to headquarters and find out. He probably got arrested for something." "Like stalking?" "Well seeing him now, that's a possibility. Is he--" "Hijikata if he's stalking her, we're going to have a problem." "Yeah I know we will. Come on let's go before you wreak havoc." "Sure... Hijikata Bastard.." As they walk, Hijikata ends up tripping. He looks down at his shoes and notices his shoelaces were tied together. "DAMMIT SOUGO!" Sougo walks away chuckling.

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