Princess For A Day Pt. 3

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Lord Noa keeps his head down, Kisa thinks about what to say. Before she could say something, Sougo speaks up, "Oi NEET, say something. Or maybe you need your virtual lover to keep you company instead." Hijikata eyes Sougo, "Now now Sougo, let the man speak at his own time." "But Hijikata-San, we've been sitting in total silence for a whole 15 minutes." "I'm aware of this, Shinpachi. He just needs time." Kisa starts to feel bad for him and reaches for his hand. He immediately pulls away from her. 🔹Ah hell no! I'm trying to show you pity, you pitiful creature!!🔹 Kisa smiles and tilts her head, "You shouldn't be so nervous, Lord Noa. I don't bite at all..." Shinpachi leans over to Kisa, "Kisa-San it's bad to lie." Kisa pinches Shinpachi's thigh making him jump up and makes his legs hit the table. "Oi Shinpachi, settle down! Before I send you and Sougo out into the hallway." "I'm so sorry, Hijikata-San and Lord Noa!" Shinpachi sits back down and sighs. Kisa sadistically chuckles. Then she settles down, "Lord Noa, what type of animes do you like?" 🚬Good thinking Hime-Sama! You'll definitely get his attention!🚬 He looks up at Kisa and mutters, "BL...." Shinpachi, Hijikata, and Sougo all stare at him in disgust. Kisa smiles widely, "You like BL too! That's great!" Sougo looks at Hijikata. 🔺Hijikata Bastard, stop Hime before she makes the mistake of her life!🔺 🚬Crap! That is something I didn't need to know she liked!! Sougo don't look at me! Make Shinpachi stop her or something!!🚬 Hijikata looks at Shinpachi trying to signal him to do something, "Ah Hime! Isn't that embarrassing to say aloud?" Kisa looks at him and smiles, "No not at all! I'm a proud Fujoshi!" Lord Noa slaps his hands onto the table in excitement, "You too!! I thought that being a Fudanshi would make me hated on the outside world but it seems like we have something in common!" Kisa smiles, "See it isn't that hard to talk, now is it?" Lord Noa shakes his head, "No not at all! I'm glad that you are my omiai partner!" Kisa averts eye contact, "Hehe, thank you." 🔹Ah this is kinda weird when Sougo is sitting right there... Dammit I can't ruin this! I have to pull through!🔹 Sougo looks at her, "Hime are you tired?" "Ah! No not at all!" "It doesn't surprise me if you are. Someone was late and wasted your time." Lord Noa looks down and slumps his back. "Okita-San that wasn't very polite. You should apologize, I bet you even had trouble once while going to a date." "I've never had any trouble." "Liar." "How would you know if I'm lying." "I can't answer you right now." Kisa pours two cups of tea and hands one to Lord Noa, "Here have some tea. It'll make you feel better." "Thank you, Hime-Sama.. You are very kind." "I know I a--" Shinpachi throws a hand over her mouth and nervously chuckles, "Hime! You have a piece of lettuce stuck to your teeth!" Kisa licks his hand and he immediately pulls it away, "Sorry Shinpachi-Kun, you were right!" Hijikata whacks Shinpachi on the head, "Don't do that to Hime-Sama!!" Lord Noa lets out a laugh, "You have some very interesting retainers. But I see only two of them are police officers." "Oh yeah, they are very good at their jobs." "Are there anymore police officers?" Hijikata bows his head, "Don't worry Lord Noa, we are very certain that this place is very secure. No one will come to any harm in here." Lord Noa grins, "That is good." Suddenly a smoke emerges from the floor. "Shinpachi, cover Hime-Sama's mouth before she breathes any of this in!" "Hijikata-San, I can't move!!" "Dammit! Sougo do something!" "Hijikata Bastard, I can't move either!" "Wha? Wait I can't move either! Lord Noa are you okay?!" Hijikata looks over at Lord Noa and gasps, he was wearing a mask that covered his mouth and nose. "You were behind this! Hime-Sama are you okay?!" Kisa starts to get dizzy, "Ugh what was in that tea?? I can't see the world straight...." Kisa face falls onto the table. Lord Noa stands up and picks up Kisa, "It was pleasure doing business with you, Bakufu Dogs. But like usual you've done bad at your job." "J-Joui rebel... Who the hell sent you!" "Katsura will be very happy about this catch." Sougo attempts to walk towards them but falls to the floor. "I wouldn't try moving so much. You'll regain your movement in an hour. I'd like to stay and chat but I can't. So bye bye!" Shinpachi stares at him as he casually walks away. He slowly sticks out his hand, "give her back..I promised to keep her safe.."
----------------An Hour Later-------------
Kisa groggily opens up her eyes, "Where am I? Am I tied up? Ughh I hate being tied up..." Kisa looks around, her eyes desperately try to focus on her surroundings. She hears talking in the background. "We got her, Katsura! Those Bakufu Dogs weren't expecting a thing! They even fell for that ridiculous NEET act." Kisa squeezes her eyes shut, "NEET act? That was an act, I freaking knew it!" "Oh Elizabeth look she's awake." Kisa opens her eyes and immediately gets annoyed. 🔹I was kidnapped by a member of Katsura's faction!!! Sonuva! I swear I'm tearing out his freaking hair!🔹 Katsura studies her face and laughs, "Don't worry, Princess! We won't harm you, we'll just keep you for ransom. Isn't that right, Elizabeth?" [ Are you sure this is the Princess? ] "Of course it's the Princess! Look at her, she's wearing the appropriate clothing and she was at the omiai." Elizabeth shakes his head, [ I don't think it's her. ] "Just look at her! Her entire being screams royalty!" Kisa's right eye twitches with annoyance, "Zura untie me right now!!" "It's not Zura, its Katsura.... Wait a minute, how do you know that name!" "Because I'm not the Princess, stupid!" "It's not stupid, it's Zura!" "Oh sweet lord! It's me! Kisa!!" "Kisa-Dono? Why the hell are you dressed like the Princess?!" "I'm doing someone a favor! Why are you kidnapping people!" "We thought you were the Princess!" "You wear disguises all the time! How can you not tell the difference between a real and a fake!!" Katsura bows his head and unties her, "I'm very sorry, Kisa-Dono. But you make such a convincing princess." "That doesn't make me happy. I'd rather be a queen instead of a princess." "Well either way you make a convincing Royal." "Thank you, anyways you should get going. Gintoki stuck a tracking device on me, they'll be here any minute now." "Ah! You're right! Then until we meet again, Kisa-Dono!" Kisa pets Elizabeth's head, "See you later, Elizabeth." The Joui Rebels exit through the back and that's when the front door is kicked open, "Finally!"

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