Perfect Couples Will Clash Heads Pt. 3

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Gintoki throws the last assassin into the wagon, "Alright we have all of them. Kisa how long do you think you can hold up for?" "You know probably like an hour maybe even two.. I don't know, when I got shot three times, I lost blood pretty fast.. So when I start feeling like crap then I'll tell you." Kagura grabs Kisa's hand and slowly pulls her up, "Sorry if I pulled you up too fast." Kisa grins, "It's fine. Can't be as bad as Hijikata and Kondo holding me down." May looks at Kisa, tears fill her eyes, "I'm sorry.... Because of me, you were hurt twice... Actually three times." "Don't worry about it... You should worry about where you and Shinpachi can go for a date. Now let's get in the wagon and go home."
The four assassins are pushed out of the wagon, landing on their faces. Everyone else gets out afterwards, before Kisa could jump out, Gintoki was standing there with his back towards her, "Get on my back." "Alright but blood is a really hard stain to get out... But I guess you know that already.." Kisa gets on his back, he easily holds her up. "Shinpachi-Kun call the police. Tell them we have a wanted fugitive." Shinpachi nods his head and pulls out his phone. Kisa looks at her hands which rest on his shoulders. Her right hand was stained with dry and fresh blood, "That's so nasty...." "Well you've already been nasty, so it's fine." Kisa throws her hand over Gintoki's eyes, "You're nasty too!" "Gahh!! Stop it!! Don't make me drop your ass!" Suddenly sirens blare through the afternoon sky. Two cars stop in front of them. Gintoki puts Kisa down and wipes his face. Kisa grips her side and sighs, "I'm starting to feel sick." Hijikata takes a puff of his cigarette and exits the car, "So which one of you helped a wanted criminal escape?" Kisa raises her hand, "But in all fairness, May isn't the guilty one. It's that chick right there and if you don't believe me then you can listen to the recordings we took." Kisa goes into her kimono and pulls out a recorder, she tosses it to Hijikata who easily catches it. Kondo steps out of the car, "What's with the rest of these guys?" Gintoki crosses his arms, "Some more assassins for you guys to take care of." Kondo laughs, "Thanks for the help...... KISA, WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU!?!" Kisa chuckles, "Leave it to Kondo to see when I'm hurt. It's nothing at all..." Suddenly a car door is slammed and Kisa is then being grabbed by the shoulders, "THAT IS NOT NOTHING! Kisa, you need to get to a hospital! Your face is pale and you don't look good!" Kisa grabs his hands, "Yama-Chan don't worry.. I've been through worst. Just take care of these idiots that are tied up and we'll be on our merry little way." Yamazaki grips her shoulders a little tighter, "No not later. You go now, I don't care if you've been through worse!" "Yamazaki-San, it's okay. We made sure that Kisa-San wasn't going to bleed out." Yamazaki looks at Shinpachi, who's giving a nod of assurance. He releases her shoulders and sighs, "You honestly are a stubborn girl. Remember you don't want to have any scars." "It's a bit late for that, but I'll keep it in mind." Sougo steps out of the car, he quickly walks up to the two. Pushing Yamazaki out of the way, he wraps his arms around her, "Just to prove me wrong, you went and got hurt. Are fucking crazy?" Kisa wraps her left arm around him, "Only a little...." "Only a little my ass." Sougo kisses the top of her head, "Never ever do that again... Ever.." "I'm sorry, Bakakita." Hijikata finishes putting the four in the back of the police cars, "Oi Sougo, take Kisa to the hospital already. We'll take care of these four. And you four, go disappear from my sight."
"4 stitches.... Dang it, Kisa. I told you already. I want to deliver your children not your death certificate!" Kisa laughs, "Sorry sorry! But to be honest, I did pretty well for someone who was losing blood." The doctor rolls his eyes, "Okita-San please tell her that it is not okay to keep doing this. Especially if she's going to start a family one day." Sougo shrugs his shoulders, "I'm not looking to start a family, so it's fine right?" "Well then when she finds a man to start a family with, she'll want to be healthy right?" "What makes you think she'll leave me?" The doctor looks at Kisa, "Now where was I... Oh yeah, cut it out already! I want to see children! Not your death certificate!" Kisa giggles, "I get it already. So how many children are you looking for?" "Hmmm about three!" Kisa laughs, "Three? That's a bit too much of an energy drainer." Sougo narrows his eyes, "I asked a question. What makes you think she'll leave me?" "Not at all! Children give you energy and life! You'll be booming with life and energy!" "Sougo wears me out enough. Can you imagine how I would deal with kids?" Sougo grabs onto Kisa's hand, "You aren't starting any family without me! Just remember that!" Kisa tilts her head, "But you don't want a family, right?" Sougo tightens his grip, "For now, you are all the family I need." Kisa smiles, "I know, we were just messing with you." The doctor chuckles, "Okita-San when you're ready to become a father, I believe you'll make a great father. But for now just worry about keeping her alive and safe." Sougo clicks his tongue, "I don't need you to tell me that. Let's go, Kisa." "Alright Sougo." "Have a nice day you two!" Kisa waves goodbye and follows behind Sougo.
"Sougo... Sougo... Sougo... Sougo... Sougo!" He turns around and looks at her, "What?" "I love you!" Sougo sighs and pets her head, "Yeah, I love you too."

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