A Woman's Feelings Are As Clear As Day Pt. 2

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------------Many Bottles Later----------
Kisa stumbles around the dark park, looking for a place to sit. "Oh I wonder where all the benches went! I kinda feel like singing some Kelly Clarkson.... Yeah!" Kisa stands still for a minute thinking of a song, when she finally thinks of one, she readies herself. "You know the bed feels warmer, sleeping here alone! You know I dream in colors and do the things I want! Think you got the best of me! Think you had the last laugh! Bet you think that everything good is gone! Think you left me broken down! Think that I'd come running back! Baby you don't know me, cause you're dead wrong! What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Stand a little taller! Doesn't mean I'm lonely when I'm alone! What doesn't kill you makes a fighter! Footsteps even lighter! Doesn't mean I'm over cause you're gone!" Kisa starts laughing at herself, "Man I should be a professional singer!" Kisa continues her walk but ends up tripping. As she hits the ground something falls out of her kimono. "Oh no, I dropped something..." Still laying on the ground, Kisa reaches for the item she dropped. Her hand feels a cool metal chain, her heart begins to hurt as she realizes what it was. She pulls it over to her and sits up. She brings the necklace to a closer view and sighs, "Why do I still have this thing?" She opens the little locket and feels pain shoot through her heart. "Kisa, I love you to the moon and back..... Oh look we took this picture when I was 15 and he dressed up as an astronaut to ask me out on a date..... I remember that day very clearly...."
- "Kisa is it true! You're planning on graduating early?!" "Yeah, what's the problem with that?" "You're going to leave me alone with all these heathens!" Kisa closes her locker and sighs, "Stop complaining. I already know you've slept with half the guys in our class. What does it matter if I leave you alone?" "Uh you're my only girl friend, duh! All those other girls hate me!" "Stop sleeping with their boyfriends." "No can do!" "Ugh whatever! I gotta go. Takechi is waiting for me!" "Ew gross! Have fun!" Kisa walks outside and looks for her boyfriend, "Huh? Where is he?" Suddenly she spots an astronaut holding a sign with her name on it. Her eyes widen as she realizes who it is. She runs over to him and smiles, "Takechi, what are you doing in that outfit?" "We're going on a date!" "In space?" "No but our date has to do with space!" "Sweet!!" Hours later they sit outside of Takechi's apartment and watch the sun set. "Is this the date?" "Yep! It's inexpensive and close to home!" "I was kinda hoping we were going to the planetarium." "What? That's too expensive! Just shut up and enjoy the view." He throws a box at her and hits her on the head. "Ow what the hell!" "Just open it!" Kisa opens the box and gasps, "It's pretty." "Yeah I know and it was fifty dollars. So you know what that means." He holds out his hand making Kisa groan. "Fine." Kisa pulls out a fifty from her backpack and hands it to him. "Thanks babe!" "No problem.." -
"Wow I had a terrible taste in men back then..." Kisa's mind starts to wander off to Sougo. "I even have a terrible taste in men now..." Due to being drunk, Kisa could no longer hold her tears back. Each one kept falling, some plopped onto the open locket, making the once happy picture into a blurry sad memory. "Wahhh! Wahhh! *sniffle* *sniffle* I really do have a *sniffle* bad taste in men! Wahh!" "Oi, you're disturbing any hoboes that live here. Stop crying already." "I don't *sniffle* know you. *sniffle* Why do I have to listen to you?!" The mysterious person stands her up and turns her around. "Midget, I don't have time for your attitude. So fix it before I fix it for you." "Sou*sniffle*go? What are *sniffle* you doing here?" "What am I doing here? What are you doing here? It's past midnight already. Wait why does your breath smell like alcohol?" "I might of drank like this many." Kisa holds up ten fingers. "Ten cups? Damn Midget, you're going to die of alcohol poisoning." "Who said cups? I drank ten bottles all by myself!" Sougo looks at her and laughs, "Damn how are you even alive?" "Nerves of steel!" Sougo notices the necklace in her hand and quickly snatches it out of her hand. "What the hell is this?" "Ah it's nothing! Don't worry about it!" Kisa tries to grab it but Sougo lifts it above her head. Kisa jumps up and down trying to reach it but couldn't even grab it. She stops moving and rests her face on his chest. "You don't need this if it's going to make you cry." "Meh." "I'm taking it." "I don't care." They stand there in silence until Sougo speaks up, "Do you really hate me that much?" Her eyes widen as she feels her face burn up, "I don't hate you... I actually really like you..." Sougo freezes and looks down at her, "What was that?" Kisa realizes what she had just said and pulls herself away from Sougo, "Um uh you see uh well!" "Sougo! Did you find that suspicious looking person?" "Ah Kondo!!" Kisa stumbles over to Kondo and smiles, "Hi Kondo! Don't need to worry about anything! It was just me, I probably look suspicious because I'm really drunk! Guess you have to blame it on the alcohol!" "Kisa, you shouldn't be out this late if you're this drunk! What if something bad happens to you? It'll make Otae sad!" Kisa rubs the back of her head in embarrassment. "Oops, I'm sorry. I guess I'll think about my actions next time. Well if that's all then I'll be going home!" Kisa tries walking away but Kondo stops her. "Woah woah woah, you can barely walk in a straight line! Let us give you a ride home!" "Oh no, that won't be necessary at all!" "It is super necessary! Come one let's go." Kondo picks Kisa up and slings her over his shoulder. "KONDO! I'll take a ride with you guys! Just let me walk to the car, please!" "No can do! Sougo lets go and drop this one off at home." Kisa tries her best to wriggle out of his arms, but has no luck. "Kondo, people walking by can see my underwear!" "Good thing there isn't anyone walking by then." Kondo puts her in the backseat and then gets in himself. Sougo gets into the drivers seat an starts the car. The car ride was very silent one which made Kisa very uncomfortable. The car comes to a stop and Kisa quickly gets out. She bows her head, "Thank you for the ride!" As she walks away, Sougo calls out to her, "Kisa, what exactly did you s--" "BLAME IT ON THE ALCOHOL!" Kisa runs up the stairs and quickly goes inside. "Blame it on the alcohol? Sougo what does that mean?" "That she has a lot to explain later on." Sougo starts the car again and they drive away. Kisa sits her back against the wall and slowly slides down. She covers her face with her hands, "I can't believe I just did that."

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