Strongly Denying It Makes It Even More True Pt. 3

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Sougo pulls the sword out of the Captain's leg. He brings it above his head and looks at the Captain. "Any last words?" "Please spare me." "I don't think so." Sougo brings down the sword but stops just above the mans chest. Arms wrap around Sougo from behind, "Don't do it, Sougo! This man doesn't deserve to go out peacefully like this!" "He was going to kill you. Why are you stopping me?" "Because you could easily throw him into jail! He'll probably get prosecuted and sent to his death anyways! Let him suffer in prison! Don't stain your hands with his tainted blood!" The tip of the sword touches the man's chest. Kisa places her head against his back and starts shaking it left and right, "You don't have to kill him... You really don't have to kill him..." Kisa tightens her grip on him, her body begins to shake a little. He looks down at her hands and sighs, he tosses the sword off the ship and places his hands on top of hers. "Fine I won't kill him. After you're done shaking like a baby, tie him up." "I'm not shaking like a baby! I just have a sugar deficiency!" Sougo chuckles, "How can you have a sugar deficiency? You're with me." "You're not super sweet at all, you're a sour kind of sweet." "I think a sour sweet is still pretty sweet." Kisa releases Sougo and turns away from him. "I guess I'll go look for some rope." Kisa notices the ground which was splattered with blood. She loses all color from her face as she steps over some bodies. Minutes later she finally finds some rope, "Sougo, I found some rope!" "Then bring it over here." She nods her head and walks back over to Sougo. She hands him the rope, he then proceeds to tie the Captain up. Kisa looks at the sea and takes a deep breath. "What's wrong with you, midget?" "Nothing... Hey do you know how to fly this thing?" "More or less." "So we might die today? I'm up to it!" "Let me see your hand." "Okay." Kisa gives him her wounded hand, he slowly starts feeling around the wound and then he presses down on it. Kisa pulls her hand away, "Ow ow ow ow!! Why the hell would you do that?!" "Making sure it still had feeling." Kisa uses her heel and kicks Sougo right in the shin. "AGH! What the hell?!" "I'm sorry I had to make sure you were still human!" The two start poking each other and start pulling each other's hair. Twenty minutes later a random ship appears. Kisa and Sougo stop acting like kids and look at the ship next to them. A board goes from that ship to the one they are on. Then a man in a maroon jacket crosses over along with a woman. "Ah great more pirates! You know what I've had enough of today. I'm going to go look for my bag and then I'm going to call Gintoki! Because I am done with today?!" "You know Kintoki?" Kisa looks at the man but couldn't determine his expression. "Umm I would give a clear answer if I could tell whether you hate him or not.. Your sunglasses kinda make it hard for me to tell." "Ahahahaha, Kintoki is an old comrade of mine." "Okay so I have two questions, are you a pirate and what's your name?" "The name is  Sakamoto Tatsuma! And no I'm not a pirate, I'm a merchant." "Well I'm convinced! Sougo I'm finding my bag and going with crazy laugh and his friend." Kisa runs off leaving Sougo with Sakamoto. "Oi Merchant guy, we need a ride back. I have to take this pirate in for kidnapping and attempted murder." "Sure! Mutsu let's give these guys a warm welcome!" Mustu shakes her head and sighs, "Fine." She easily picks up the pirate and carries him over to their ship. That was the moment Kisa came out, "She easily lifted that man up! Like he was nothing." "Mutsu is a Yato." "Just like Kagura! That's amazing!" "China isn't the only one of her kind." "I know that! She told me about her Baka-Onii-Chan." "Ahahahaha, well shall we go!" Kisa runs across to the other ship and sighs in relief, "Yay it's not dirty and blood filled!" Sakamoto and Sougo follow behind her. Kisa starts fist pumping with relief. That's when Sakamoto notices her hand. "What happened to your hand?" "Oh I cut myself trying to cut some rope.." "You should get that looked at. We have a medical station on the ship. Ah Mutsu can take you there!" Mutsu walks over to them, "Follow me, you'll need to clean that wound up real good." "Okay!" "Ahahahaha! How nice, did you save her?" "You could say it was equal saving." Sakamoto smiles and pats Sougo's back.
"This wound must've hurt." "Nah, just stung a little. But these damn stitches that are being done hurt like hell!" "That police officer, are you two perhaps dating?" Kisa's cheeks turn bright pink, "N-n-no way in hell! Not possible!" Mutsu starts giggling, "Then I'm guessing you like him." "N-n-no! H-him?! No no no!" Kisa's desperate denials make Mutsu laugh even more, "Hahaha, the more you deny it, the more I can tell it's true." "Mmmmm...." Kisa pouts as her face turns a deeper red. "There all done! That wasn't that bad at all, was it?" "Haha I was so distracted that I barely noticed the stitches! Thanks!" Kisa goes outside and stares at the ocean moving beneath them. "It's so pretty.... I wish my eyes would shine like the ocean does." "You don't have to wish that hard." Kisa looks up and sees Sakamoto. "Huh?" "Ahahahaha, if I can guess correctly,  I would have to say that you get excited about things you love. And if that happens I'm pretty sure your eyes shine brighter than the ocean!" "You have a way with words, Sakamoto." "I need that skill to be such a successful merchant." "He sucks at being a merchant." "Oh hello Mutsu! Where's Sougo?" "He's sleeping." "My gosh, he's always sleeping." "Well we'll reach our destination in a couple minutes." Kisa looks over the edge and sees familiar buildings. "Yay!" Suddenly something is thrown of the side. "What the hell wa-- That's the pirate guy!?!" She looks behind her and sees Sougo. "What the hell are you doing?!" "We're getting off right here." "Excuse me! That drop would probably kill us!" "Don't know if you don't try." Sougo wraps his arm around her side and lifts them both up onto the edge, "Thanks for the ride, Sakamoto-San." "Ahahahaha! No problem, officer!" Kisa looks at the ground and feels her stomach do little turns. 🔹I can't tell if I'm scared of jumping or I'm happy he's touching me!🔹 "Well bye." Sougo throws jumps off the edge with his arm still around Kisa. "Are you an idiot?!?!" "Hahaha, do you see your face right now!" "We are falling from the damn sky! Of course I'm going to be scared!" He wraps Kisa in a hug, "You better brace yourself." "Say what?!" The two crash through a roof and fall into a room where they also crash through the floor. Kisa opens her eyes and tries to take in her surroundings. "It's dark... Sougo are you okay?" Sougo smiles and let's go of Kisa. He gives Kisa a thumbs up. 🔹Wow even though it's dark I can still clearly see Sougo.... He shines so brilliantly.... I guess I really do like him.🔹 "Midget, I don't mind when a woman tries to dominate me but I wouldn't want Hijikata watching us?" "Say what?!" Kisa looks up and sees a fuming Hijikata. "HIJIKATA! Oh thank god! Help me up please." Kisa sticks her hand up in which Hijikata grabs and pulls her up. He then helps Sougo up. "Sougo mind telling me why the hell you crashed into my room and why there's someone hanging in the tree?" "Damn he landed in the tree. I was hoping he would land in Yamazaki's room." "Hijikata, I had nothing to do with his Sadistic planning. Can I go home now?" "Hijikata don't let her leave. She was part of a crime, we have to question her." "Question me! You were there?! What the hell do I have to say?!" Two hours later after explaining everything to Hijikata, Kisa is finally permitted to leave. Once she gets home she throws herself onto the couch. Shinpachi comes over to her and feels her forehead, "Are you okay, Kisa-San?" "I was kidnapped by Space Pirates.... And then Sougo made me jump off a ship that was high in the air! Oh and I got stitches today." "You should probably relax for a few days." "Yeah I agree... Where's Gintoki?" "Gin-San is in the bathroom. Why?" "I wanted to tell him that I met Sakamoto today.." Gintoki bursts into the room and grabs Kisa by the shoulders, "Did that idiot try to sell you anything?!" "Not at all, Kintoki! Ahahahaha!" "Oh god she picked up his stupid laugh!" Shinpachi starts laughing as Gintoki tries to shake the laugh out of Kisa. Kagura walks in and tilts her head in curiosity, "Kisa where have you been?" "Ahahahaha! In hell!" Kagura starts laughing and runs over to her friends. They all start laughing together. "I love you guys!"

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