It's Not Jealousy, It's Annoyance! Pt. 3

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"How can you consider this a date? A mayonnaise ice cream? Hijikata didn't you know? She likes to be tied up and likes to wear collars. She enjoys blindfolds and leashes." Kisa's face turns bright red as Sougo continues to list off things she absolutely hates. "N-no I do not! Hijikata don't listen to him!!" Sougo and Hijikata stare each other down for a couple minutes. Then Hijikata releases Kisa's hand, making her stumble towards Sougo. He easily catches her and envelopes his arms around her, "Sorry Hijikata, but the only one who can handle her midget attitude is me. So I'll be the one taking her on the Ferris Wheel." Kisa fights back her smile. Hijikata takes out a cigarette and puts it in his mouth. He lights it and takes a drag, "Alright Sougo, you win. Take her on the Ferris Wheel. I'll admit defeat for now." Sougo smiles triumphantly and nudges Kisa forward. As Kisa walks past Hijikata, she sees him mouth Good Luck... She smiles and nods her head. Sougo walks next to her side, "Walk a bit faster, midget." "I will, I will..... Hey Sougo, did you follow us because you were jealous?" "Jealous? Don't mess with me, it wasn't jealousy, it was complete annoyance." "Ehhhh? Annoyance? Then why the hell did you follow us?!" "I had nothing else to do today." While those two were arguing with each other, Hijikata takes another drag of his cigarette. "You did this because you knew all that was going to happen, right?" Gintoki stands next to Hijikata and laughs, "I was hoping he would throw you through a window, but yeah it went pretty much how I thought it would." "You know Sougo won't admit he likes her just yet." "Yeah but this was a great push wasn't it?" "Yeah it was." They both watch the two push and shove each other back and forth. "She's really an idiot in love.." "He's an idiot oblivious to love.." "And together they would form..." "The most perfect couple!"
"If you aren't jealous, then why can't I finish my date with Hijikata?" Sougo's right eye twitches in annoyance. "Why do you need to continue?" "I thought it would be nice to see to the end." They continue to talk as they get into the Ferris wheel. The door closes behind them and they begin to move. "What's so fun about being on a date with Hijikata?" "Well actually you'd be surprised. Besides having to try the mayonnaise on a cone, everything was pretty awesome! Especially that face he made when I told him that it tasted good! It was really cute!" Sougo then makes a perplexed face. They reach the top and stop. "Hey what's up with that face?" Sougo pins Kisa between him and the wall. Her heartbeat picks up and drowns out all sound around her. It feels as if time had stop. "S-s-Sougo? What are you doing?" He puts his head on her shoulder and sighs, "No one is allowed to touch you like this ever. And if you want someone to smile at you like that, I'll do it.... For a price though.." "A price?" "You have to let your inner Masochist out." Kisa lets out a tired sigh, "You always seem to ruin the moment Sougo." "..........." "Sougo?" "Zzzzzzzz...... Zzzzzzzz...." "Did you really fall asleep?! You really did ruin the moment!" The ride reaches its end and all Gintoki and Hijikata sees is Sougo getting thrown out of the ride. Kisa stomps out, her whole face is red including her ears. "What the hell was that for?!" Kisa walks over to him and steps on him a couple times. "Hey HijiBaka doesn't that look familiar?" "It looks like how Kondo gets stepped on." Kisa continues her barrage of stomps, "Why the hell did you bite me!?" "It was a love bite! Don't you girls like those things?" "That was not a love bite! That was a very forceful and dangerous bite!" Sougo starts laughing, "That's exactly how it should be done." Kisa goes for a more forceful kick but he grabs her leg and brings her down. She hovers just above him, her face was a fiery red color. "You can have a little payback." "No thank you!" "Mom look! Those two are going to do it!" "Don't look at them, Rin!" Kisa immediately stands up and turns away from Sougo. He stands up and dusts his uniform off. He smirks and wraps his arms around her shoulders. "Gehhhhh!!! Sougo!!!" "Got you." "Say what?" Sougo starts walking and Kisa is pulled along. She brings her hands to her neck and feels a collar. "HOW DO I NOT NOTICE YOU PUTTING THIS ON ME!!" "You enjoy my touch too much." Sougo drags Kisa along as she tries her best to take the collar off! "Sougo stop! I said stop!" "End your sentences with woof." "No I refuse to do that again!" "He's never going to admit those feelings is he?" "Not in a million years..."

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