Sharpen Your Sword Before You Cut Your Hair Pt. 3

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"Yama-Chan, we should definitely make every Tuesdays and Thursdays badminton day!" "You want to actually play badminton with me again?" Kisa giggles, "Yeah! I'm hoping that one day I'll be able to beat you at your own game!" Yamazaki laughs, "Then let's make that happen!" "I'm pretty sure you're supposed to say, 'Don't worry Kisa! You'll probably beat me one day!' Or something along those lines." "That would be lying and that's no good to do." "Gee thanks, pal." Suddenly a big bug lands in Kisa's hair. She stops dead in her movements and her face freezes in horror. "Th-th-there's a big bee in my hair, isn't there...." Yamazaki stops and looks at her. "No need to worry, it's not a bee." Her face relaxes a little, "Then what is it?" "It's a rhinoceros beetle. A pretty big one too." Around the corner Sougo is laughing. 🔺A little bug scares her! That's hilarious! All I have to do is throw a bug on her!🔺 "Umm Yama-Chan, can you please get the beetle out of my hair? I would do it but I kinda just lost all sense of movement." Yamazaki smiles, "Of course, just stay still." Yamazaki tries to pick the bug off, but it was stuck in her hair. He starts to part her and after he does that he runs his fingers through her hair, catching the beetle along the way. Now the beetle was successfully removed. "See just a rhinoceros beetle." Kisa puts a hand to her heart, sighing in relief, "Thank god... I hate bees so much..." Sougo begins to get a bit irritated, "This girl just lets everyone touch her doesn't she? Yet she refuses my touch... How annoying..."
"Why do you hate bees so much? I mean I understand they sting people, but why?" "On my sixth birthday I went outside to play and I ran into a field of flowers. Little did I know that there were a bunch of bees in that field and I ended up getting stung by 10 bees. Let's just say I spent most of that birthday at the doctors office..." Yamazaki starts laughing, "I guess your birthdays weren't so great, huh?" "You damn right! I'm hoping my 19th birthday is at least a little better." "When is your birthday?" "March 14th" "That's in three days!" Sougo looks at them uninterested, "So her birthday is in three days... Guess I'll have to crash the party that day.." Yamazaki smiles at Kisa and offers her his hand, "Shall I escort you home?" "Oh a police escort! I'm flattered!" Kisa places her hand in his and smiles back at him. They start walking until something trips Kisa. As she falls, she closes her eyes to brace herself for impact, but someone catches her. When she opens her eyes all she sees is white, black, and a bit of yellow. 🔹Huh? Who caught me?🔹 Kisa looks up and gasps, "O-Okita?" "Wow it must be my lucky day. This midget is just falling for me 24/7." "Captain!" "Yamazaki, Hijikata is looking for you. Go back to the headquarters now." "Y-y-yes, sir! Sorry Kisa, but I promise I'll visit you soon!" "See you later, Yama-Chan." Yamazaki runs off leaving Kisa with Sougo. "Yama-Chan? What kind of nickname is that?" "What are you jealous or something?" Sougo takes her by the chin and smirks, "So what if I am? What are you going to do about it?" "I don't believe I have to take responsibility for that." Kisa stands up straight and pushes his hand away. "I have no reason to give you a nickname." "Aww why are you so cold?" "You're the one who tripped me, right? And you know getting stepped on isn't exactly fun." "Damn sweetheart, you're a hard one to crack." Kisa smirks, "Doesn't that make the game more fun? When the person is hard to crack?" Something shoots through Sougo. 🔺Damn what the hell is this feeling? Anger? No... Frustration? No....🔺 Sougo smirks. 🔺I know exactly what this feeling is... Lust..🔺 "Hey Okita.... Oookitaaa... Okita!" "Sougo.." "Huh?" "Call me Sougo." "You want me to call you Sougo?" "Yeah.." Kisa thinks for a second, "Hmmm, I guess I can do that. Anyways I gotta go.. So um bye." Kisa starts walking away and Sougo follows behind her. She stops and turns around, Sougo is turned away with his hands in his pockets. She narrows her eyes and turns back around, again she starts walking and he follows again. She begins to get agitated as she picks up the pace. He matches her pace still right behind her. "Mmmm... AGHHHH! What do you want?!" "Nothing, I'm just walking." 🔹This guy is getting on my nerves... What does he want? Does he want to walk with me? N-n-no, that's not possible!! He isn't like that right?🔹 Kisa turns to look at Sougo, his face was very stoic and he didn't look interested at all. Kisa smacks her cheeks with both hands and shakes her head. 🔹Why would I have any thoughts like that! He doesn't want to walk with me! He wants to turn me into a masochist! I can't get all happy like that!🔹 Sougo stares at her and very stoically says, "You're really weird..." Kisa stops shaking her head and stares at him, "Who's weird?! It's your fault anyways, Stupid!" "I don't see how you're idiocy is my fault." Kisa bites her lip and turns around again, this time she is stomping off. Sougo laughs, "Are you throwing a temper tantrum? What are you five?" "Shut up! Can't you go bother someone else? Like family or something?!" Sougo stops dead in his tracks, Kisa could feel a very sad air behind her. She turns around and sees Sougo looking down. Kisa's eyes open widely as she realizes she just hurt his feelings. "Sougo?" She walks up to him and tries to get a look at his face. When she catches a glimpse, it still looked uninterested and stoic. But she could tell that she touched a sore spot and that he was feeling bad. "Sougo, I'm sorry... I don't understand how I hurt your feelings but I'm sorry..." Sougo looks at her and suddenly grabs her nose. "Ow ow ow! Hey let go of my nose!" "Got you, midget. I can't believe you fell for something like that." Kisa looks at him in surprise, "You tricked me?! Hey! I was actually feeling bad for you, you know!" "Pathetic, you should never let your guard down or else the bad guys will take advantage of it." "Are you trying to give me a life lesson?! What are you my brother." Sougo releases her nose and starts to walk away. "Hey I'm not done with you! Come back here right now!" "I'm done with you for now. Go bother someone else." Kisa begins to get more angrier, "WHO THE HELL WAS BOTHERING WHO!? You were bothering me first, remember?!" Sougo ignores her and continues to walk away. "What the hell is with your problem with the word family?!"
"Souchiro has no family left, his parents passed away when he was young, leaving him with his older sister. Who was very sickly at the time. Then after leaving with the Gorilla and Mayo Freak they came here. Later on his sister came to get married, the marriage was a scam and due to her illness she passed away. Souchiro really loved his sister, it may seem like he only likes to torture Mayo Freak, but he had things he loved." Kisa looks down at her feet and starts to feel bad. "I feel really bad now... Bad enough to apologize..." Gintoki grabs his JUMP and starts reading, "Do what you want, you had no idea about it anyways." "Kisa if you want to, you can apologize to the Sadist. I'm not sure he'll accept it though." "Stop making me feel even worse!" "Kisa-San don't worry about it. Okita-San will probably be bullying you again by tomorrow." Kagura stands up and grabs the leash. "Kisa! Let's take Sadaharu out to the park!" "Sure! Just let me grab something." Kisa grabs a book and follows Kagura and Sadaharu out the door. Once they reach the park, Kisa takes a seat on a bench and watches Kagura and Sadaharu play. She pulls her hair back and let's it fall down behind the bench. She opens her book and starts to read. "Alice in Wonderland, huh? I guess I would be, Kisa in Edo Land.. Haha.." Slowly she starts to nod off.

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