Valentine's Day... Oh Lord Help...

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"Hmmm.... Hmmm..." Gintoki puts the newspaper down and sighs, "Kisa, you've been looking at that magazine and making noises for an hour now. Go do something productive!" "I can't! Tomorrow is Valentine's Day and I have no idea what I'm going to give to Sougo." "Get him a leash and collar. Souchiro would probably appreciate it." Kisa groans, "You know exactly why I'm not getting him something like that." "Just make him chocolate." "You said my baking skills suck." "As a real man, I love my chocolate sweet! Not bitter dark chocolate!" Kisa starts laughing, "How does that make you a man? But alright I'll make him chocolate. I'll be going to the store then." Kisa stands up and puts the magazine on the table. "Bring home the newest release of my JUMP." "Can do!" She leaves and heads to the store. When she gets there, she goes to the aisle of Valentine's Day Supplies. "Wow... There are a lot of options... Since Sougo likes dark chocolate, I should stick with that idea... So I guess I'll go with this one and I'll get this container. This wrapping paper and this ribbon. Alright this should do it! Oh wait, I should get Shinpachi, Kagura, and Gintoki something too." Kisa buys premade chocolate and also grabs the latest JUMP. She pays for everything and leaves. While she was walking home, she bumps into Sougo. "Oh hi Sougo." He walks over to her and points at her legs. "That's indecent exposure. Do I have to arrest you?" "Not really... Plus you like it, so you can't complain." Sougo smirks, "I guess you're right. But I could still arrest you for indecent exposure." "Well you're the only one complaining, officer. You see everyone else likes my outfit." Sougo takes a quick look around to make sure no one was around, he then quickly drags Kisa to an alleyway, hidden from plain view. "Perhaps I should call for help? I think a police officer is going to take advantage of me." "I might, I might not. You're just going to have to find out." Kisa places down the plastic bag and throws her arms around his neck. He smiles and wraps his arms around her waist. "Did you miss me that much, Kisa?" Kisa shudders at the sound of her name escaping his lips. "Yes I did, Sougo." An electric current shoots through Sougo's body. He loved the way she said his name while they were flirting. Kisa tilts her head up, anticipating a kiss and a kiss is what she got. They kiss over and over again. The only thing that could be heard was their kisses resonating through the air. "Sougo, what time do you want to meet tomorrow?" "Hmm 5 o'clock sounds pretty good to me. In front of the movie theater?" "Yeah! In front of the movie theater!" They kiss once again and part ways.
~~~~The Next Morning~~~
Kisa wakes up and rubs her eyes. Rolling onto the floor, she sticks her hand under the couch and pulls out the bag of chocolate that she bought yesterday. "Okay, this one is for Gintoki, this one is for Kagura, and this one is for Shinpachi.. I should write their names on it." Kisa scribbles their names on their designated chocolate. She jumps up and throws her hands in the air, "Time to make Sougo's chocolate!" An hour later Kisa successfully makes the chocolate. She wraps it up and puts the bow on it. Gintoki and Kagura both had woken up earlier and now were eating their chocolates. Kisa walks over to the couch and sits down next to Kagura. "Kisa, thank you for the chocolate-aru!" "It's sweet just the way it should be." "Well duh! If I got you anything bitter, you wouldn't have eaten it, Gintoki." "You even got Shinpachi one?" "Well yeah, all of you deserve some chocolate. Even Shinpachi, who'll probably never receive chocolate in his life." Someone hits Kisa on the head, "And why would I not get any chocolates, Kisa-San?" Kisa rubs the back of her head and looks behind her. "Oh Shinpachi! We were just talking about how you are going to get so many chocolates in the future!" "Sure you guys were.." Shinpachi grabs Kisa's head and starts squeezing. "Ow ow ow!! I'm sorry! Shinpachi, I'm so sorry! It was a joke! Gintoki help me!" The Samurai yawns as his finger finds its way to his nose. "Nah, too much of a hassle. You got yourself into, so get yourself out of it." Kisa struggles to release her head. Finally she reaches for his chocolate, once she had it in her hand she hits him in the face with it. Sending him backwards and releasing the grasp on her head. "Happy Valentine's Day, Megane!" Shinpachi takes the chocolate off his lap and stands up. Adjusting his glasses he laughs, "Thank you, Kisa-San." "Alrighty then, since everyone has gotten their chocolates I shall be leaving." "Leaving? Where are you going, Kisa-San?" "She's probably going to go meet the Sadist." "Nah that's not until 5. I just wanna walk around and scare some sappy couples." Gintoki waves her off, "If you're going out, bring me back a parfait." "I will if I want too. See you guys later!" Kisa grabs a bag and puts Sougo's chocolate in it, then she leaves and walks down the stairs. She takes a look around and sees a bunch of couples walking. "Hmm where to start.... Maybe at the bridge!" Kisa heads towards the bridge, once she gets there she stands in the middle just looking at the water beneath her. "I could pretend that I can't swim and make people jump in after me... Hmm nah... Maybe I could throw a lot of money in the water and see who jumps in to get it." Suddenly a chill runs down her spine. "S-something is behind me and has the vibes of a killer..." Kisa tries to turn around to find out who was behind her but instead two hands cover her eyes and make it impossible for her to turn around. 🔹Oh lord, I'm going to die today... These are the hands of a killer. Which means they could only belong to pretty much anyone I know..🔹 "Look I found some prey just zoning out. Didn't you know you should never zone out? Or else the predators might get you." The person whispers into her ear causing more chills to shoot down her spine. "K-k-Kamui... Wh-what are you doing here?" "I came to find someone strong to fight, but instead I found a troublesome girl. Today must be my lucky day." Kisa's heartbeat picks up and her mind draws a blank. "Kamui, I don't have time to deal with you today. I'm very busy today." "No you're not. Unless you count making the stupid humans jump into the cold water something you are busy with." Kisa gets irritated, "Have you been following me!?!" "Only for a little while. And if you want people to jump in, I could help with that." "Help with that? What do y--" Before she could finish her sentence, Kamui grabbed her by the ankles and held her upside down from the side of the bridge. Kisa looks below her and sees the water, she tightly holds her bag and starts yelling at him, "Kamui!!! Pull me back up! This isn't funny!" Kamui laughs, "But the sight is so wonderful to the male eye. Well at least my view is." Kisa's eyes widen and her face turns red, "Don't look, you idiot!! Pull me up! And stop looking at my panties!" Using one of her hands, she tries to keep her kimono down. "Hehehe I was right, today is going to be a fun day!" Suddenly a sound catches Kisa's attention, in the distance you could hear police sirens coming closer and closer. 🔹Oh no, someone must've called the police.. If Sougo sees me with this idiot, he'll get mad! And if Kamui sees Sougo, they'll fight to the death.. I have to think of something quick! I got it!🔹 "Kamui! I'll play with you today if you pull me up right now!" Kamui looks at her in curiosity, "Really?" "Yes really! Now pull me up!" "Okay!" Kamui pulls her rather quickly sending her up in the air. He catches her and holds her bridal style. "Shall we go then?" 🔹That damn smile! I can't tell whether he's planning to kill me or if he's actually going to have fun!🔹 "Y-y-yeah!" Kamui starts walking, still holding Kisa. "Oi! Put me down!

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