A Child's Heart is Very Finicky

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"Giiiinnntoooki!! Someone left this alcohol outside our door!!" Gintoki scratches his back and looks at the bottle in her hands, "Did it say who it's from?" "Umm this note said here's some alcohol... M..." "M? Who the hell is M?" Kisa furrows her brows, "Umm maybe it's Sa-Chan... She is a Super Masochist.." Gintoki holds out his hand, "Here let me smell it. Got to make sure it's not drugged." Kisa gives him the bottle. He opens it up and smells it, "Ooo! That's so sweet smelling!! Kisa get two cups, were drinking this right now!" Kisa grabs two cups and places them down on the table. Gintoki pours the drinks and gives a cup to Kisa, "Cheers!" Kisa takes the cup and lifts it up, "Cheers!" They both sip their drinks. Kisa smiles with satisfaction, "You were right! This was sweet!" "Very good alcohol. Let's drink it all before anyone gets home!" "Let's do it!!" An hour later, Kisa and Gintoki finish off the bottle. "*Hiccup* Hehe that was some good drinking!" "Hell yeah! *hiccup* Hey Kisa lets go get some snacks! Maybe a Gintoki Special!" "Yeah let's go eat a Gintoki Special!!" They both leave the house in a drunken state and go to Gintoki's frequented restaurant. "Two Gintoki Specials over here!" The owner nods his head and brings over two bowls of Gintoki Special. They start eating, Kisa stops midway through her meal, "Ughh, I think I'm going to be sick.. Urp, never mind just a burp." "That's disgusting... Act more girl like!" "Nuuuu!!!" Thirty minutes later they finish their meals and go home. They walk inside and Kagura is sitting on the couch waiting for them, "Where have you two been?" "Uh ah um.... Waaahh!! I'm sorry Kagura-Chaaann!!" Kisa hugs Kagura tightly, "Wha? Are you two drunk?" "Not drunk, just tipsy." "Kisa only cries like this if she is drunk." "Well then I guess she's the only one that's drunk." Kisa hugs Kagura tighter, she is babbling incoherent things. Kagura pets her head, "Yes yes, I get it.. How about you go to sleep?" "Kagura ish sho good to me! I love you sho much, Kagura!" Kagura giggles, "Yes I know you do. I love you too. Now lay down, drunky. You too-aru!" Kagura lays Kisa down on the couch and places a blanket over her, "Have a nice nap." Kagura pushes Gintoki into his room and gets him to bed. Kagura goes to her closet and goes to bed.
The next morning Kisa wakes up to the sound of a scream but the voice cracks, "Hm? What was that?" Kisa gets off the couch but falls to her face, "Ow! My nose, when did the couch get so high? Huh? When did my cwothes get so big?" Gintoki rushes into the living room but something was very different about him, he was shorter and younger looking. "Gintoki? What happened to you?!" "What happened to me! What happened to you!" His voice cracks as he talks to Kisa. "I don't know? I think the world gew!" "The world didn't get bigger! We got smaller actually we got younger!" "Huh? Younger? Bwut, how old am I?" "You're like 5 years old! I was turned into a 14 year old." Kisa puts a finger on her chin, "Was it cause the alcohol we dwank?" "M!!!! You bastard, when I find you, I will kill you!!" Kagura comes out of the room and rubs her eyes, "What's going on out here-aru?" She then sees Gintoki and Kisa, "Gin-Chan! Kisa! What happened to you two?" "Some jerk left us some weird alcohol! We drank it and this happened!" Kisa rubs her eyes and starts to cry, "Wahh!! Gintoki, people are sho mean! Why are we being bullied?" "Ah! Wait Kisa don't cry! Kagura help me!" Kagura picks up Kisa and tosses her in the air, "Don't cry, little Kisa! Look up in the air you go!" Kisa begins to giggle, "Yay! Higher! Higher!" "Gin-Chan what should we do?" "Does it look like I know! My body went through reverse puberty! My balls are literally going to drop again!!" "Haha! Gintoki said balls! Hehe!" "Gin-Chan don't say that in front of her!" "This is serious Kagura! I'm literally younger than you!" "Oh! So I'm the adult now! Mwhaha, guess I'm in charge now!" "No no! I am the man of the house! I will not allow this!" "I'm the man of the house!" "Stay out of this, Lil' Kisa." Kisa sticks her tongue out at Gintoki and hugs Kagura. "It's weird... It's making her act 5 too, and Gin-Chan is acting like a spoiled teen-aru.. We should find out who sent the alcohol." That's when the front door is opened, "Good Afternoon, you guys! Uh ah uh, what happened here?"
"You shouldn't drink strange liquids if you don't know where they came from." "Hah? Are you lecturing me, Pachi Boy?" "Well seeing the situation at hand, I am the oldest one so I have to take charge." "Megane is so silly! Pick me up! Pick me up!" Shinpachi picks up Kisa and sighs, "We should take the bottle and note to the Shinsengumi. Maybe they could help us out." "Ha! Like those tax thieves have ever helped us with anything!" "Haha! Tax Thieves! Let's go play with the tax thieves!" Kisa grabs Shinpachi's glasses and puts them on her face, "Hehe!" "I'm saying this because we can't do anything while you two are like this. I'm pretty sure you're still capable of fighting but we don't even know who we're fighting." Gintoki crosses his arms and clicks his tongue, "Fine! But I'm not going to lick their boots." "Kagura-Chan do you have any smaller clothes that'll fit Kisa-San?" "Mmm, how about we wrap her up in a worn out sheet?" Shinpachi nods his head, "That'll do for now." Shinpachi puts Kisa down, "Alright Kisa-San, I need you to go with Big Sister Kagura and get changed." "Changed? Dress up!" "Yeah dress up! Now go with Kagura-Chan." Kisa follows Kagura to the bathroom. When they come out, Kisa is wrapped in a sheet, "It's a fancy dwess! Fit for a queen!" Gintoki rolls his eyes and takes Kisa by the hand, "Can we go now? I'm not too keen on seeing these guys while I'm like this." "Alright alright, come on Kagura-Chan." "Coomming!!"

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