Not Everyone Kneeling Down Is Sick Pt. 2

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"This is a nice little shop. How did you find it?" "I was walking around and then something caught my attention! It was this beautiful aroma that came lingering from this little shop." The Shogun laughs, "You have such enthusiasm for food." "Can't help it! It's so amazing here." Two bowls are placed in front of them, "Oh Kisa, you honestly do flatter us too much!" "Auntie? Where's Uncle at?" "Oh, he hurt his back moving some boxes." "Heeh!? He could've asked me to help him out!" "He can't ask a nice young lady like you to do that." "He could've asked Sougo." "You know him, he didn't want to disrupt Okita-San's work." Kisa sighs, "This is why that man is going to blow his back out one day!" "That's what I've told him. But he's just so stubborn! Anyways I'll let you get back to your lunch." Kisa claps her hands together, "Thank you for the meal!" The Shogun does the same. They both pick up their chopsticks and start eating. "Kisa, you were right! These noodles are amazing!" "Right! The moment they hit your tongue it's such a tantalizing taste!" "A very big enthusiasm for food." Kisa smiles and finishes off her noodles. Then the Shogun finishes his noodles off. "Kisa would you like a parfait before you go?" "No thank you! I have some other plans." The Shogun smiles, "No need to restrain yourself because of me." "Oh no, I just have other plans for us!" "Well since you're leaving Kisa. Please tell Okita-San, I said hello." "Will do! Come on, let's go!" They leave the restaurant and walk around town. "So what shall we do?" "Hmm I thought we could walk around until we find something fun to do!" "That sounds like a good plan." While they were walking the Shogun stops moving and stays glued to his spot. "Sho-San, what's wrong?" "No need to be alarmed, I just have to use the restroom... That's all." Kisa sighs, "Phew, I thought it was something serious. I think there's an outdoor restroom around here somewhere... I believe that way!" Kisa drags the Shogun to a restroom and patiently waits outside for him. Once he comes out, he looks much better and very relieved. "Better?" "Oh much better. Thank you so much for going along with my selfish wish." "No problem! I'm actually having fun today. I really didn't have anything to do today!" The Shogun smiles but Kisa has a chill run down her spine. 🔹It's that feeling... Like when I saw Kamui killing that Shinsengumi officer... Oh god, please don't be Kamui!🔹Kisa slowly turns around and is greeted by a familiar smile. 🔹Geeehhh! It is Kamui!! 🔹 "Look what I found! A familiar girl and who's your friend?" "This is my friend Shopun! Say hi, Shopun!" Kisa turns toward the Shogun with a forced smile on her face. The Shogun is shaking like a leaf. 🔹AHH! IS HE SCARED?! IS HE AFRAID TO BE FOUND OUT OR IS HE SCARED THAT WE MIGHT DIE?🔹 "Is there something wrong with him? Actually he looks oddly familiar." The Shogun starts to shake even more. "AH! Uh you see he's a stuntman! Have you ever watched any action film?" "Well yes, but I don't think he's a stuntman. Wouldn't his name be in the ending credits?" Kisa throws her hands up and waves them around frantically, "Hahaha! Who the hell stays to watch the end credits! Am I right?" "I guess you're right. But why is he shaking, it's sorta pathetic. Honestly this is why the human race should be eradicated." "He's afraid someone will recognize him and that they'll try to get cozy with him! Humans are so evil that they'll use each other just to meet another human!" "Why use him though?" "Well he's a stuntman so he knows many actors! You can obviously use him to get close to the actors." Kamui slaps his fist onto his hand, "I get it now!" 🔹Well it's kind of true... I bet the Shogun knows many famous people...🔹 "I have an idea! Let's play!" Kisa looks at Kamui, who has a serious smile on his face. "Say what?" ☂Hehe, I'll take this opportunity to find out how strong this girl's will is.. She had the guts to punch me, so I'm guessing this girl has some serious balls. Rhetorically speaking, of course. "What do you say, Kisa? Let's all play!" Kisa shivers and looks at the Shogun, "How does that sound, Shopun? Wanna play with Kamui?" The Shogun nods his head and Kisa sighs in relief. She tiptoes and whispers into his ear, "Just play along. He won't notice who you are because he's dumb. And he won't hurt us as long as we play along, okay?" The Shogun nods his head, "I understand, I'll play." Kamui pats the Shogun on his back sending him rolling down the road, "That's the spirit!" "AHHH! SHOPUN! I DONT WANT TO COMMIT SEPUKKU ANY TIME SOON!" Kisa starts running after the Shogun with Kamui right behind her. "Haha! You're friend is really great! Look at him roll, I think he's doing cartwheels now!" Kisa's face drops as she notices that Kamui was right. "SHOPUN, PLEASE STOP CARTWHEELING! STOP YOURSELF BEFORE YOU HURT YOURSELF!" The Shogun's mind is spinning as he tries to spit out some words, but instead his face turns green. "AHHH, he's going to be sick! Don't throw up! It will fly backwards an hit Kamui and I!" They continue running after the cartwheeling Shogun. 🔹Crap, I'm losing all endurance... Need to replenish my energy or else I won't be able to keep up...🔹 Suddenly Kamui grabs her hand and starts to get ahead of her, "This is the problem with humans! They run out of energy so soon!" 🔹I lost all my energy the moment I met the Shogun earlier today...🔹 "Kamui slow down! I can't keep up with your pace!" "Well I guess you're going to have to try! Or you're going to lose an arm!" Kisa's eyes widen as she starts to run faster, "I AM NOT LOSING AN ARM TODAY!" ☂Oho, just a little threat pushes her forward? I was right! She is going to be fun to play with!☂ "OH MAH STRAWBERRIES! He isn't going to stop unless we stop him!" "You're friend must be a really good stuntman! I bet no human can cartwheel as long as he has been!" "Oh geez, he's probably a rolling corpse by now! Now I know my ass is going to have to commit sepukku!" "Sepukku? Over a stuntman?" "He's a really famous stuntman! It would be bad to lose him!" Kamui looks at her skeptically and doesn't pay attention of what's in front of him. He then trips over a rock, he and Kisa both start to roll down the hill, quickly catching up to the Shogun. "Oh god, I'm going to be sick..." Kamui laughs with entertainment, "THIS IS AWESOME! You really are a fun human!" The two then collide with the Shogun and make a three person ball rolling down the hill. Kisa puts her hands against her mouth as does the Shogun while Kamui laughs. Then a few seconds later Kamui is putting his hands over his mouth, "Oops, I shouldn't have eaten all that food earlier!" Kisa starts to flip out, "Kamui, please do not throw up! Blegh... Actually I might throw up..." Kamui pushes his hands against her mouth and shakes his head, "Don't you dare! You either, Shopun! Or else I'll kill you both! Blegh...." Kisa throws her hands over Kamui's mouth and raises her voice, "Don't you even think about it!" The Shogun covers his own mouth, his face turning a darker shade of green. 🔹Oh God! We're all going to throw up! It's going to be so messy and gross! Wait a second is that water? I believe Gintoki told me Sho-San can't swim!🔹 "We gotta stop this ride, right now!" "Can't! Going to be sick...." "Shopun can't swim and we're about land in water!" "What kind of stuntman can't swim!" "This damn stuntman!" They are boosted by a plank that was setup like a ramp. "OH CRAP!" Kamui holds his breath and the Shogun closes his eyes as they make impact with the water. Kisa quickly emerges and starts coughing, "SHOPUN! Where are you?!" Kisa goes back under and grabs the Shogun and pulls him up, "Hah hah... Are you okay?" "I'm perfectly fine.. How about you?" "I've been through worse. I can live with this. Wait a second! Where's Kamui?!" The Shogun and Kisa look around. "Wait! Kisa why are we looking for him? Don't you recall the time in the maze?" "Yeah I do, but he's a person too! I can't leave him to die." The Shogun smiles and then spots a purple umbrella. "Over there!" Kisa and the Shogun swim over to the umbrella and picks it up. "Shogun just kick your legs, I'll be right back!" He nods his head as Kisa dives under water. She feels around and touches a braid. 🔹Aha! I got him!🔹 She grabs underneath his arms and swims up, the moment her head hits above the water she takes a deep breath. "My god, he's freaking heavy!" "Do you need help?" "No, let's just swim to the riverbank..." They get to the riverbank, the first one out is the Shogun and the umbrella. He then helps Kisa drag Kamui up. "Is he breathing?" "I-I-I don't know..." Kisa puts her ear against his chest and hears a faint heartbeat. "I think he needs CPR..." "Uh um.." "Yeah I know, it would be awkward for you to do it... Don't worry, I'll do it..." Kisa looks down at Kamui and grimaces. 🔹For the only one to hold his breath, why was he the one who got the most water in his lungs? Wait could Kamui even swim?🔹 Kisa lifts his chin up and slightly opens his mouth up. 🔹Oh god, I don't want to do this! 🔹 Kisa hesitantly puts her lips against his and starts to blow air into his lungs. A couple seconds later Kamui sits up coughing out water, "Wh-what the hell were you doing?!" "Saving your life, dumbass! How is it you swallowed all that water when you held your breath!" Kamui wipes the water from his chin and stares at Kisa. "Last time I try an save someone's life!" The Shogun chuckles, "Kisa, I believe I'm ready to go back now." "Good! I am not hanging out with this ungrateful jerk anymore!" Kisa and the Shogun walk off, both soaking wet. Kamui watches Kisa walk away, "She just kissed me... Kisa took my first kiss away without any hesitation. What a cheeky woman." Kamui picks up his umbrella and walks off laughing, "I like this girl... She's very interesting."
"I kinda don't want to go in the building." "We have to. Returning me to the palace will make it seem like you kidnapped me." Kisa mumbles under her breath, "Won't Matsudaira think that anyways?" "Don't worry, I'll make sure he'll understand what has happened. But I'll leave the parts with Kamui out of it." "Thanks..." They go inside and both get scolded. The Shogun more than Kisa. After an hour of being scolded, Kisa is finally able to leave. She goes to the store and picks up some strawberry milk and heads home. She tiredly opens the door to Odd Jobs, "I'm home! And I brought home strawberry milk!" Gintoki walks over to her and takes the bag, "You did good." "You owe me five dollars." "Like hell I do! I bless you with a place to live! There's your payment!" Kagura grabs Kisa by the hand and pulls her over to the tv. "Kisa you have to see this! Look!" Kisa looks at the tv and sees three people rolling down the street. Her jaw drops as she watches the tv. "Look how amazing that is! Those three went on forever! No one knows where they landed though.." Kagura looks at Kisa with excitement, "Kisa? Kisa, what's wrong? You don't look so good." "Hahaha, guess the stuntman lie totally worked out..." Kisa laughs a little more and falls backwards. "KISA! Gin-Chan, she fainted!" Gintoki looks down at her and sighs, "That's her sleeping face. She's perfectly fine. Just throw a blanket over her or something." "Okay!" Kagura grabs a sheet and throws it over Kisa. "There! Have a nice nap, Kisa!" Kisa did not have a nice nap. All her dreams were nightmares about Kamui.

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