Sometimes The Rabbit Hole Doesn't Lead To Wonderland Pt. 3

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"Kisa-San, what are you doing?" "Having a staring contest with Sadaharu. Why?" "Well I was doing laundry and this fell out of your pocket." Kisa looks up to see Shinpachi handing her a necklace. Her eyes widen and her heartbeat starts to slow down. "oh thank you, Shinpachi..." Kisa takes the necklace with a grim look on her face. "Kisa-San, what's wrong?" She quickly smiles, "Hahaha, nothing at all! This necklace is from my ex boyfriend! I thought I lost it and totally forgot about it... Thanks for finding it!" "You don't look like you wanted it to be found." "It's fine! He broke up with me yesterday, so the necklace doesn't matter anymore." "How long were you two together?" "Well let's see, we started dating when I was 15 and now I'm 18... So about three years. It would've been four in three weeks, but you know crap happens! I shouldn't complain, some people have it more tough than I do." "You know it's okay to complain, right? You don't have to hold it in. Oh I got an idea, tell me about the break up!" "Huh, are you sure? It was really a dumb reason for a break up." "Give me the basis of your relationship." "Okay.... So when we started dating, I pretty much did everything he wanted to do. I never questioned it and always went along with his dumb ideas. At age 17, I moved in with him and I still did everything he wanted to do. All my birthdays were spent at his house, while he played video games. I got tired of it and I would talk to my boss all the time. Then my boss told me...."
- "Why don't you just tell him what you want?! Stop talking to me about it and tell him!" "I don't want to sound like I'm complaining though..." "Just complain! Do what every woman does, COMPLAIN." "Ichigo, are you trying to make enemies.." "I am trying to get you to speak up for yourself. Kisa, I know you hate complaining. You never complain when a drunk customer comes in and gives you crap. Or when people make fun of your height." "You do have a death wish don't you?" "Look all I'm saying is, that you need to tell your bum of a boyfriend what you want to do for a change." "Fine if you insist." Kisa clocks out of her shift and walks home. "I can do this! All I have to say is, Takachi, I want to go out for a change! I can do this!" Kisa reaches the apartment and unlocked the door. Takachi was sitting in his recliner as usual, watching tv. Kisa closes the door as her heart rate picks up. 🔹I can do this! I can do this!🔹 "Umm Takachi, I have a question." "What is it? And it better be quick, my show is on." "Well we do everything you want to do, so I was wondering for my birthday could we please do something I want to do." Takachi sighs and turns off the tv. "Kisa, I think we need to break up." "Huh!?!" "You are so damn clingy and never think about my opinion." "Heh?!?" "Seriously, after all I do for you. I gave you a home to stay in." Kisa was beginning to get angry but also sad. "You don't even pay the rent! I pay the rent with the crappy job I have!" "Ughh, this is also the problem you think you are better than everyone else. Just because you graduated early." Kisa grabs her coat and goes to the door. "I'll have someone send for my stuff. Goodbye Takachi, you stupid jerk." -
"Kisa-San, do you perhaps have a horrible taste in men?" "What?! No, of course not! He wasn't that bad when I first met him!" Kisa pets Sadaharu and sighs. "I guess people change or are very good at hiding their real selves." Gintoki walks in the room and leans on the wall. "We have a job, but I'm going to let Kisa take care of it." "Wait me? Why?" "Since your new, you need to know how it goes around here. And how the town works." Kisa stands up and dusts her hands off. "Then I shall humbly take this job." "Then come greet the client." "Okay!" Kisa goes to the living room and goes couch and takes a seat across from a very pretty girl. "Hello, I am Kisa. I'll be the one helping you." "Hi, my name is Ami. Nice to meet you." "Could I ask what I am doing for you?" "Uh well, I would like you to be my emotional support!" "Emotional support?" "My family life is horrible, but I have a good relationship. All I need is a shoulder to cry on when it gets to hard." "I would be glad to help you with that." "I'll pay fifty dollars." "That's perfectly acceptable. Shall we go then?" Ami nods her head and walks side by side with Kisa. When they leave, Shinpachi stares at Gintoki, who is now reading a JUMP. "Gin-San is that really a good job for Kisa? She really doesn't seem to intact with her emotions at all." "That's why it's a perfect job. That girl already explained her situation to me and Tama told me somethings Kisa told her. I'm using this job to break Kisa." "Break her?!? That's a work of a demon!" "Kisa needs to cry and from what Tama told me, she has a lot of crying to do." "But why are you doing it?" "Tama gave a request to Odd Jobs." "And what was that request?" "To get Kisa to smile for real." "Gin-San, are you a softie?" "Hell no, I'm getting paid for this." Shinpachi smiles as he takes a seat and begins reading the newspaper.
"So Ami, what do you do for a living?" "I'm a hostess." "A hostess? Why a job like that?" "To help pay the rent at home. Plus it's not that bad of a job. You meet a lot of different people and you make a lot of new friends." "Oh is that so? But aren't there weirdos?" "Oh yeah, but the only who has it bad is Otae." "Why does she have it bad?" "One of her customers stalk her. He's a very persistent one too!" "How does she deal with that?!" "With brute force. You would never be able to tell that such a pretty girl would have such a violent streak." "She sounds interesting." "She really is. So um Kisa, I was wondering, how old are you?" "I'm 18, I know I don't look like it. I can't help it, it's genet---" Before she could finish her sentence someone bumps into her and knocks her down. Then foot is sitting atop her stomach. "Oops, I thought you were a bug again." 🔹It's the freaking Sadist again! What was his name? Okita-San? Yeah that's right!🔹 "Kisa-San, are you alright?!?" "Don't worry about me, Ami. Just a little down that's all." Ami starts giggling as Sougo rolls his eyes. "That was a terrible pun, pip squeak." Kisa grabs his foot and kicks the other one out from under him. He lands on the floor with a loud thud. Kisa stands up and dusts herself off. "I thought I told you, I don't like being called small. Or being stepped on." "That's weird most women love it when I step on them." "I'm not a masochist.. Nor do I ever plan on being one." "Just wait, doll face. Spend enough time around me and you'll be a masochist in no time." "No thank you." Ami darts her eyes back and forth at the bickering pair. "Kisa is he your boyfriend?" "HAH?! No not in a million years! I just met him today, there is no way this guy could be my boyfriend." "Do you see the size of this chick? Like hell I would want a midget girlfriend." Kisa goes in for a kick but he catches her leg and pulls her down to the ground. She ends up falling forward and lands on top of him. Her face flushes bright red as she hovers over him. "You know this counts as assault and its even worse because I'm a police officer." Kisa jumps up and bows her head. "I'M SORRY! Ami, let's go!" "Okay, but why are you blushing?" "Shaddup! Don't say that out loud!!!" Sougo sits up and chuckles, "This is going to be fun, Kisa."
  Kisa and Ami arrive at Ami's house. Which looked worn down and looks as if it only has a few years left before it collapses. "Wow, this house must be old." "Yeah, it's been in our family for a while now. I love this house very much even if it doesn't have a happy atmosphere. Shall we go inside?" "Of course!" When they go inside, Kisa is surprised to see very nice furniture. 🔹I guess the outside is the only old looking thing...🔹 "I'm home!" They walk into the living room where a woman was passed out on the floor. "Mother! Not again! You promised me and dad, you wouldn't drink again. I guess you'll really never keep any of your promises."
- "You always do this, you never keep any of your promises!" -
Kisa shakes the memory out of her head and looks at Ami. "Kisa, would you mind helping me get my mom to her room?" Kisa smiles, "Of course!" Both girls take each one of Ami's mom's arms and carry her to her room. They lay her on the bed and rest for a second. They exit the room and sit in Ami's room. "Ami, does this happen often?" "Yeah, she promised she was going to stop though. I always feel lonely when she drinks.... It's a really sad feeling, especially since I sit in my room and cry alone. Do you think it's weak to cry?" "No not at all, I believe if you have to cry then cry." "Do you cry a lot?" "Uh no not really... I have my reasons though." "Is that so?" "Yeah, but at least you have your relationship, right?" "Yeah! We've been together for two years." "That's nice. I bet he's a nice guy as well." While they were talking, they didn't notice that Ami's father came home. Their conversation is put to a halt when they hear a loud argument. "What's that?" "My dad is home... He hates it when mom drinks, so they get in a lot of arguments. I hate it." Ami buries her head between her knees. Kisa looks at her and feels a twinge of pain in her heart. 🔹Why does it hurt? Why does this make me want to cry? Is it because her situation is somewhat similar to mine? What does it feel like to cry? I haven't cried in so long, I have forgotten the feeling. I should offer my shoulder..🔹"Ami, would you like a shoulder to cry on?" Kisa opens her arms wide, waiting for Ami. Ami quickly wraps her arms around Kisa and starts crying into her shoulder. Kisa is startled at first but then gradually wraps her arms around Ami. She pats the crying girls back. "It's okay. Just let it all out." Ami cries for a whole hour and then finally calms down. Suddenly a phone starts ringing. "Oh my phone!" Ami picks it up. "Hello...... Oh hey, Kaze. What's up?...... You can't make our date today? Why?..... Work?........ No I'm not mad. I'm really glad, you are working very hard....... I love you too.... Yep another day, bye!" "Hey Ami, how about we go out right now?" "Yeah I would like that!" "Good we shouldn't waste our afternoon just sitting here." The two go out and walk around town. "Ami, what time is it?" She quickly checks her phone. "It's 4:30" "Hmmm, what should we do?" "We should go clothes shopping! I bet you would look adorable in a short kimo----" "What's wrong? Ami?" Kisa follows Ami's line of sight and sees a man and woman kissing. "Is there something wrong with those two?" Ami quickly stomps over there. "KAZE! What the hell are you doing?!?" "Kaze? That's her boyfriend's name, right?" "Ami?! What are you doing here?!" "What am I doing here!?! What are you doing here? You said you had work!" "Kaze baby, who's this girl?" "Just some stalker girl, babe. Don't worry about her. Let me take care of this." "Don't take to long." "I won't." Kaze drags Ami away from the mystery girl and goes next a vending machine. "Go home." "What?! I'm your girlfriend how can you say that?" "You're not my girlfriend anymore. I was getting bored of you! Every time I said I had to work, I was with her. I just never had the time to break up with you." "Not enough time?! This has been going on for two months! What do you mean not enough time?!" "Look we're done, just go home." Kisa was leaning on the other side of the vending machine, listening to the whole conversation. When another bad memory pops into her head.
- "Kisa, I think we need to break up." -
She grits her teeth and walks over to Ami. She grabs Ami and pulls her to the side. Grabbing Kaze by the collar she roughly pins him to the wall. Tears fall down Ami's cheeks as she watches Kisa pin him to the wall. "kisa...." Kisa's purple eyes become dim and lifeless as she looks up at Kaze. "Woah this midget has some brute strength." "Listen up you damn asshole, that girl right there is freaking amazing and you had no right to lie to her. I've known her for a day and I can tell that she is the most interesting person ever. It's just that you are a sick bastard and rather push the blame on to her, rather than take responsibility for your lustful bastard thoughts! So you will apologize to her!" "Hell no! You can't make me." Kisa pulls back her right hand and clenches her fist. She delivers a hard punch to the stomach causing him to lose breath. "Guh, *cough* *cough* I think I taste blood...." "I'm going to make you see blood if you don't apologize to Ami!" "I'm sorry, Ami." "Tell her how much of a dirty bastard you are!" "I'm sorry.... I am a very lustful, dirty, and disgusting bastard. And I'll never hurt another woman again." Kisa releases Kaze as stands with his back to the street. "You're going to regret this! I promise you this!" Kisa looks at the ground and finds a wooden pole. She picks it up and swings it like a katana. It hits Kaze, hurling him into a bunch of trash and trash cans. "I won't regret anything, especially not after beating up trash like you. Let's go, Ami." Kisa grabs Ami's hand and walks her to the park. She sits her down at a bench and goes to a vending machine to buy Ami a drink. "Here drink this." "Thank you, oh it's sweet." "When you are sad you should drink or eat something sweet." "You really are nice... It makes me feel ridiculous to cry now." "No don't feel ridiculous! You cry as much as you want! Cry your heart out!" "Then tell me, why don't you cry? Why do you hold it in?" "I don't cry or complain because everyone has problems." "I think you should cry... It would help you a lot." "Yeah.... I bet it would." "Oh look my parents... They're out on a date." "How nice they made up." "Yeah it is. Thank you for being my emotional support. I'm going to go catch up with my parents. I hope to see you again, Kisa." "Me too, Ami." Ami runs to her parents, you could hear their laughs carry in the breeze. "Well you did good for your first job." Kisa looks to her side and sees Gintoki. "You think so? I'm glad I did a good job." Kisa stands up, facing Gintoki. "Are you going to cry?" "Why would I cry?" "I sent you on this job for that reason." "WHAT?!?" "Guess I'll have to do it myself. Kisa, I want you to think of your entire life. Think of all the times you know you should've cried but you didn't. Keep thinking about it until your eyes sting." "Stop that, it isn't cool..." "Think about it!" "No, you're such a demon! I don't wanna think about it!" The memories start flooding her mind, each one making her heart cringe in pain. Finally she felt something wet drip down each side of her face. She touches underneath her eyes, "Gintoki-San, my eyes are broken and are leaking some strange liquid...." More and more tears fall down her face as she feels her knees going weak. "Need a shoulder to cry on?" Kisa rushes into Gintoki and cries into his chest. He gently pats her head. After two hours of crying, she finally calms down. "I'm done now... Can we go home?" "My clothes are literally soaked! Of course we're going home! I'm freaking wet!" "Hahaha!! I'm sorry but it's your fault you know!" "Yeah yeah, I'm the bad guy." "Gintoki, you're pretty cool. Almost like a dad." "Well then just call me Father Gintoki." "Haha, yeah I'll do that!"

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