Perfect Couples Will Clash Heads Pt. 2

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"Damn damn damn!!! Damn it! Why did he have to answer yes so quickly! Just a bit of hesitation would have been fine with me!" Kisa stomps into Odd Jobs, her anger is through the roof. Gintoki looks up and gasps when he sees her arm, "What the hell happened to your arm!" "Sougo accidentally cut me." May stands up and bows many times, "I apologize! Because of me you got hurt!" Kisa shakes her head, "Don't worry about it. I'm more worried about mine and Sougo's relationship." "I ruined your relationship! I deeply apologize! While I've gotten the best thing in the world, you lost the best thing in the world." "Oh what happened to you?" Gintoki picks his nose, "Her and Pachi got together." Kisa gasps, "You mean our little Shinpachi has a girlfriend! That's amazing!" "That's what I'm saying." May puts up her hand, "Um pardon me but what are we going to do now?" "Oh yeah! Do you know where to find your sister?" May nods her head, "Of course I do. Would you like me to take you all there." Kisa nods her head, "Let's go now."
Kagura yawns, "Why did we leave so late at night?" Kisa rubs the bandage on her arm, "Because I have to prove that idiot wrong." Shinpachi looks at May who has let her head rest on his shoulder, "The faster we get this down then the faster May-San is proven innocent." Kisa nods her head in agreement, "She said its outside this forest so we should be there soon. Right, Gintoki?" Gintoki lets out a yawn and nods his head, "Give it like 20 minutes....."
--------------20 Minutes Later------------
Kisa takes in her surroundings, "Wow it's a pretty nice place for a serial killer." "Heh? I'm not a serial killer. I'm an assassin!" They all look towards the voice. Shinpachi gasps, "They really are twins!" Kagura looks at them several times and blinks, "It's like looking in a mirror." May bows her head, "Sister.... Please stop what you're doing... Your sins are backfiring onto me and now I must take the punishment..." April crosses her arms, "I thought they would have taken care of it by now." Kisa gets angry, "That is some bullshit! This is your sister and you're going to let her die! Just like that!" "This is a family affair, stay out of it you midget." Kisa tilts her head, "Why does everyone here want to die today! That's it! You and me! Mano y Mano!" April tilts her head, "Oh a game? I got it then! Midget will be my prey but you three need to be occupied as well so my comrades will keep you company. Meet you inside!" Suddenly a big cloud of smoke fills the air. No one could see anything in front of them. Once it clears up, Shinpachi immediately takes May's hand. Kisa looks at the entrance and grins, "Shall we go?" "Lead the way, crazy daughter of mine." Kisa walks in first, then Gintoki, then Kagura, and then Shinpachi and May.
The room they enter has a very elegant looking man sitting there, "Welcome to my humble abode. My name is Chinpo." They all start chuckling. Kagura slaps her knee, "He has such a nice face but his name is so awful-aru!" Kisa holds in her laugh and holds her sides, "My god! It's so damn hilarious!" Shinpachi grabs his wooden sword and points it towards him, "I'll take him on! You guys take May-San!" Kisa looks at him, "Are you sure, Shinpachi." May grabs Kisa and pulls her, "Let's go! You'll never get to Nee-Chan at this rate!" Gintoki nods at Shinpachi, "Don't die." "Yeah!" The four leave Shinpachi behind, who is now gripping his sword tightly, "Bring it on."
The next room had a big man sitting in a small and cute chair, "Hello my name is Pip." Kagura ignores his self introduction and goes straight for the fight. Her foot collides almost collides with his face but he uses his arm to block it, "I see, so the pip squeak is going to be my opponent. Well I'm warning you now little girl, I'm one of the best assassins that serve by Lady April's side. I don't plan to lose." Kagura grins, "Good! I needed a good fight to help wake me up. Gin-Chan, Kisa, go find another fight because he's mine-aru!" Kisa looks at Kagura and smiles, "Don't go to overboard, Kagura." Kagura nods and throws her fist at the man again.
"Nyan~~ Welcome to my little kitty play pen! Wanna play with me today? Nyan~~" Kisa and Gintoki look at the woman and grimaces. "Gintoki this girl is really weird..." "She's probably got a cat fetish. Both of you stay away from her before you catch it." "Nyan~~ Excuse me but I'm right here. Please don't talk about me like that.. Nyan~~" "Nyan~~ Gintoki, she's freaking me out." "Nyan~~ Me too, Kisa." Kisa looks at May, "What about you, May?" "Uh yeah! She freaking me out too!" Kisa eyes May, "Gintoki take care of Kitty." "Nyaan~~ My name is Inu! Nyaan~~" Gintoki waves them off, "Yeah yeah. I got it. Have fun fighting that crazy twin." Kisa nods her head, "I will."
Kisa walks into the room and sighs, "Finally! We've made it." April turns around and slightly grins, "So you've finally made it, huh? You kept me waiting." Kisa chuckles, "I know I did.. I'm sorry, so let me take care of this." Kisa pulls a kunai from her upper thigh and quickly holds it to May's throat, "I win!" "Wha-what are you doing!?" "I'm doing the obvious. I'm getting rid of the criminal, April." A big grin spreads across her face, "When did you find out I wasn't May?" "When Shinpachi decided to take on the first guy. You had no reaction at all and I remembered how apologetic May became when I got hurt or when my relationship was ruined." "May is such an innocent girl... She lets everyone walk over her... That's why I had no trouble doing what I did." Kisa scowls, "You're a sicko! That's your sister!" April laughs and her hand swiftly moves past Kisa's side. Kisa's eyes widen as she feels warmth drip down her side. May screams and covers her eyes. April chuckles, "You had such a big game and that's all you could offer. Look at you pathetically bleed. Did you honestly think that you could take on a trained assassin like me? I bet your friends are probably dead and suffering too!" April turns on a tv and gasps, "Th-they're tied up! What the hell happened!?" Kisa grips her side and smiles, "It's true... Taking on skilled assassins can't really be my thing so I found a loophole.... A bit of paralysis powder on a blade, glove, or maybe even an umbrella can do a whole lot... Especially when it gets into the bloodstream." April feels her body tense up. She lands on the floor with a huge thud, "DAMN YOU!"

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