Marriage Is Something Done Between Lovers Pt. 4

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Kisa runs to the backside of the apartments and stops to catch her breath. "I just kissed Sougo.... M-m-my l-l-lips touched his!" Kisa touches her lips and smiles, "Even though it was an accident, I'm pretty happy... But he probably didn't like it at all.." While Kisa was self loathing, she notices something red on the ground. She bends down to take a closer look. "This is blood..." She notices a tiny droplet trail of blood leading to a door. "I think I might've found our attacker." Kisa goes to the door and knocks on it. "Go away! I don't need what you're selling!" "Sir, I know your ass is bleeding." "I have no idea what you're talking about!" Kisa starts to get impatient and pounds on the door, "If you don't open this door right now, I will gladly kick it in and take you to the police myself!" The door opens and a scruffy looking man appears, "What do you want?" "It's rude not to invite your neighbors in." The man sarcastically smiles, "Please come in." "Why thank you!" Kisa walks in and notices pictures all over his wall. "Wait these are all the newlywed tenants... And the ones with X's through them are the ones you've already taken care of." "You catch on fast. Which means you'll be a pain in my ass." "I believe I already gave you a pain in the ass." "Yeah thanks for that. Never thought a housewife would be able to use throwing kunais." Kisa touches the picture of her on the wall, "Well you never know when it'll come in handy." "How the hell did you know I was in the bush!?" "That's a secret, but let's just say my teacher is really good at it. So you mind telling me why you're attacking these ladies?" "Well I was a newlywed and then my wife cheated on me! Women can't be trusted, the moment you start to get boring they'll leave you for the next man she finds interesting! It's the newlywed stage where women are the most untrustworthy! If sex sucks, she'll be staying late at "work" doing something else." "Not all women cheat, idiot." "And how do you know that!" "I can tell you that all these women on your wall aren't cheating, but if you really want to stop someone, you'll have to stop me. Because I'm a big cheater... My husband who loves me so much is being played by me.. So if you wanna stop me or tell my husband, then you'll find us in Apartment 23C! Well that's all I wanted to say, bye now." Kisa leaves his apartment with an evil grin on her face. She immediately goes back to her apartment, when she opens the door, Sougo was coming out of the bedroom. She avoids his gaze and tries to calm her heartbeat. 🔹Maybe I should clear things up with Sougo... I'll tell him that the kiss was an accident and that it doesn't mean anything! Even if I did run away.🔹 "Um Sougo can we talk?" "Sure." He steps closer to her and leans against the wall. "Th-th-that kiss didn't mean anything... It was completely an accident and we don't have to ever worry about it, okay?" He grabs her arm and pulls her in, "You're right that one didn't mean anything. But this one is different." "Huh?" Sougo takes her chin and brings her towards him. He places his lips on hers and gently kisses her. He parts his lips and beckons her to do the same. She parts her lips and he slips his tongue in. She wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back. They break away and Kisa stares at him. "Kisa...." "Yeah..." Sougo pulls her in for another kiss, this time it was more heated and passionate. They are interrupted by a knock on the door. Sougo tries to ignore an continues to kiss Kisa, but she gently pushes herself away. "We might get more information about our guy." Sougo clicks his tongue and answers the door. Outside was the scruffy man, Kisa met earlier. "Hello, I'm your neighbor. Due to my busy schedule I never really got the chance to introduce myself." Sougo rolls his eyes, "Please come in." Both walk to the table and take a seat. Kisa comes out with some tea, "Hello neighbor I've never met before, isn't kinda weird for you to introduce yourself now?" Sougo pinches Kisa's butt making her squeal. "Ah I guess it is kinda weird. But I heard that your husband was a hard working man and I just had to meet him." "The name is Okita." Sougo sticks out his hand, the man takes it and they shake. "The name is Reiji." Kisa starts to giggle, "Haha, I've never heard of neighbor wanting to meet his neighbors for that kind of reason." "Well I respect that kind of man. A housewife probably wouldn't understand." Kisa glares daggers at the man, "Don't assume anything... You never know when the prey turns into the predator." "Oh is that so? But a small woman as yourself probably doesn't have the fangs to pick a fight with someone bigger than her." Kisa tilts her head, a big maniacal smile on her face, "Did you just call me small? You better watch yourself, sir... You never know when something becomes a pain in the ass for you..." Sougo pulls Kisa down onto his lap. "Eep! Sougo, not in front of Reiji!" "Can't help it, I'm still in the honeymoon stage." Sougo buries his face into the crook of her neck. Kisa looks Reiji in the eyes and sticks her tongue out. Reiji narrows his eyes at her and sneers, "Well I should be going. I just wanted to introduce myself. Oh and Okita-San, you better watch your wife closely. Who knows what she does while you're away at work." With that said Reiji walks out of the apartment. Kisa smiles triumphantly, "Good job on the acting, Sougo!" "Kisa come take a nap with me..." "For real?!" "Yeah... Come take a nap with me." "Ummm okay...." Sougo quickly stands up with Kisa in his arms and heads to the bedroom. Once in the bedroom, he plops her down on the bed and lays next to her. He wraps his arms around her and nestles his face against her forehead. Her hands rest against his chest. Before falling asleep, Sougo slips on his eye mask. "Sougo..." He doesn't answer. "Sougo are you asleep?" Again he doesn't answer. Kisa takes this opportunity to put her ear against his chest. She hears his heartbeat and it makes her happy, "So the Sadist does have a heart..... Kinda sad though, my heart is the only one that goes crazy when you're near me..."
------------Ten Minutes Later---------
Kisa slowly gets out of the bed and straightens out her kimono. 🔹Well it's time to act! I'm changing my clothes and I'm catching our attacker!🔹 She quietly goes into the closet where Sougo hid her short kimono. She takes it to the bathroom and changes it. Kisa folds the white kimono and places it on the bed. Then she quietly sneaks out of the apartment. After leaving the apartment, Kisa runs to the office and finds the lady who hired them. "Ma'am! I can catch the criminal, I just need your help!" "Oh that's splendid! I'll do anything to help! Wait what about the officer?" "No he doesn't need to know the plan! Just listen, I need you to tell a girl who hasn't been attacked to meet you in the garden at 8 tonight. Then while she is waiting for you, I want you to cut the lights so it's dark. I'll be waiting in the trees and when he tries to attack her, I'll jump down and save the day!" "I'm on it then!" The lady gets one of the girls to agree to meet her at the garden at 8. Around 7:45, Kisa climbs into a tree and waits for 8 to roll around. At exactly 8, Ayumi was standing in the garden waiting for the apartment manager. "Good thing it's bright over here... Then at least I won't get attacked.." Suddenly the lights turn off and Ayumi starts to get scared. Kisa smiles and sits herself up. 🔹Now all I have to do is w--- Oh never mind he's right over there... What an idiot!🔹 Reiji slowly creeps toward Ayumi, once he is right under the tree Kisa is in, he pulls out a knife. "Time to say goodbye, cheater." "I Don't Think So!" "What?" Kisa hops out of the tree and her feet immediately collides with his face. "Perfect landing! Again!" "Kisa, is that you?" "Don't worry about that. I need you to call the police and say, 'Mayora the attacker has been apprehended.' Can you do that?" "Yes I can!" Ayumi runs off and that's when Sougo appears. "Kisa?" "Oh Sougo! Hey look I caught the guy! Wait how'd you know I was out here?" "I woke up and you were gone... The kimono was also folded on the bed." "I didn't want to ruin it when I jumped out of the tree." The lights switch on and Hijikata appears. "Finally! Do you know how long we've been waiting for you guys to catch him! And who the hell told that girl to call me Mayora!" Kisa lets out a chuckle. "How the hell did I know it was you!?" "I'm sorry! But I knew it would make you come faster!" Hijikata bends down and handcuffs the man, "Oi Kisa, move off his face so I can take him to the car!" "Fine fine!" Kisa steps off his face and Hijikata picks him up and takes him to the car. The lady comes up to Kisa and Sougo with a smile on her face, "Thank you very much! Without you two, we would have been doomed! Please stay one more night!" Kisa smiles back at her and takes Sougo's hand, "We would love too!"
Kisa puts her stuff in the suitcase and sighs, "Damn that took us longer than I thought, but we still finished the job!" "Kisa, why didn't you tell me about your plan?" "I thought it would have been easier if one of us did it." Sougo grabs her by the arms and looked her dead straight in the eyes. "And what the hell would've happened if you got hurt!? What if the plan didn't go as planned and you got hurt?! What were going to do then?" "It's not like that would have been the first time he would've attacked me." "What the hell is that supposed to mean!" "Oops...." "Kisa, answer me!" "He tried hitting me with a throwing Kunai... But I easily dodged it! I wasn't going to get hurt!" "That is an example of something that could've killed you! Are you kidding me right now! Kisa why don't you mention these things!?" "I didn't want to worry you!" "It's going to worry me if you don't tell me!" Kisa looks at Sougo and notices a sad look in his eyes. "I'm sorry.... I'm really sorry, Sougo. I promise I won't put you in that situation again." He releases her arms and puts his forehead against hers, "Good..." That night they both sleep in the same bed. When Kisa wakes up, she is wrapped in Sougo's arms. 🔹I think Sougo was literally try to make me a Masochist this whole time... The kissing, the hugging, and the cuddling all was probably part of a plan... He probably thought it would be the quickest way to break down my walls... But it makes me so happy... I can't be around him! I'll just get more and more confused and just fall in love with him even more!🔹 Kisa wiggles out of his grasp, she grabs her suitcase and sneaks out of the apartment. She immediately heads back to Odd Jobs. Once inside, Kisa plops down on the couch and falls asleep. Gintoki comes out and places a blanket over her. He smiles and says, "Welcome home, Kisa."

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