It's Not Jealousy, It's Annoyance!

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"Gintoki, I have a question..." Gintoki picks his nose and stares at Kisa, "What?" She hesitates for a second and then spits it out, "How do I get the guy I like to notice my feelings?!" "Tell Souchiro you'll wear a collar. He'll love that." "WHO THE HELL SAID IT WAS SOUGO!" Kagura jumps on the couch next to Kisa. "Because it's obvious you like the Sadist!" Kisa looks down and sighs, "Fine, how do I get Sougo to notice my feelings without resorting to Masochism?" "You could tell him-aru!" "No he wouldn't take me seriously.." Gintoki and Kagura think for a second, when Shinpachi walks in, "Good Morning! What are we talking about?" "Kisa's love life." "Or her lack of one because she likes the Sadist." "Well why was that topic brought up?" "I asked Gintoki how I could get Sougo to notice my feelings." "Kisa-San no offense but maybe you're better off finding someone else to like." Suddenly a lightbulb clicks for Gintoki, "That's it! Pachi, you're a genius! We could make Souchiro jealous!" "Gin-Chan that's an awesome plan! But who will we use? I vote for Gin-Chan!" "That would never work, Kagura-Chan. Everyone knows Gintoki is like a father to Kisa." "Well it can't be you, Shinpachi. You're to plain for Kisa!" "Then who do you suggest?!" Gintoki thinks for a second, "It needs to be someone Souchiro knows..." "How about Yamazaki-Kun?" "No he's to plain too!" Gintoki gets a big grin on his face. "I know exactly who we can use." Kisa tilts her head, "Who?" "Hijikata!" Shinpachi and Kagura smile and nod their heads in agreement. "Hijikata? Will that really work?" "Of course it will! I'm a genius at planning, I know it'll work." Kisa smiles, "How do we get him to agree with it?" "He has no choice." "Are you going to kidnap him?!" The three smile and nods their heads. "Kisa-San please wait here." "We'll be back in no time-aru!" "Don't accept any jobs while we're away!" The three leave and Kisa lets out a perplex sigh. Moments later they come back with Hijikata except he has a sack over her head. "YOU GUYS DID KIDNAP HIM!" "Dammit Odd Jobs! What the hell are you guys up to now!?" Gintoki removes the sack from his head and laughs, "Mayora, we need you to take Kisa out on a date!" Hijikata punches Gintoki in the face. "Hell no! Did you all kidnap me for that reason!" Gintoki punches him back, "Yes we kidnapped you for that reason!" "Hijikata-San, we would really appreciate it if you did this for us. It's only to show Kisa-San that there are better options than Okita-San." Hijikata thinks for a second, "What's in it for me?" Gintoki snickers, "Probably the first date in forever." Again Gintoki gets punched in the face and again he returns the punch to Hijikata. "Mayora, I can't live knowing that Kisa likes that Sadist! Can you imagine what he'll do to her!? He'll turn her into a masochist!" Hijikata crosses his arms and sighs, "Where do you want to go?" "You'll do it! You'll really do it!?" "Yes, now where do you want to go?" "An amusement park!" A memory pops into his head and quickly shakes it out. "Fine." Gintoki clears his throat, "The date has to be today! I have a feeling Souchiro will be coming over soon." Kisa looks at Gintoki in confusion, "Why do you say that?" "Let's just say that a new horror movie came out and I know that you and Souchiro both enjoy those movies." "Are you saying that he's going to ask me out?" "I'm not guaranteeing anything, but if it does happen you have to reject him." "Um okay... So Hijikata shall we go in an hour?" "Sure." Kisa smiles and picks up the newspaper. 🔹Huh? Gintoki was right! There is a new horror movie opening today! Awwww I should've told Hijikata that I wanted to go there!🔹 Kisa flips through the newspaper but gets bored. Instead she decides to take a nap. An hour later someone gently shakes her awake. "Oi, you wanna go to the amusement park or not?" "Hm? Oh, I do!" She quickly stands up and yawns, "What have you guys been doing this past hour." "Tv." "Interesting." Suddenly there was a knock at the door. Kisa walks to the door, "I got it!" Kisa opens the door, "Helloooo..... Oh Sougo..." "Kisa there's a new horror movie out. You wanna go watch it with me?" "Um I uh kinda uh..." That's when Hijikata appears behind Kisa, he rests his arm on the wall and looks down at Kisa, "Are you ready to go? I wanna get there before there's a lot of people." "Uh yeah! Um, I'm sorry Sougo... I have a date with Hijikata today, maybe next time..." Hijikata nudges Kisa forward, when he passes Sougo he is able to feel his incoming doom. 🚬Please don't let Sogo 13 happen again! I don't want to be the target this time.🚬 "Boss, where are those two going?" "They're going to the amusement park." "Amusement park, huh?"
Hijikata and Kisa walk side by side as they make their way towards the amusement park. "Hijikata did you feel that deathly aura?" "Yes, yes I did." "Should we be worried?" "I have no idea..." "Do you want to change your clothes?" "What's wrong with my clothes?" "You're in your work uniform.. I thought you would like to change." "Don't worry about me." "Okay if you say so." Thirty minutes later they reach their destination. Kisa's eyes light up as she sees all the rides. "Aaaaahhh, it's so pretty!" Hijikata looks at her and smiles, "Then shall we go in?" She nods her head, "Yeah let's go inside!" Hijikata puts his arm behind her back but feels an ominous presence behind them. 🚬Please don't be Sougo 13.... This isn't even a real date!? It's a set up!🚬 Hijikata escorts Kisa inside. "What would you like to do first?" "Let's go on the teacups!!" "Teacups? Ugh I feel dizzy already.." "If you don't want to go on just say so. We can do something else. Maybe get some ice cream or something?" "Let's do that first." "Okay!"

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