Marriage Is Something Done Between Lovers Pt. 3

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------------Two Weeks Later-----------
🔹The more time I spend with Sougo, the more nervous I get around him! I can barely look him in the eye anymore and that whole biting my neck thing didn't help! And when the hell are we going to get any clues on this damn attacker!🔹 Kisa peeks out the window and sees Sougo surrounded by women. "Ughh, look at him! Just carelessly flirting with all the single girls... Can't we get one lead on this attacker so that I can go home! I can't stand being near this damn womanizer!" She sits on the couch and starts reading the newspaper, but she couldn't concentrate. "Ugh! What pisses me off the most is that he barely let's me leave the house! Why do I have to be confined while he gets to be out there flirting! You know what! Screw him, I'm going outside!" Kisa slips on her shoes and walks outside, she feels her body immediately simmer down once the nice breeze hits her. "Ahhh, it's so nice out here! Maybe I should go hang out with Yamazaki today! Wait what day is it..... It's Tuesday! It's badminton day!" Kisa happily runs toward the street. "Oh Okita-San, isn't that your wife?" Sougo looks where the girl is pointing and sees Kisa running. "Let her go. She'll receive a nice punishment later." The girls laugh as they crowd Sougo some more.
-----------A Couple Hours Later---------
Kisa walks home and sighs, "I should've paid attention to the time. Now it's dark out and Sougo is going have a punishment ready for me.. Well at least the apartments are sorta lit up." As Kisa is walking she feels a sense of danger and stops, suddenly something flies past her face and stabs into the wall. "A throwing kunai... This guy is trying to kill someone, ain't he?" Kisa pulls the kunai out and throws it towards a bush. Something in the bush let's out a scream, she sees a figure run out of the bush clutching his ass. "Ooo, I got an ass shot! Sweet!" After a good laugh, Kisa gets to her apartment. She opens the door, "I'm home!" There was no answer. "I guess I'm alone again.. No worries! I'll make myself some Ramen and just watch tv!" Kisa makes herself some ramen and starts to watch reruns of he favorite drama. "Man he does not deserve her at all! She went through so much trying to confess and in the end he just waves her off! But this guy has the audacity to interrupt any dates she has just because he has the illusion of her belonging to him! Why does that sound so familiar.. Oh I know why... But has Sougo really answered to my confession? I know he uses it against me but he really hasn't answered me, has he?" While Kisa tried to sort out the answers, the front door opens and Sougo walks in. Kisa looks at him and smiles, "Welcome Home." Sougo looks at her and smiles, "I'm home." 🔹Oh My Sweet Parfait! He actually smiled! Not his usual sadistic smile, but a true genuine smile!🔹 "What are you gawking at?" "Nothing!" Kisa turns her attention back over to the tv. Sougo takes a seat next to her and kicks off his shoes. He lets out a sigh of relief. "Long day at work?" "Not really, I just never got a nap in." "You really are a lazy cop." "But I'm hot lazy cop." "Suuurre keep telling yourself that." "I will." The conversation stops there, the only sound that could be heard was the tv. Kisa grabs the blanket that is next to her and wraps herself in it. She starts giggling to herself. "Stop giggling to yourself, it's creepy." "I can't help it! I just realized that I am now a Kisa-rrito!" Sougo has to stop himself from laughing, "That is honestly the dumbest thing I've ever heard of." "Don't be jealous because you're not wrapped up like a burrito." "Then how about we just make you into a mega burrito." "Mega burrito?" Sougo snatches the blanket off of her and wraps the both of them in it. "There a mega burrito.. I will call it the Sougo Supreme." "Hell no! It should be the Kisa Deluxe!" "No.. I veto that idea." "Then how about the Kousgo Crunch?" "Kousgo?" "Well it would be dumb to make it just one of our names.. So it's a mixture of both our names. I was also thinking the Sakakita Double, but that sounds weird." "Then the Kousgo Crunch it is." "Yay! I win!" Kisa's celebration is cut short when she feels Sougo's hand touching hers. She then realized the situation she was in, which causes her mind to freak out. She tries to move away, but he quickly takes hold of her hand. "Don't move.. I'm really comfortable and if you move it'll mess it up." Kisa stops moving entirely as she feels Sougo's head rest against her shoulder. "Be a good wife and keep your husband company." She nods her head and blushes. 🔹Stupid stupid stupid Sougo! You make me go from hating you to loving you in a matter of seconds... Can't you see what you're doing to me!🔹 Sougo easily drifts into dreamland, his breathing evens out. "....why here? you got the bed, you idiot.. stop making me love you more..." Kisa turns off the tv and also drifts off into dreamland.
-------------The Next Morning-----------
Kisa stands outside and watches the neighborhood kids play ball. "Pshh, I wish I could run around like that. This stupid kimono makes it hard to move." "Kisa!" Her heartbeat picks up as she turns around to face Sougo. He walks up to her, a stack of papers in hand. "What?" He uses the papers to hide their faces, "Have you gotten anymore details on the attacker?" 🔹Should I tell him I got attacked last night. No I'll only make him worry... I'll keep that to myself.🔹 "Nope just the same old stories. He attacks at night especially in dark areas, so no one has really seen him. He doesn't attack daily, he kinda waits it out and times the attacks." "Why are you blushing?" "What?" "Why is your face red?" Sougo was absolutely correct, Kisa had started blushing the moment Sougo hid their faces behind the papers. She places her hands on her cheeks and lets out a suspicious laugh, "Ahaha, it's very hot out here, no? I mean it's only May, but it's really hot!" "That's not why you're blushing." Kisa throws down her hands and puffs her cheeks, "It is the reason why I'm blushing!" "No it's not." "Yes it is!" "HEY LOOK OUT!" Suddenly a ball hits the back of her head and pushes her towards Sougo. Their lips immediately crash into each other and their teeth clack together. Sougo's eyes widen as Kisa quickly pulls away. Her face is a deep red all the way up to the tip of her ears. "I-I-I-I'm sorry!" Kisa bows her head and runs off. Sougo touches his lips and smiles, "She definitely loved that..... And so did I...."

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