Princess For A Day Pt. 2

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"Ehhhh, how can anyone wear these outfits. Soyo-Hime, I give you props for being able to wear this all the time." Soyo lets out a little giggle, "You and Kagura-Chan both look absolutely amazing." Kagura runs around doing little twirls, "This is awesome!" Kondo puts his hand on Kisa's shoulder, "I'm sorry about this but you'll be watched over by Toshi and Sougo..." "Ehhhhhh!!!! Wait I have no idea what I'm worrying about.. I can deal with that if one of those two can come with us too." "Shinpachi-Kun will go with you guys. Odd Job will go with Kagura." "Yay! Gin-Chan is coming with me!" "It'll also be me and Yamazaki going with you guys." "What! Yama-Chan isn't going to be with me?" "This is no time to complain! Everyone get in their designated carriages!"
"Tokugawa Soyo, you truly are a beautiful young lady." "Why thank you-aru." The man tilts his head and smiles, "Have you always talked like that?" "Like what?" "You've ended your sentence with -aru. Is that normal?" "Oh yeah it is! Does it sound weird-aru?" The man shakes his head, "Not at all! In fact you sound so amazing, I can't believe this is our first time meeting. Perhaps it's destiny that brought us together." "Eh? Destiny?" Kagura thinks back to the tv show her and Kisa were just watching a few hours ago. "You think so, my lord? If it was destiny that brought us together then I fear the fate that might tear us apart-aru." Gintoki, Kondo both stare at Kagura in shock. 🍧Where the hell did Kagura learn that?!🍧 🐒That was an amazing response! There's no way this is her first time doing this kind of thing.🐒 Yamazaki stares at the two men in curiosity. 🏸Why are these two so shocked? You would think the Princess would have something like that up her sleeve.🏸 The man sits there and admires Kagura, "Oh Princess, whatever fate it is, I'll fight it off so it won't destroy our future." Kagura thinks for a second, "My Lord! You are very brave to fight a nonphysical thing like fate just to keep our destiny in tact. But what if the fate you wish to fight is the reason why our destiny is doomed. What if you destroy the fate and our destiny dies with it? What if there's no stop to our destroyed destiny?" The man tears up a bit, "Oh my dear, sweet Princess. If a day like that were to come then I don't know what I'll do!" He bows his head but his hair falls off. Kagura blankly stares at the once covered head. Gintoki, Kondo, and Yamazaki fight off the urge to laugh. A few chuckles escape from them. "I think I found the fate that destroyed our destiny-aru." The man sits up and grabs his wig, he puts it back on and nervously chuckles, "I was in a time of stress and lost all my hair... It's growing back I swear! I must wear the wig until then!!!" "I think I lost my appetite-aru..." Kagura holds her hand to her mouth, "I think I'm about to lose my lunch... It's almost like I'm on a date with Papi!" Gintoki passes her some water while trying to hide his snickering face. Kondo furiously bows, "I'm so sorry! The Princess didn't mean it at all!" "Hime-Sama!! Does it upset your stomach to see a bald head?! Don't worry I'll grow hair immediately!" The man points at Gintoki, "You give me your hair! You have too much anyways!" "Hah!? Don't try to take my hair!! Take hair from the Gorilla, he has plenty to spare!" "What?! No I do not!!" "Don't lie! She told us about your butt Afro!" "Otae-Chan!!! She wouldn't tell you about that at all!!" Yamazaki tries to stop the two from arguing, "Chief, you two shouldn't be arguing right now. The Princess is still doing this thing!" "Stay out of this Zaki! I need to teach Odd Job a lesson!" Gintoki stands up as does Kondo, "You picking a fight, Gori-San?" "Maybe I am!" Kagura shakes her head, "Both of you need to quit it!" She punches them both in the shin making them fall to the ground in pain. "Dammit!! Why did you punch me too!" "You and Gori-San need to stop it! You're interrupting something very important!" They all look at the man who is slowly backing away, "Ah! Don't worry about me! I'm just going to go home, I think I forgot to turn off the stove!" He runs out of the room, leaving them all baffled. "Good job, Kagura! You scared him away!" "I scared him away?! It was you two, who did the most damage-aru!" "Wait that isn't the Princess! It's China?!" Kondo looks at Yamazaki and sighs, "I guess you found out... We needed body doubles for the Princess. Kagura-Chan and Kisa were two of them." "Speaking of Kisa... I wonder how her marriage meeting is going?" "Gin-Chan don't worry about it! She's a natural actor!" Yamazaki tilts his head, "Kisa is a princess too!"
🔹Ughhh this outfit is so uncomfortable especially since I have to sit like this!! Someone please put me out of my misery!!🔹 Hijikata hands a handkerchief to Kisa, "Here Hime-Sama, you look very uncomfortable. You must be sweating. Oi Shinpachi! Fan Hime-Sama!!" "Yes yes, whatever you say Hijikata-San." Kisa evilly chuckles as Shinpachi fans her. Shinpachi keeps his voice in a low whisper, "What are you chuckling about?" "I have these two wrapped around my fingers... It's amazing." "I can see how you can date Okita-San now. You both are Mega Sadists." "I am not as bad as him. Anyways, where the hell is this guy who's supposed to be part of this omiai?" Shinpachi looks around and shakes his head, "I don't know maybe he's late." "That's outrageous! Who in the world is 30 minutes late for an omiai!" Hijikata nods his head, "You're right, Hime-Sama. Who the hell has the audacity to be late to an omiai with you." Sougo rolls his eyes, "Hijikata, stop brown nosing." "I'm not brown nosing! It's called being respectful! Something you are incapable of doing!" "Hijikata-San, you shouldn't yell while in the Princess's presence." Hijikata glares at Shinpachi, "Why are you even here?!" "I told you, the Shogun asked if we could help out. Those three didn't want to do any work today so I took this opportunity." "That's annoying." "Okita-San it's annoying to you because you were probably hoping for Kisa-San or Kagura-Chan. Then at least you would be somehow entertained." "This is work, he wouldn't be able to flirt or fight even if he wanted too." "I would find a way." 🔹GAHHH!! I wonder how Kagura's is going? I bet she's having more fun than me and I bet her AC is working... I'm melting all this makeup off...🔹"Okita-Saaaannn, would you be as so kind to check the hallway to see if anyone is coming." Sougo nods his head and walks out into the hallway. Kisa quietly chuckles, "kuku, I really do have them both tied around my finger." "Is there something you need Hime-Sama?" Kisa looks at Hijikata and shakes her head, "No, nothing at all. Thank you for the concern." Sougo walks in dragging someone, "Hijikata, I found this guy sitting outside the door." Hijikata looks at the guy and grimaces, "Are you Lord Noa?" The timid man nods his head. Shinpachi looks at him in shock. 👓He looks like a NEET who never goes outside!👓 Kisa gulps and stares at the guy. 🔹How do you interact with a NEET like this?🔹

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