I Love You More Than Anyone Pt. 2

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"Hello again, Kisa." "Hello Tamotsu! Um sorry I'm still in my work uniform." "No it's fine, the outfit suits you very well. Shall we go?" Kisa nods her head. They look around for a place to eat, but they have no luck. "Tamotsu, I might know a place we can go to." Kisa gets ahead of him and he follows her to a small restaurant. When they go inside the smell of food was mesmerizing. "Let's go take a seat at the counter! It's the best place to sit." "Sure." Kisa leads him to the counter and they take a seat. "Oh Kisa, how wonderful to see you again! What's this? Where is Okita-San?" "Busy with work. I'm out with a friend right now." "He's a new face. Have you ever been here before?" "Not at all, but it smells amazing in here. So it has to mean everything here is delicious." "Well thank you very much, young man. Kisa would you like the usual?" "Yes please!" "And you, young man?" "Udon noodles, please." "Right away." The owner puts two bowls down and smiles. "Seems like you two have similar tastes." Kisa stares at her bowl and her eyes shine. "Thank you for the meal!" Tamotsu stares at Kisa in awe as she devours her food. She stops eating and looks at him. "Is there something wrong?" Tamotsu starts laughing because Kisa had a noodle hanging off her chin. "What? What is it?" "You just eat so enthusiastically and have a noodle hanging off your chin." Her eyes widen and she quickly wipes her chin. "Sorry! I just really love the food here.... Well actually I love eating in general.." Tamotsu laughs even more. "It's cute.." "Huh? You think it's cute?" 🔹Sougo says I look like a wild animal when I eat...🔹
- "Thanks for the meal!!" "Hahaha!!!" "What are you laughing at." "The way you eat. You look like a wild animal, it's not cute at all." "Pshhh, who said I wanted to look cute when I'm eating." Poking her cheek, he smiles. "You wanna look cute for me right?" Kisa takes his finger and laughs. "Not when I'm eating." Sougo intertwines his fingers with hers and puts their hands against his cheek. Kisa smiles and gently whispers, "I love you, Sougo." -
"Kisa, are you okay?" "Huh? Oh I'm sorry! I was remembering when someone told me I looked like a wild animal when I eat." "How could they think that? I think it's adorable when you're eating!" "Haha, thank you!" When they finish their meal, the owner brings Kisa a parfait. "A chocolate parfait with an extra strawberry on top!" "You're a saint!" "Haha, you flatter me too much!" When Kisa finishes her parfait, they leave. "Shall I walk you home?" "You don't have too." "But a girl should never walk home alone at night." "To be honest, I have what people call violent tendencies..." "Violent tendencies? Sorry but someone as adorable as you has violent tendencies?" Kisa lets out a giggle, "Yeah I do. You may not believe it but I've had my fair share of fights. Stomped on people, punched a ridiculously strong dude in the face, thrown a guy into a trash can... You know the works. If I wanted to, I probably could throw someone out a window." Tamotsu looks at her in disbelief. "I don't want to be rude, but can a little person like you throw someone out a window." "Hahaha, you won't believe how easy it is! You probably wouldn't believe the situations I've been in!" Tamotsu laughs, "Then can I walk with you to your house? For my safety?" "Hehehehe, why not?" As they walk, Kisa begins to get a bad feeling. 🔹Ugh, I'm getting this weird feeling in my stomach.... I wonder what it could be about... Don't tell me something happened to Sougo!! No, I can't think like that... He's to stubborn to die. Then I wonder what it's about...🔹 When they reach Odd Jobs, Kisa stops. "Are we not going to your house?" Kisa points to the Odd Jobs sign, "This is my house.. Is it weird because there is a snack house underneath?" "I wasn't expecting that, that's all." "I guess it is a little weird. But I love it here." "Well then I guess this is goodbye." "Nah, I don't say goodbye. I say see you later." "See you later?" "See you later!" Kisa goes upstairs and goes inside. Tamotsu stares at the door and smiles. "My heart belongs to you, my violent angel." He walks away with a suspicious smile on his face.
"Hijikata, I'm taking tomorrow off." "No you're not." "Hijikata, I'm going somewhere early in the morning and won't be back till the next day." "No you will not. Sougo, what the hell do you want." "I'm Kisa deprived." Hijikata sighs and takes a drag of his cigarette. "You can go see her in the morning for half an hour and then you have to come back." "I need more than 30 minutes or else it won't be amazing." "Sougo I don't care about your sex life. 30 minutes or none that's your decision." Sougo clicks his tongue, "Fine I'll take the 30 minutes." Sougo pulls out his phone and texts Kisa. *Buzz* *Buzz* "Hmm my phone? Someone is actually texting me?!" "Don't get your hopes up, Kisa, it might be Kagura." "Kagura! You better not be texting me when your in the next room!" "It's not me!" Kisa looks at Gintoki and smiles, "So I can get my hopes up?" "Souchiro might be working still. So don't get your hopes up." Kisa nods her head. When she opens her phone, a big smile spreads across her face. "I'm glad I got my hopes up." Gintoki smiles and stands up. He pats Kisa's head and walks to his room. "I'm going to bed, don't stay up too late." "Okay!" 🔹Oi midget, you better be up bright and early because we are going somewhere. He's so discrete about the details, but I guess that makes it somewhat romantic.🔹 Kisa texts okay and lays down. She hugs her phone and falls asleep. *Buzz* *Buzz* "Okay.... She could sound a little more excited to see me." Sougo closes his phone and yawns. "Hijikata, I'm taking a nap." Sougo puts on his eye mask and kicks his feet up on the dashboard. "Oi Sougo, I didn't give you permission to sleep!" Hijikata gets no response. He sighs, "Fine whatever. Just this once though."

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