Eyepatches And Shorties Don't Mix

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Kisa trips over a trash can as she runs after Sougo. A rage fills her eyes as she maneuvers around people and lampposts. "Sougo! Get your ass back here!" Sougo chuckles as he runs away from Kisa, "Nah I'm good." "That wasn't cool!" "Kehehehe, what wasn't cool?" Her face turns red with anger and embarrassment, "I can't say it out loud!" "Say it and I'll stop." Kisa shakes her head furiously, "No!" "Then I'm not stopping." "Why would you tie a pair of underwear to me!! You even had the gall to tie me to a tree like I'm a dog!" Sougo stops running and Kisa runs right into him. "Oomph! So now you're going to stop!" He turns around and drags her into the alleyway next to them. He pins her against the wall and smirks, "You finally caught me, my little Kisa." "Nuh uh! You aren't going to get me with that!" "What do you mean? From the way I see it, I've already got you." Kisa pouts her lip and groans with annoyance. Sougo puts his knee between her legs and raises it against her. "Eep!" He leans in and whispers in her ear, "You know I can make you groan but in a whole other way." Her face is flushed pink with embarrassment, "S-Sougo, we're in an alleyway! We can't do those kind of things here..." Sougo gently bites her earlobe and purrs into her ear. "Are you sure we can't do those things?" ".....Y-y-yes I am sure!" "Why such a long pause? It sounds to me like you wanna play a little." Sougo kisses her neck and trails down to her collarbone. "Haah..Mmm.." Sougo bites his lip, "Kisa, how do you expect me to stop if you're making noises like that?" "It's not my fault.... It's all your fault..." Sougo kisses her collarbone repeatedly leaving behind a red mark. She puts her hands on his shoulders, her fingers slightly dig in. Then Sougo stops and releases her from his pin. "Huh?" Sougo smirks and walks away. Kisa gets angry and walks out of the alleyway to watch him walk away, "YOU BASTARD! DON'T TEASE ME LIKE THAT! CROOKED COP! THIS DAMN WORLD IS CORRUPTED AND NEEDS TO BE DESTROYED!" While Kisa was yelling at Sougo, someone purposely bumps into her. "Oi! What the hell was that for!?" "For such a small woman, you have a very fiery personality." Kisa looks up at the man's face and is mesmerized by his face. "Wh-who are you?" "That's a secret, that is until you answer my question." "Wh-wh-what is your question?" "Do you really wish to watch this corrupt world burn?" Kisa thinks about all the stuff she has been through and gets angry, "Yes!! It needs to burn!" She says it in a half joking voice but the man does not take note of it. Instead he smirks, "My name is Takasugi. What is your name?" "My name is Kisa..." His smirk turns into a gentle smile, "Kisa would like to join me?" 🔹My sweet chocolate strawberries, his smile is dazzling and what's with the eyepatch? It's so mysterious and hot! Why is it a bunch of hot guys appear right after I get boyfriend! No what am I thinking! I'm very happy with my boyfriend...... even if he treats me like I'm a pet and not like a girlfriend... I promised Mitsuba!🔹 "Kisa?" "Huh? Oh yeah! Sure!" 🔹What did he say again?🔹"Wonderful... Let's go then.." "Heh?" Takasugi grabs her by the wrist and drags her along. "Kehhh! Takasugi where are we going?" "Somewhere special." Takasugi drags her onto a ship and finally releases her wrist. Her face drops and she feels agitation fill her body. 🔹This is a pirate ship, isn't it!?🔹 "Takasugi, is this a pirate ship?" "It's a ship, but not for pirates." "What exactly do you do?" Takasugi turns around and squishes her face, "You ask to many questions." He then takes notice of the wooden sword at her side. He grabs it and inspects it more closely. "Why a wooden sword?" "Oh you know... Since there is a ban on real swords, they are much harder to get. So I thought a wooden one would be more appropriate.." Takasugi throws it off the side of the ship, "You don't need this." 🔹M-my sword.... I actually liked that thing!!! 🔹 "Don't worry, Kisa. We'll get you a new weapon." "Meeehhhh.." Kisa looks over the side of the ship and notices it has already taken off and now was sailing through the sky. Then there is a woman's voice coming from behind her, "Shinsuke-Sama, welcome back!" Kisa turns around and makes eye contact with her. "Kijima, perfect timing." Kijima glares at Kisa, "Who is this?" "This is Kisa, our new comrade." "Why do we need a midget girl like her?" Kisa walks up to her and stands right in front of Kijima, "What was that, Bitch-Chan?" "I said why do we need a midget like you? Shinsuke-Sama has me! He doesn't need a little girl like you." "Oh is that so? Why would he need an Old Woman like you? You'd probably kill over in the middle of a fight." Kijima pulls out one of her guns and puts it against Kisa's head. "Do you want to repeat that, Midget Bitch." Kisa slips a kunai out of her sleeve and puts it directly above Kijima's stomach, "Yeah I do, Grandma. I wonder how much dust will come out if I gut you like a fish?" "I wonder how many dead brain cells will spill out if I shoot you right in the head?" An evil aura emits off both of them as they glare each other down. "You two need to stop. You aren't enemies, you're enemy is the country itself." The girls stop glaring at each other and look over at Takasugi. "Shinsuke-Sama... My apologies!" Kijima puts her gun away and bows her head. Kisa scoffs and puts the Kunai back into her sleeve. "I have to say, I'm rather impressed Kisa. Who would've thought you'd have a kunai in your sleeve." "Oh just a little trick I learned from a friend." Takasugi chuckles, "How skilled are you with it?" "I guess I'm able to hit my target. I wouldn't say I'm a master or anything..." "Well it's time to become a master! Kijima is very skilled with guns, perhaps she can show you how to make yourself a master." With that said, Takasugi walks away leaving Kisa and Kijima alone. "Midget Bitch-Chan." "Grandma Bitch-Kun." Kijima sighs and kicks the floor a little, "Guess I'll show you around. Oh and just remember one thing, never try to go against the Kiheitai." "Kiheitai?......what the hell did I walk into?" Kisa is led to the front of the ship. She sees a man with teal spiky hair. "Bansai-Senpai, this is a new comrade. Shinsuke-Sama brought her along." "His name is Bansai?" "I'd prefer you to call me Kawakami." "Ummm okay..." 🔹Why does he look familiar? Hmm, actually I think someone told me about him.. Who was it.... It was Yama-Chan! This guy literally almost killed Yama-Chan!🔹 Kawakami eyes her beneath his sunglasses, "What's the matter?" "Say what?" "You're making a weird face, I dare say." "It's my thinking face!" "You have an interesting song. What is your name?" "Name? It's Kisa!" "And that's all of it?" "Mamiya Kisa!" He eyes her again, "Well it's a pleasure to meet you." "Yeah you too.." 🔹Guhh! That guy is probably suspicious of me! What should I do?🔹 "Let's go, Midget Bitch-Chan." "Yeah anything you say, Grandma Bitch-Kun." Kisa and Kijima walk away. 🎸What a strange girl... But a very interesting song.🎸

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