Mayonnaise Past Its Expiration Date Will Give You Indigestion Pt. 2

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Kisa walks to the store as fast as she can but witnesses many strange things on the way there. 🔹Everyone looks like their stomachs really hurt... Maybe everyone caught the indigestion...🔹 As she walks, she notices a familiar spy, "Yama-Chan, what the hell happened yesterday? I thought we were going to play badminton." Kisa walks up to him and taps his shoulder, when he turns around it scares Kisa. His face was a yellowish white, like mayonnaise and his eyes were lifeless and dull. "Mayooonaise.." "KYAHHHH!!!!" Kisa quickly hits Yamazaki with her sword, sending him flying back, "I'm sorry Yama-Chan! But you look awful and I'm not catching that!" The commotion draws attention and others start to gather around. Kisa looks back and forth, looking for fast escape routes. "I don't want to die like this! Not by some disease that is making everyone groan out mayonnaise!" Kisa swings through the lifeless civilians and hides in an empty alleyway. She takes a minute to catch her breath, "Phew, does that mean Kagura is infected? What about Gintoki!?" Kisa buries her face into her hand and groans, "Everyone could already be infected! It's like a zombie disease but worse." Her whole body freezes up when she hears footsteps approaching her. "Mayonnaise Bastard." 🔹Mayonnaise Bastard? Isn't that something Sougo calls Hijikata?🔹 A head pokes out from the side of the wall making Kisa scream, "Eeek! Please no! I don't taste good at all!" "Kisa?" Kisa feels all sense of fear leave when she looks up and sees Sougo. She runs into his arms and starts blubbering like an idiot, "Sougo! It's so horrible!! Everyone has indigestion even Yama-Chan, but he has it worse!" 🔺Crap! Talking about Yamazaki again. Ask me what happened with me..🔺 "Is that so?" Kisa looks up at him in confusion, "What do you mean by is that so? Your friend is literally a mindless zombie! Just what exactly have you been doing?" Sougo pats her head, "I've been trying to find you." Kisa blushes and flicks his forehead, "Geez, this is no time to flirt." Sougo chuckles, "There is always time to flirt." "Dammit Sougo, we need to find a place to hide." "Fine... How about that building over there." Kisa nods her head, "Yeah that sounds good! Let's go." They rush over to the building and hide behind some fully stacked shelves. "No one will ever find us behind here. Good thinking Sougo!" Sougo pulls Kisa down in between his legs and traps her with his sword. "Nyah! Sougo what are you doing?" "Keeping you near me... Come on, we can easily sleep right now." Kisa shakes her head, "I think you owe me an explanation." "What do you mean?" "I know for damn well that it was Shinsengumi officers spreading this disease around." "You're right it did start there. But I have no idea how it started." Kisa groans in frustration, "So the only way to find out what started it, is to go to the Shinsengumi Headquarters?" "Pretty much. But before we do anything, we should just sleep." Sougo pushes her head against his chest and nestles his face into the crook of her neck. He slides his eye mask onto her and cuddles her closer. "Sleep then we can go and fix this problem." Kisa nods her head, "Okay."
-------------Two Hours Later----------
"Gin-San, what are going to do? Kagura-Chan is infected and we can't find Kisa-San anywhere!" Gintoki throws his hand over Shinpachi's mouth, "Shhhh! Shinpachi those things will hear you." Kisa opens her eyes and pushes the mask up, "Gintoki? Shinpachi?" Excitedly Kisa tries to stand up but is held down by Sougo. "Hey Sougo, what's the bi---" He pushes his lips against hers and tightens his wrap around her. She reciprocates his kiss, after feeling her approval, he then deepens the kiss. After he pulls away, he plants one more kiss onto her lips. "Kisa we're all alone back here. Do you really want to ruin that?" "Mm no, I guess not..." "Good then go back to sleep." Sougo pushes the eye mask down and loosens his grip on Kisa. She easily falls asleep in his arms.
-----------Thirty Minutes Later---------
A scream wakes Kisa and Sougo. Kisa watches in horror as Shinpachi is attacked by the zombies, "AHHHHH!!! GIN-SAN HELP ME!" "Mayooonaise...." Shinpachi is grabbed by the legs and dragged out of the building. Only his yells were heard. Kisa jumps out of Sougo's arms and rushed over to the door. He grabs onto her before she could open them, "What are you doing?" "I have to save Shinpachi! I might still have some time to save him!" "Kisa, it's too late! Shinpachi-Kun is gone and you'll be a goner too if you open that door." "B-b-but Shinpachi....." "I know but it's too late.. Let's just wait it out and then we'll go to the headquarters." Kisa nods her head and kicks a nearby sheet. "Ow! What the hell was that for?" "Huh?" Kisa pulls the sheet back and finds Gintoki underneath, "GINTOKI!!" She wraps her arms around him and then punches him on the arm. "What the hell?! If you were here the whole time, why did you let Shinpachi get taken?!" "I was trying to take a leak! And then they showed up! I was not getting infected anytime soon! And what about you? Have you been here with Souchiro the whole time?" "Well yeah.. But we were going to head out to the Shinsengumi Headquarters once it calmed down outside." "Why go there?" Kisa shoots a glance at Sougo, "Because that's where the disease started." Gintoki jumps up in anger, dropping Kisa to the ground, "I knew it! It's always the tax thief's fault!" Sougo sighs, "We didn't start it because we wanted too. In my defense it was all Yamazaki's fault. He was the first one to get infected." Gintoki grabs Sougo by the collar and starts shaking him, "Thats not the problem here! The problem is that it had to do with you all!" "Gintoki! This is no time to be killing each other. Let's just calm down before we attract unnecessary attention." The moment Gintoki releases Sougo, the windows around them break and the zombies start to pile in. "Oootaaaeee-San!!" Gintoki and Kisa hug each other out of fear and let out a scream. Sougo kicks Kondo away and shakes his head, "Kondo-San, it's mayonnaise.. Not Otae-San." Kisa opens the door behind them, "Let's get the hell out of here." Gintoki takes both of their hands and pull them out of the door, "AGREED!"

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