The Difference Between A Goodbye And A See You Later Is....

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"Gintoki is it really going to happen? Are they really going to have to leave?" Gintoki nods his head, "I'm afraid so, but don't worry we'll see them again once the time comes." Kisa hugs her manga, "But but why!! Why does Sensei have to go on a hiatus now? I can't be separated from my babies now.." Kisa's lip quivers as Gintoki pats her head, "Mangakas have it hard, you know. They have normal lives next to drawing manga." "Damn them and their real lives!! I need to know what happens next!" Gintoki chuckles, "All stories continue Kisa.. You just have to give them time and then you'll see." Kagura walks in and yawns, "Gin-Chan there's a lot of noise going on outside." "Yeah I know, it's been like that since early this morning." Kisa rubs her head, "It sounds like total anarchy. Can we go check it out?" Gintoki stands up and stretches, "Alright! Let's go check it out." The three go outside and downstairs. "Holy crap! It is total anarchy!" "Where the hell are the police officers? Gin-Chan those people are stealing things!" "Let's not get involved. Don't wanna get arrested along with them. But I can already tell whose behind this." Kisa tilts her head, "Oh yeah? Who?" "It's obviously Zura." "It's not Zura, it's Katsura! And no this has nothing to do with me." "Katsura, what are you doing here?" "I came to see whether or not you guys were okay. This has been going on since last night. The Shinsengumi has been running around back and forth since last night." "Oh that explains why Sougo didn't answer my texts. But all the Shinsengumi is out?" Katsura nods his head, "I'm afraid so, well this is good for me actually." Gintoki crosses his arms, "So you can do illegal activities?" "I can't do anything with all these hooligans running around." Kagura looks at the chaos, "Should we lock the door-aru?" "There's no point in it. These dumb asses would probably break the door down." A crash is heard from inside of Snack Otose. The four rush inside to see two men breaking glasses, "Just hand over the all the alcohol, Grandma." "Yeah, we ain't gonna hurt ya. We just want the alcohol and then we'll split." "And I told you! This alcohol ain't free, you idiots have to pay!" "Just give us the damn alcohol!" Gintoki and Katsura both grab the men by the arm, "Oi, when Gran says you have to pay then you idiots have to pay." "Gintoki, I say we throw these two out. Customers who aren't going to pay should just leave." Gintoki and Katsura throw the two men out. Kisa and Kagura sit at the bar, "Where's Tama and the Ugly Cat?" "Out running errands for me. They insisted that I stayed inside today." Gintoki and Katsura also take a seat, "Well they made a smart move then. It's hell outside, you'd probably die the moment you step outside." Otose whacks Gintoki across the head, "I'm not a weak old woman. I can handle myself." "Then you're going to have to handle yourself for awhile." Kisa tilts her head, "Are we going somewhere?" "We have to check on Shinpachi. I know him and his sister can handle themselves but I want to make sure nothing got stolen." "Oh great idea, Gin-Chan!" "Katsura are coming along with us?" Katsura nods his head, "I shall. I might be able to find Elizabeth along the way." "Then it's decided. Gran stay here and try not to get anything stolen. We'll be back shortly." "Don't worry about me. Don't get arrested, Gintoki." "I haven't done anything bad so I'll be fine."
As they were walking someone grabs Kisa's wrist, "Hand over your money, little girl!" Kisa turns her head around and sadistically smiles, "I can give you something much better." Gintoki, Kagura, and Katsura watch Kisa beat the living daylight out of the man. After she knocks him out completely, she dusts her hands off and smiles, "Alright let's keep going!" "You're dangerous." Kisa looks at Gintoki in shock, "Me! How am I dangerous? That guy was trying to steal my money! And if anyone is dangerous then it's you three." "Can't argue with that." "Gin-Chan, Kisa stop getting distracted! We are almost at Shinpachi's house." 🔹Koudoukan Dojo is right up ahead but I feel like it's miles away🔹 "Hey Gintoki, if Katsura didn't do it then who did?" "You already have an idea, don't you? Does the name Takasugi sound familiar." "Oh you were thinking that it was him too!" "I can assure you that it wasn't me." Everyone turns around to face the familiar voice. Gintoki growls a little, "Takasugi, what are you doing here?" Katsura glares at him, "You're outnumbered! Don't try anything funny." Kisa averts eye contact and starts whistling, "Lalala! I'm not here or anything." Takasugi pulls something out of kimono and tosses it to Gintoki, "I found this in my ship. Crushed it when I first saw it but something tells me you might know what it is." Gintoki inspects the object, "A robotic bug? Is this a recording device?" "Don't know, why don't you figure it out. And Kisa nice to see you again, I see you've been around these idiots longer than you've been around me." "Ah! I didn't know that you knew these two!! I had no bad intentions towards you!" Takasugi grabs the longest part of her bangs and chuckles, "Don't worry, you can always leave these idiots and come to the Kiheitai." He kisses the hair and walks away. Kisa's face explodes with red, "ah uh um bye..." Gintoki grabs Kisa by the shoulder and starts shaking her, "Why are you blushing!! You have Souchiro, don't just jump over to that idiot!" "I wasn't thinking about that at all!! It was just very surprising, that's all!" "Gintoki, we don't have time to knock the sense into Kisa-Dono." Kagura grabs Kisa's hand and starts shaking her arm, "You aren't going to leave us, right!" "Again, I wasn't thinking about that!" They stand there for twenty minutes trying to knock sense into Kisa.
"Kisa-San what happened to you?" Kisa points at Kagura and Gintoki, "Those two idiots over there happened and Katsura just watched!" "You had it coming, Kisa-Dono." Kisa sits down and crosses her arms, "This is no fair!" Tae walks in and giggles, "My my, you all are so lively even though the outside world is hectic right now." Shinpachi pours his sister tea, "Ane-ue please stay away from any windows." "I will, I will. Don't worry about me, Shin-Chan." "Anyways Pachi, we're all going to Old Gengai's place. Do you want to come or are you going to stay here with your sister." Shinpachi looks at his sister, "We'll go with you guys." Katsura stands up, "This is where I'll take my leave." Kisa looks up at him, "Huh? Why?" "I have to find Elizabeth. Don't worry, we'll cross paths sooner or later." Kagura continues to stuff her face with food. Gintoki pats Katsura's back, "Don't die out there, Zura. Oh and don't get arrested." "It's not Zura, it's Katsura! And I won't get arrested anytime soon." "Good!"

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