Sharpen Your Sword Before You Cut Your Hair Pt. 4

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Kisa smiles in her sleep, unaware of the impending doom behind her. Sougo walks around the park, bored out of his mind. "Damn midget, bringing up stuff that doesn't need to be brought up." Suddenly he spots something familiar sitting at a park bench. An evil grin spreads across his face. He walks up behind her hoping to scare her only to notice that she was peacefully asleep. He puts his hand on the back of the park bench and feels her hair underneath his hand. He picks it up and drops it very slowly. "You got some pretty long hair.. Almost all the way down your back..." He thinks back to the times when Hijikata and Yamazaki had touched her hair. It annoyed him so much that he unsheathed his sword. Taking her hair into his hand, he chuckles evilly. "Don't worry I'll purify this hair for you." He brings his sword underneath her hair and swiftly pulls up. He drops the hair from his hand onto the floor and smiles in victory. "There much better." Kisa slowly wakes up and feels something is off. She hears footsteps walking away from her. She turns around and sees Sougo walking away. "What the hell?" "Kisa! Your hair-aru!" "My hair?" Kisa runs her fingers through her hair and realizes that it is shorter than it should be. She looks at the ground behind her and sees her hair laying on the floor. "M-my hair!! Sougo, you bastard! Forget the apology! Go die in a hole you bastard!" Kisa stands up and accidentally drops her book. Her eyes glow with anger. "Kagura lets go home! I need my hair fixed!" They go back home, but instead of opening the door like a normal person, Kisa kicks the door open. "Oi Kisa, that door slides open. Why the hell are you kicking it open?!" "Gintoki, that damn sadistic brat cut my damn hair while I was asleep!" Gintoki has to hold in his laughter, "Let me see the damage." He looks at Kisa's hair and sighs, "It looks perfectly fine. Just go get it cleaned up a bit." Kisa pouts and nods her head. An hour later she comes back. Her once super long hair is now just an inch past her shoulders. "I really do hate him." "Kisa-San, I thought you were going to apologize to Okita-San?" "Not after this! No way in hell!" "Kisa-San, he only acts up because he likes you. And plus you made him remember something he probably didn't want to remember. Whether it be death or something else, you know how it feels to lose someone you love." "Causing a guilt trip is no fair!" "Are you going to apologize?" "Fine I'll apologize." "Good!"
~~~~~~The Next Day~~~~~~~~
Kisa walks around town with a smile on her face. "I guess this new hairstyle suits me. It's way easier to put it in a bun too!" Kisa is stopped by a stranger, "Kisa-Chan is that you?" "Huh I'm sorry but who are you?" "You were my hostess at the club, remember?" "Oh yeah! You're the guy who loves small fuzzy animals but can't tell your friends." "Yeah that's me.. You didn't have to say that stuff out loud.." "Oops sorry!" "No it's okay! I just wanted to stop you because you looked different. I'm guessing a new haircut?" "Yep you're absolutely right! Does it suit me?" "Yes very well actually." As Kisa was enjoying her conversation, a certain Sadist walks by. He stops to listen to their conversation. 🔺Oh so she's not upset about the hair thing? Too bad, I was hoping to see her all sad.🔺 "Yep, actually my birthday is in two days. I'll be turning 19!" 🔺Her birthday?🔺 "It was nice seeing you again! Bye!" Kisa turns around and sees Sougo. She avoids eye contact with him and completely ignores him. As she walks past him, he grabs her arm. Her eyes widen as he pulls her back. "Where do you think you're going?" "Home.." "If you have nothing to do then accompany me." "No thank you." "Why not?" "You're working." "Can't you say more than three words to me?" "There's nothing to say." "Sure there is. Don't you want to yell at me for cutting your hair?" "I did yesterday." "Well I'm waiting for something. You obviously are oblivious to it." Kisa bites her lips and faces Sougo. She throws her arms around him, "I'm sorry! I didn't know about your family life and ended up bringing back sad memories for you. I know how it feels to lose someone you love. So I'm sorry for being so ignorant!" He looks down at her in surprise, "Why are you hugging me?" "Hugs make people feel better, right?" "I'm not sad though." "Just shut up and accept the hug!" Sougo sighs and wraps his arms around her. "Don't be mistaken midget, I'm expecting you to wear a collar for a day." She quickly releases him and pushes herself out of his arms. "I was trying to be nice! Stop ruining it!" Kisa stomps off leaving Sougo behind laughing. "It's true, she's going to be a real challenge."
Kisa browses through a magazine and sees a chocolate cake. She starts poking Gintoki's cheek. "Gintoki... Gintoki... Gintoki.." "What?!" "I want this cake!" She lifts up the magazine and smiles. "Why?" "Reasons... But like I want it in two days." "Two days?" "Yes two days! Don't question it!" "I'll think about it." "Really?! Yay!" Kisa jumps off the couch with excitement as she rushes to the bathroom. "Gin-San what made Kisa-San so happy." "Something about a cake." "Why does she want a cake?" "I don't know, all she said was a cake in two days." "Why does she have to be that specific?" Kagura sighs and stands up, "It's obvious! She's dying and wants a cake on her day of death!" "Kagura-Chan, you don't eat cake at a funeral.. You do eat cake on a birthday though. Gin-San when was Kisa's birthday again?" "Don't know, she never told me." "Gin-Chan could Kisa's birthday be in two days?" "Could be a possibility." "What are we supposed to get her as a gift! Gin-San, we got to think of something!" "My presence is gift." "Oh then mine is as well-aru!" "You guys are really cheap..." "Why don't we just buy her the cake and bring people over? She will be content with that." "How can you be sure, Gin-San?" "I'm her father! I know all!" "Sure you do." "Well have to kick her out of the house on that day. She can't come back till later." Kisa walks back into the room and looks at everyone. "What's wrong?" "Nothing. Nothing at all."
-------------Two Days Later-----------
"Kisa go run these errands for me." Gintoki hands Kisa a long list of things to do. "Why is there so many? Wait half of these say apologize! What the hell do you have to apologize for?! And why am I the one doing it?" "Today think of yourself as the secretary to a very successful businessman who makes a lot of enemies so you have to apologize for him every time." "Is it sad that I can actually picture that in my head.." "Nope not at all! It means you're ready! So off you go!" "Ummm okay. See you later then." Kisa leaves the house and sighs with disappointment, "Happy Birthday Kisa. Oh why thank you, Kisa! You actually remembered. Well it is your special day." She walks down the stairs and starts her long list of apologizing. The day passes quickly as Kisa trudged home. "I'm so tired... How can that many people hate one person... I just wanna go home and rest, I don't even care about my birthday anymore." She walks up the stairs and slides the door open. "I'm back!" Shutting the door behind her, she slides off her shoes and walks into the meeting room. "Why is it dark in here?" Suddenly the light turns on and party poppers go off. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, KISA!" Kagura yells as she hugs Kisa. "Huh?! Wait you guys knew?" Gintoki stands there picking his nose. "Well you could've told us instead of leaving subtle hints." "Kisa-San, Ane-ue and I bought the cake you wanted! We even brought some new people for you to meet." Kisa smiles, "This is awesome! Thank you!" Kagura smiles but then quickly grimaces, "There are some uninvited guests here too." "Is it the Shinsengumi?" Kagura nods her head. Kisa still keeps a smile on her face. "That's fine by me! The more the merrier!" Kisa spends a majority of the time socializing. She met Kyubei, Tsukuyo, Hasegawa, Zenzo, Hinowa, and her son Seita.  Meeting new faces made her happy and seeing old faces like Otose, Tama, Catherine, Sarutobi, and even the Shinsengumi made her even happier. While she was standing alone Yamazaki was going to go over to her until Sougo approached her. "Hello Okita." "Didn't I tell you to call me Sougo." "I just thought we weren't on such high formalities yet." Sougo pulls a little package out of his coat pocket. He hits her on the head with it and then hands it to her. "Happy Birthday, Kisa." Her heartbeat picks up as she looks at Sougo. "Aren't you going to take it?" She nods her head and reaches for the gift. Her fingers lightly touch his sending a shock through her body. Her cheeks become a light pink and she smiles. "Thank you." "You can't say thank you yet. You don't even know what it is." She opens the wrapping and pulls out a purple ribbon. "It's really cute! I really love the purple." "Well duh, it matches your eye color, idiot." Her faces turns to a deeper red. "Y-you're right... It does my match my eyes." Sougo takes the ribbon and then gets a bundle of her hair, he ties the ribbon into her hair. She now had a crudely done bun, but it made her happy. Yamazaki stares at them in astonishment. 🏸The Captain giving a gift like that?! He's really trying to break her walls down! But if he's doing that, why does he look so blissful watching her smile... It's obvious Kisa likes him though..🏸 "Kisa come over here so I can show Kyubei how tiny you are!" "O-okay Tae-Chan! Umm thank you for the gift, Sougo!" Kisa quickly goes over to Otae and Kyubei. 🔹I-I-I-I like Sougo.....🔹

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