The Difference Between A Goodbye And A See You Later Is.... Pt. 2

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"So you want me to take a look at this bug?" Gintoki shrugs his shoulders, "I need a general idea about what it does. Just do whatever you need to do." Gengai sighs, "I'll see what I can find out. Hey Kisa! Stop touching things!" "But but! Mmmm fine!" "You too, Kagura!" "I haven't touched anything yet-aru!" Shinpachi sighs, "You two are acting like children." "If anyone is childish it's Gintoki." The white haired man looks at Kisa, "I haven't done anything yet! Besides who was the one getting excited when Takasugi kissed her hair?" Kisa stomps her foot, "I wasn't excited! It was unexpected, that's all!" Kisa and Gintoki start pulling each other's hair. Gengai clears his throat, "This bug here is a listening device and it isn't the only one." Shinpachi adjusts his glasses, "What do you mean not the only one." "There's at least 10 more of these out there somewhere." "What should we do-aru?" "I'm not telling you to find them all. I have a solution for that. This one we have is the alpha, if i tweak some things I can call all the followers here." Shinpachi nods his head, "Then please proceed." As he made the alterations, some bugs started crawling in. Kisa and Gintoki stop moving and looks around themselves, "What are these??" "They're kinda gross looking." "Well for whatever reason they were used for, they aren't going to be used again." Kisa picks one up and grimaces, "Can you imagine what can be heard on this thing?" Gengai picks one up, "Why don't we listen?" Kisa and Kagura immediately sit down, "Let's do it!" Gintoki, Shinpachi, and Otae sit down as well, "Let's hear it." Gengai plugs in the bug and presses the play button.
"Hijikata-San, I never acknowledged you as the Vice Chief." "Sougo, shut up and drive." "I'm just saying." "Don't say! Just drive." "Hijikata-San, what should I do?" "What do you mean?" "I'm deprived." "Deprived of what?" "Attention." "Can't you wait? Let's fix whatever is happening here so you can go see her." "I feel like we aren't getting anything done here. No matter what we do." "It's crazy every second there's something new happening." "People are breaking into shops and stealing things Hijikata." "Huh, where?! *SCREEEECH* Oi, you bastards, bring back that stuff!" "Hijikata take the wheel!" "Say what?! SOUGO WHAT ARE YOU DOING! WHERE DID YOU GET THAT BAZOOKA!?" "Everyone has a bazooka in their heart." *BLARING SIRENS* *SCREECH* Gengai unplugs the bug and throws it away, "That was weird." Kagura looks at Kisa, who looks flabbergasted as well. Shinpachi adjusts his glasses, "Well good to know they're doing their jobs." Gintoki picks his nose, "I honestly don't want to listen to anymore of them." Otae claps her hands together, "One more, please!" Gengai nods his head and plugs in another bug. "Chief was that your stomach?!" "Oops sorry! Haven't eaten since last night, we've just been to busy." "Chief you could eat right now.. I'll just drive us around until you finish." "Thanks Zaki! But what about you? I mean this lunch is very special to me but I don't mind sharing it with you!" "Ehhhh!!!! Chief what the hell is that!?" "Otae-Chan made me lunch! Isn't she the best!" "Chief, I don't even think that's edible!" "It's totally fine! See watch!" *CRUNCH* "Chief was that your teeth or the eggs??" "B-bo-both.." "AHHHHH!! Chief your mouth is bleeding! It's getting everywhere!" "Zaki the road!" "Eeek!" *SCREECH* *VOMITING*
Gengai unplugs that one and stomps on it, "What the hell is wrong with these cops!" Otae giggles, "Oh no! Now you all know I made Gori-San lunch." Shinpachi looks at his sister in shock, "You killed Yamazaki-San and Kondo-San!" Kisa sits there in silence and Kagura starts laughing. Gintoki sighs, "I swear those guys are dysfunctional... Put one more in." Gengai hesitantly plugs one in.
*COUGH* *COUGH* "You can hear me, right? Well of course you do, I was the one who made these bugs. Who would've thought someone could've taken control of them." Gengai tilts his head, "Gintoki what is this?" Gintoki sits up straight and listens. "What kind of people are you? I wonder? Perhaps an orange haired girl, a short girl, a beast of a woman, a plain glasses, an old man, and a very lazy ass Samurai." "DID HE JUST CALL ME SHORT!" "Kisa-San that's not the problem! He knows who we are!" "That's right! I do know who you idiots are... Well at least 4 of you.. Odd Jobs has a reputation, huh? Maybe I should've tried getting rid of you instead of the Shinsengumi." Kisa quickly stands up, "What does he mean? Get rid of the Shinsengumi?!" "I bet you've been wondering why this town has been in total anarchy? Well that's my fault. I just need the Shinsengumi to run around until they tire themselves out and once that happens, they won't be able to stop anymore crime. Thus leading to their disgrace and then to their death! You all know that they'll have to take responsibility, yeah? Can't wait to see your faces when the heads roll." Shinpachi looks all around him and grimaces, "Where is he?!" "Oh and glasses, you have a very pretty girlfriend. I wonder what her face would look like frozen with horror." Shinpachi stands up and heads to the door, "Ane-ue, stay here! I'll be back!" "Shin-chan! Wait take someone with you!" Shinpachi shakes his head and leaves. He starts running until he was out of sight. Otae stands up and runs to the door but Gintoki stops her, "Let Pachi take care of what he needs to take care of. He'll call when he needs help. Otae nods her head, "O-okay..." "Lazy Ass Samurai, your friend has very peculiar pet... What is it? A Space Duck? Ah who knows! But it'll be stained with red if you catch my drift." Gintoki goes to the door, "You three stay here. Zura and I have some business to take care of." The door closes behind him making the room echo. Gengai sighs, "Girls stay here. I need to go buy some tools. This guy means business and now it's my turn." Gengai leaves as well. Kisa looks around and starts growing anxious, "Kagura, Otae, what should we do? This is starting to creep me out." "Kisa, we'll stay here until they come back." Kagura pops her knuckles and grabs her umbrella, "I'm going to go help the Shinsengumi." "Kagura-Chan please just stay here. As long as we're together then we'll be safe." "Do you like riddles? Here let me give you one! I have an explosive personality and only time will tell. Sometimes it's short, sometimes it's long. I could be big or small. I'm in plain sight but still a mystery. What am I?" Kagura clicks her tongue, "I don't have time for this-aru!" Otae puts a finger on her chin, "Would it be an ego?" Kisa thinks for a moment, "Explosive, time, size, plain sight.... An ego isn't in plain sight and it's not very explosive... It just inflates.." That's when her eyes rest upon the bug that was plugged in. They open widely. "Did you get it or were you all too late?" Kisa turns around, "It's a bomb!" Kagura and Otae both gasp as the bug explodes and sets fire to the building. Kisa sits up and squints her eyes, "Kagura! Otae!! Where are you guys!" The smoke makes her eyes water. Her lungs begin to burn with a fiery intensity. "Kagura-Chan! Kisa! Are you two okay? Please answer me!!" Otae tries moving but notices her foot is stuck under some metal which was beginning to heat up. "Kyahhh! My foot is stuck!" Kagura opens her eyes and lets out some small coughs, "ANEGO!" Kagura stands up and dusts her clothes off, "Where are you two-aru!" "Kagura! Over here!" Kagura follows the voice and finds Kisa trying to move the metal off of Otae's foot. "Help me, Kagura! I can't lift it." Kagura grabs the hot metal and hisses in pain. They lift it off and grab Otae, they then rush out of the building.

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