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michael was obsessed with luke's skin, all pale and smooth and soft and even though there was a point where his face was covered in acne he found it adorable but it wasn't like that right now, anymore, they were now in bed, the age of 23 and 21, lips bruised and swollen and hickeys purple over luke's neck and luke sleeping, in michael's chest and michael stayed up and watched him, sucking his lip between his teeth because he was just so beautiful, and michael dragged his fingertips across the curve of his waist, his skin so soft and he sighed, reaching up to his cheek and brushing the back of his knuckles over it, smiling at him sleeping with the fondest eyes 'you are...god you are so beautiful..' and he whispered that, before peppering his forehead with kisses and pulling him closer and falling asleep himself.

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