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ashton was completely whipped for calum — there wasn't a doubt in anybody's mind, the punk boy would do anything to make calum smile--
and the only time that he got snappish or angry was at when he got sick.
the older boy worked himself to the bone all the time and being sick, for him, — that wasn't an option — so he would deny and deny and deny, until he cracked

so when calum wakes up on the couch with a sore back and neck — last night's fight floods his mind and he sighs and tries to sit up--
there's a tattooed boy on top of him — wrapped around his legs, his head on calum's sternum, breathing heavily and calum smiled a little, chewing his lip when he ran a hand down his bare back and felt it burning
he knew he was sick
'baby?' ashton murmured as he stirred a bit, nudging calum's hand with his head, motioning to be pet like a kitten
oh yeah it wasn't mentioned — he gets extremely touchy when he gets sick — so calum smiled and scratched lightly at his scalp, making him whimper a little and hum
'hi ash, what's up?'
'ya were on the couch.'
calum hummed with a little smirk that the punk boy couldn't see and ashton nodded slowly
'i was missin you l'week.'
'i've been here.'
ashton sniffled 'was sick.' he mumbled 'but we had a lot to do.'
'i know.'
ashton hummed and his arms tightened around him
''m sorry i was snappy.'
'you were mean.' calum pouted and ashton picked his head up with a sigh, and his eyes blinked guiltily up at him
'i know.' he looked like a little boy 'd'ya still love me?'
calum smiled and nodded, his hand coming to rest on his cheek and ashton let his head plop in his hand
'i still love you.'
'even when 'm mean?'
he's so sick he's mashing his words together and he's all droopy and calum finds it the cutest thing ever – ashton is picking him over everything in this moment
'even when you're mean.'
ashton sighed and sniffled, burying back into his sternum, because even when he was like 6 inches taller he still liked to be the small spoon when he was sick.
'kay.' he sighed and fell asleep on him, calum's hands running across the back of his neck.

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