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ashton was a bit skeptical at first to go to the teen choice awards with his band, but they decided to, and the three piece found it actually fun because it was guy time — ashton had ordered calum and luke to not kiss or hug or flirt with each other tonight — focus on the show,
but that all changed when ashton saw his celebrity crush
'ashton...that guy is reeealllyy cute.' luke sang
'yeah, oh, what's his name?' calum asked, fake scratching his head
ashton blushed and shuffled his feet
'oh i think it's MICHAEL CLIFFORD!!!'
the green eyed boy looked over with a confused face and ashton flushed 'shut the fuck up!!' he shoved the chuckling boys and huffed
'hey 5sos, right?'
they all looked at the boy at least five inches shorter and luke and calum grinned
'hey michael, loved you in your newest film.' luke smiled and ashton bit the inside of his cheek and michael smiled with pink cheeks
'aw, thanks, i heard you guys on the radio the other day and i was like woahhh.' he smiled and calum smiled
'you play anything?'
michael cocked his head back and forth
'a little guitar.'
the boy's name was called and he bit his lip, knowing he had to go but he smiled gently
'but i prefer drummers'
and with a giggle he ran away, ashton staring at the back of his blue head with wide eyes and calum and luke whooped and hollered.

'you did really well tonight.'
michael looking over his shoulder at the sound of the deep raspy voice and blushed when it was ashton
'thank you.' he smiled, turning back around to finish packing his stuff and ashton blushed
'i'm not good at asking people out.' he said softly, bashfully, and michael grinned, turning around fully,
'well, lucky for you, you have a good chance of me saying yes.' he said and ashton smiled.

5sos Blurb Book #4Where stories live. Discover now