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luke walked into their bedroom with quirked eyebrows 'you had to text me that you didn't feel well when i'm right downstairs?' he asked softly, seeing calum on the bed, who shrugged and looked down and luke frowned 'what's the matter baby?' he murmured, pressing a kiss to the older boy's hair 'you got all ready for our date and now you're sick?' he hummed and calum nodded, climbing under the blankets 'you need anything?' 'i think i'm just gonna sleep it off.' he said but he let out a lil sniff accidentally and luke pulled the covers back 'what's wrong?' but calum couldn't control it anymore and buried in the pillow and starting to cry, luke picking him up so he's in his lap 'what is it my baby?' he whispered and calum stared at luke's shirt once he stopped crying 'i'm not pretty..i-i wanna be pretty.' he whispered and luke pouted 'poor thing.' he tsked 'poor baby's gone blind' and calum let out a sad lil chuckle under his breath. 'i'm so sorry you don't see yourself the way i pretty — beautiful.' and calum sniffs 'what's it today baby, skin or hair?' he said softly because oh he knew, he knew every part calum hated — fucking hell — he made him write it down one time and calum just sobs out 'everything' and luke tsked again 'you poor baby..' he whispered 'you're so pretty, i love you so much and i wouldn't change anything about you..i'm gonna help you love yourself, yeah?' and calum sniffs again and nods 'let's stay home and watch a movie and order takeout, would you like that baby?' and calum nods, motioning for luke to lift him up and the only response he got was a giggle, before he was hoisted up and walked out by legs that were ten times longer than his.

I USED A PERIOD?!?!??!?!?!??!!


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