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father!michael bouncing down the stairs and rushing to the kitchen, seeing almost his whole family eating breakfast so he grins, 'i have to get a taste of everything!!' and he chuckles, walking to his beautiful twin girls and sighing at their big blue eyes that reminded him of his favorite person and he dips his finger in their oatmeal and puts it in his mouth, the six year olds giggling at him and he kisses both their cheeks and sees his fifteen year old daughter at the counter buttering her toast so he taps her shoulder, making her look the other way before he bites the bread, her turning back and groaning with a smile, 'dad you do this every morning!!' and he grins, ruffling her hair and then he sees his little boy, the one year old eating mashed bananas and he shudders 'i think i'll skip you, little bud.' and the girls laugh and a sleepy luke stumbles in and whines 'too early..' so michael grins, his cheeks going pink because he was just so adorable so michael slinks his arms around his waist and strokes his cheek 'i gotta taste one more thing though.' he mocked a pout and luke grinned, kissing him softly and the girls are 'eww'ing and groaning because this was in fact, how every single day started.

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