150. mashton

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'what the hell do you want?'
it came out as a whine and ashton immediately regretted it when the person on the phone sniffled
'kitten.' he could hear michael's voice all broken and shaking 's-sorry you were sleeping — so-sorry i'll-i'll call you later--'
'michael? what's wrong?'
'baby go back to sleep 'll--'
'no, mikey, tell me..tell me — what's the matter?'
michael sniffled in his bunk halfway across the world, clenching his eyes shut as he tried to smell ashton's scent on his sweatshirt — but it's so faded and gone now that it wasn't helping — even when he was holding it to his nose
'i miss you.' his lip trembled and he whimpered loudly, his sobs shaking him as he tried to keep quiet so calum and luke could sleep
'oh, babe.' he whispered 'it's okay, i miss you too.'
'no, but kitten i — this isn't good, it isn't okay b-because i think about you all day but i don't want to text you or c-call you because i-i don't wanna annoy you but--'
'babe..' he cut off his rambling and sat up in bed 'you can text me anytime..always..'
'kitten.' he sobbed and ashton's eyes filled as he sighed 'c-can i-i skype you? i-is your laptop around?'
'yeah, baby hold on.'
even though michael was more of the "guy" in the relationship — if you will, — he didn't mind being called baby by him, it gave him comfort
'okay i'm on, love..'
immediately he got a call and he answered, hanging up his phone
a shirtless michael came into the pixellation crying, clutching ashton's sweatshirt to him and the teddy bear ash gave him before he left for tour
'oh babe..don't cry — you're gonna make me cry.' he whispered with a small sad smile and with teary eyes
'nothing...smells like you anymore.' he croaked, eyes blinking furiously at ashton 'nothing.'
'is that why you called me?'
michael nodded and broke into more sobs 'i-i couldn't s-sleep because it — they don't smell anymore and t-then i started thinking a-and--'
his breaths were fast and ashton let the tears go down his cheeks because he knew what michael meant
michael had a tad of ocd and when something really important is missing or out of place he freaks out — so not having at least a symbol of ashton to sleep with him made him crazy —
during a fight one time ashton could hear his muffled sobs and he was wide awake on the couch downstairs which resulted into him going down there to cuddle him
that's why he was hyperventilating
'baby, please calm down, shh..'
michael sniffled and hugged ashton's hoodie to him
'why don't i come out there?'
michael's eyes widened 'would you? i-if it doesn't interfere with w-work--'
'about that..' he chuckled 'i quit last week'
michael gaped 'really?'
'yeah, my boss said something about gays are sinners and go to hell so..'
michael giggled and smiled 'then please come, i can ask if you can stay if you wanna..' he whispered
'if i wanna, mike, of course i fucking do.' he said and michael smiled

ashton got off the plane with a smile and a sigh, and he smiled bigger when he heard girls' squealing
so he went on his toes to search but he was pulled back into thinner arms
'luke my man.' he chuckled and luke grinned and hugged him
'hey babe.'
ashton chuckled and hugged the blonde, secretly just wanting his michael
'MIKE!!' luke called his name and watched as a blue head turned toward him so he smirked, cuddling up to the boy in his arms and michael smiled and ran over, pulling ashton out of his arms and picking him up
'ah fuck, missed you so much.' he whispered, kissing him softly and ashton smiled 'ah, and you smell..like, you, ugh i missed you so much.' he hugged him tight, tucking his head under his chin
'missed you too mikey.'

yeah, michael was living his second ever dream with his mates.
but now he's traveling with his first.



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