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'kitten i'm home!!' calum had yelled before he could even close the door, and before he could get his shoes off there was a kitten boy latched onto his body, making him stumble back a bit and chuckle softly 'hello my kitty.' and the boy smiled against his chest, ears twitching 'you were gone so long.' he pouted and calum smiled 'you say that every day love.' and michael took his hand and placed it on his ears, purring when calum got the message and started to rub them and michael took calum's other hand, leading him through the kitchen and dining room 'kitten where are we going?' ''s a surprise calum.' so calum nodded and yawned, 'ta da.' and calum's eyes widened when he saw the living room 'what's all this?' and michael blushed, hugging him and nuzzling into his chest 'lukey told mikey about um...valenti-nes day? you something for the person you love?' and calum sighed because he is just so lucky, 'and..mikey loves you' he whispered and calum's eyes filled because of the beautiful boy he had and the pillow forts and blankets and little chocolates and stack of movies and wine — this was all he wanted and he could feel michael's tail twitch 'a-and mikey know mikey isn't allowed to drink w-wine but calum likes..' and calum smiled, a tear plopping on his hair and he cooed, he only spoke all brokenly when he was nervous 'i love it, kitten, thank you.' and michael breathed out in relief before murmuring an i love you and dragging him to the pillow forts.


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