169. muke

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throwback series; taking old blurbs i wrote in my first ever book and rewriting them

michael was on tour when it happened.
when he looked at his phone and baby <3 flashed in a phone call, he smiled at the picture of the pretty blonde boy and pressed the button, putting the phone to his ear and smiling as he walked away, seeking quiet to hear his pretty voice.
'hey, baby.'
'is this michael clifford?'
he frowned at the unfamiliar voice
'um, yes? what's going on?'
'mr clifford, your husband was found unconscious in your bathroom by mr styles and he is now being taken to the emergency room.'
michael's eyes widened and he fell against the wall, silencing ashton and calum in the other room from the loud noise and michael breathed in shakily.
'w-what?' he whispered 'u-unconscious?'
'we are still unsure, but it seems to be an attempted suicide, though--'
he didn't hear anything the man said after that, his eyes filled and he couldn't breathe, he fell against the wall completely, sliding down it, the phone dropping out of his hands as he trembled.
he sat on the floor, the world spinning, his ears ringing with a sharp sound that almost made him pass out.
'mike?!' calum got down next to him and shook his shoulder, snapping him out of his daze
he looked at him and wheezed 'get me home.'
'calum.' he breathed shakily and let out a sob 'luke..he tried to..fucking hell.' he sobbed, his hands coming up to cover his face and he screamed, calum's eyes widening and he scrambled to hold him.
ashton came running and met calum's eyes, seeing how the older boy was curled into a ball, calum holding him around his shoulders.
'what happened?'
'get me home, please get me home.' he sobbed and calum shook his head, still not understanding
'tell us what is going on, what did luke do--'
'he-he's...hospital, he tried..suicide.' he couldn't breathe, he was wheezing and shaking to the point where he was getting dizzy, and calum barely understood his incoherence but figured it out, his eyes widening and he ordered ashton to hold him as he went to go get karen.

they stopped the car and michael didn't give two fucks about security, he jumped out the door 'michael!!' he heard everyone's calls but he didn't care.
he ran.
he never ran so fast.
but for him it was all in slow motion.
he panted as he reached the front desk 'luke clifford,' he croaked, 'please i need to see luke clifford.'
'immediate family only.' she hated to deny this person — no matter who he was in relation to him — because he was so desperate and shaky and upset but it relieved her what he croaked out after that.
'i'm his husband.'
'room 46A.'
'god bless you.' he sobbed, running off and dodging a nurse in tears and her heart clenched for him.
he slowed down once he reached the door and sniffled, his stomach rolling and he felt like he was going to vomit.
but he opened the door and slipped in, and no, it wasn't like the movies where the scared husband comes rushing and just cups his love's face with a i'm glad you're okay with a kiss to the lips while the doctor says shit about health.
not even close.
luke was awake, but he looked dead.
and those dead eyes looked up and brightened at michael's presence, his blues flicking around michael's body before they looked down in shame.
'i'm sorry.' his voice even sounded dead.
michael stared at him and walked over, kneeling next to the bed and he sniffled, taking a hold of his hand and rubbing his knuckles 'don't be sorry.' he whispered 'don't ever be sorry.'
luke scooted over in the bed and michael climbed on and took him into his arms.

luke saw the way michael acted now — he saw it for two weeks in the hospital, and now on the car ride home.
he was..shaken.
he was pale and nervous and his eyes always flicked to luke when he made the slightest of movements, and he didn't speak much — not that he was too mad or sad or emotional to, he just didn't.
he never smiled either, didn't crack one.
when luke had made a joke in the hospital because he was feeling a little better, michael stared at him with glossy eyes and pale skin and then luke would fall silent.
luke knew that he stayed awake and made sure luke fell asleep first, out of general fear and worry. and in his sleep he felt gentle caresses and kisses on his skin, hearing whispered apologies that luke didn't understand what for.
he was different, too different.
michael was absolutely supportive though, despite everything — he always made sure luke was fed and warm and comfortable in the hospital bed.
but now they were on the way home.
michael unlocked the door and stepped in, looking back at luke and motioning him to walk in, so he did, keeping his gaze away shyly as michael interlocked their fingers and led him up the stairs.
their room was filled with pillows and blankets and movies and luke sighed and turned to the older boy
the boy ignored him and led him over to the bed, sitting down and pulling him on his lap, luke's head on his shoulder and his legs perpendicular on michael's — one hand on the small of his back and one interlacing with luke's.
'i-i just..' he looked down on their hands 'figured we could take it easy for a while..let you heal..' he whispered, turning to look at him  'i'm not going back on tour for more than three months...so, i-i'm all yours.' he whispered weakly and kissed his forehead.
'b-but the band--'
'i asked john to replace me..until i can go back.'
'you can go back.'
'i'm not going back, not now.' he whispered, a crack in his voice and he shook his head and looked down. 'i need to be here like i promised i would be.' he whispered 'and when i do go back, 'm taking you with me, no arguments.'
luke nodded against his shoulder 'i'm sorry, michael.' his eyes filled.
'shh..it's okay..' he hugged him close when he broke into tears, shushing him gently. 'it's all okay, baby.'

michael would forever protect him from his demons.

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