137. mashton

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michael reached out his fingertips — expecting to grab warmth-- but his hand hit the sheets and he furrowed his eyebrows in his half awake daze
'ash?' he mumbled, blinking his eyes open to see an empty bed and ruffled sheets
he frowned and sat up, stretching and cracking his back, wondering where the hell his fiance was.
so he got up with a frown, because it was well around 8:00 and if ashton was up he violated michael's cheeky rule of not being allowed to leave bed without permission and if that happened then something must be wrong and michael hates to be wrong because that means ashton's mad at him.
it was a mean cycle that michael didn't like — hence the rule.
so he passed the bathroom and started to go into the kitchen when he paused, looking in the doorway of the bathroom.
and he frowned again
ashton was leaning against the toilet bowl, his breaths slow and michael walked in worriedly, his eyes widening at the smell of puke.
'kitten..' he cooed quietly, feeling his forehead that was burning up and ashton's eyes blinked open sleepily
'hi baby.' he whispered and ashton looked up at him with sad eyes 'don't feel good?' he mumbled and ashton shook his head, so michael cooed and scooped him up into his arms, tucking his head under his chin.
'poor thing.'
'yeah baby?' he kissed his hair and hummed
'i think i have the flu.' he mumbled
'what time were you up?'
ashton sighed '1.'
michael's eyes widened 'baby, you woke back up puking an hour after we went to bed — and you've been there ever since?'
ashton nodded and michael frowned
'why didn't you wake me?' he whispered, laying him down in bed 'silly kitten.' he mumbled
'didn't wanna — you've been tired lately.' he whispered 'we have to go to studio today--'
'no, we're staying home baby.'
'but mike--'
'no, we're staying home.'
ashton curled into the blankets 'okay.'

michael was no nurse, all he could really offer was food and medicine and kisses and cuddles — but ashton didn't mind that at all.
'you feelin' better.'
ashton shrugged sleepily, his head against michael's heartbeat 'kinda.' he sighed
michael nodded and scooped him up, carrying him up to bed for a needed cuddle.

at least this time michael's fingertips weren't cooled by the sheets, they were wrapped around the love of his life.

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