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calum furrowed his eyebrows when he didn't hear yelling or the tv or the xbox or music blasting and that was...weird
because punk!michael was a partier and this was just.. weird
'in here angel.'
it came out all croaky and quiet and calum sprinted toward the sound of him, into the living room where he saw the tattooed boy lying on the couch, a billion tissues all over the place and calum frowned
' okay?' and he pressed his hand against his forehead 'think you've got a fever.'
michael moaned and calum bit his lip, kissing him on the nose 'i'll be upstairs if you need me.'
it might sound weird and rude but this is what it usually was when michael was sick — i'm a big boy i can take care of myself calum — he shoos calum away and actually gets mad when he tries to help, so calum learned the hard way and stood out of michael's way when he was sick,
but when calum turned to walk away but he felt a clammy hand clasp his wrist and he turned
'stay?' he whispered with a sniff
calum's eyes lit and widened
' want me to help? take care of you?'
michael nodded slowly, truth is he didn't need it (so he stubbornly thought), but he felt like this was important to calum, so he decided to give him a chance,
and he saw that pretty smile so
totally worth it
so calum murmured he'd be back and ran upstairs to change into sweats and a tshirt before grabbing some movies and medicine and he made some tea and soup and he walked in to see michael sitting up and shivering so calum pulled the blanket around him tighter and sat down next to him, michael giving him a smile and a kiss on the cheek before he nuzzled into his neck
and calum took care of him for the weekend, and by monday morning michael was complaining when calum got up for school, pulling him back down to cuddle and he whispered helplessly 'take care of me?' 
when he was barely sick anymore.

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