135. cake

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it's maisie again (-:

this is gonna be kinda based off of the percy jackson series, so if you've read or have at leat heard of it, then you'll probably get the references in here. btw, nectar is like a food for the gods, which has medicinal properties but it can be eaten for special occasions as well.

anyway, enjoy!

luke never meant to get drunk on the nectar the hermes kids had pushed into his hands when he went into their cabin to look for this friend ashton. he never meant to eat so much of it, or even go into their cabin in the first place, because he knew ashton was was at archery practice with the apollo kids - who never failed to show him up. but he was a coward when it came to peer pressure, and ate the huge piece he was given without a moment of hesitation. but, as per usual, that didn't end well, because he ended up on the other side of camp, where the archery range was.

after scanning over the small group of kids who were practising their accuracy and seeing no signs of ashton, he spotted him. the apollo camper whom he'd had a crush on since he arrived at camp two years ago. he fell in love with the boy's eyes first, then his smile - something that anyone could easily fall for, for it was genuine and so very lovely - and then... well, everything else.

he was too busy staring at the way the boy's veins popped out of his arms to notice that he was nocking an arrow, staring straight at the red dot in the middle of his target. the boy didn't notice luke stumbling across the target as his fingers let his bowstring, and only got to see the arrow curving into the blonde's shoulder before he realised just what he'd done.

luke woke up on an infirmary bed, his head dizzy and swimming and his surroundings very disoriented. slowly leaning up and looking to his side, he saw the boy slouching on the bedside chair, his eyes closed and cute little snores leaving his lips. a smile danced across his lips as he reached out, gently poking the boy's shoulder, giggling as he woke up with a start.

'oh, hey.' the boy smiled, his brown eyes gleaming. luke almost went into cardiac arrest at the look the boy was giving him. 'i'm calum. i healed you.'

luke raised his eyebrows. 'did you?' the boy nodded, and luke grabbed his shoulders, pulling him closer. 'well, i still feel a little sore. could you.. maybe... kiss me better?'

the boy's eyes widened, before he leaned down and softly pressed his lips to luke's. luke melted into a figurative puddle, feeling like he was in heaven until the boy's hand pressed against his still-aching shoulder.

luke pulled back a little. 'still a little sore.'

the boy shrugged. 'i'll heal it later. just keep kissing me.'

and that's how luke ended up with more than just a sore shoulder the next morning. who knew apollo kids had a kinky side?

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