166. cake

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luke was pissed.
well, more than pissed.
and it's all because calum was an amazing actor.

luke started his week by calum announcing he landed a role in a new movie, and luke had been so happy for him — picking him up and spinning him around and kissing him softly with a cute i'm so proud for you baby and calum had giggled because he got his dream without the help of his famous boyfriend.
but then calum scratched the back of his head when luke asked what the movie was about — and luke's face dropped when he spoke.
a girl.
stuck between choosing two different boys — one badass and one quiet.
with six. make out. scenes.
so calum blushed when he growled a what?! and chuckled awkwardly you're going to be making out with a girl, six times?
calum bit his lip and nodded and luke frowned
i-i didn't know there was that much kissing.
and luke sighed, rubbing his forehead because okay, it sort of makes sense, because it is about love so..
okay, fine. he sighed but i'm coming to the shoots.

by wednesday when the first shoot was luke was clenching his jaw in the chair they had given him.
they weren't kissing, but the "popular girl" was flirting with calum in the scene, touching his arm and giggling loudly and luke wanted to vomit because calum had to act like he liked it.
so when the director called cut and the girl was still smiling at calum, luke wanted to jump out and pull her by her starched blonde hair to the ground.

by friday luke was about to lose his goddamn mind.
because today was the first of the make out scenes because they decided to happily skip ahead in the movie and have calum's character now already in love with the other girl and luke wanted to kick the director in the balls for making that choice.
so calum had the girl up against the locker and they were teasing each other in whispers, lips so close to brushing and--
luke started coughing loudly, and the director yelled cut, looking over at luke with confused eyes
'sorry.' he fake croaked 'i have a cold.'
the director smiled 'it's okay actually, we had to get a different angle anyway.'
luke smiled and nodded, grumbling under his breath when he turned away and calum grinned and chuckled, his co-star giggling softly 'something tells me he doesn't like this.'
calum grinned 'nope.' he chuckled.

the second time they shot the scene luke just managed to accidentally drop his phone, it landing with a loud thud and the director yelled cut again and frowned at him.

the third time luke accidentally knocked over a set piece.

the fourth? holding a megaphone he found and pressing the siren with a oh! that's what that button does, sorry.

the fifth? his phone ringing and him saying it was very important and mandatory to answer.

sixth? there was no sixth.
because he got kicked out and calum was actually starting to get mad — so he said don't bother waiting outside, just go home.

so luke was alone with a frown on the couch, calum's dinner plate cold on the table because he was supposed to be home two hours ago.
but then the door opened and luke looked over his shoulder, seeing calum with an annoyed expression on his face.
'hey. luke.' he sneered 'how are you?' luke blushed and frowned, looking back down on his hands in his lap and biting his lip. calum bit his lip and sighed 'luke.'
'what?' he grumbled
'you acted like a ten year old today.'
he whipped around with wide eyes and a gasp 'i did not!' he whined and calum nodded vigorously with a 'duh' expression on his face.
'i told you there'd be kissing.' he said, walking over and plopping next to him 'and you said it was fine.'
'hn.' luke lifted his eyebrows and rolled his eyes and calum huffed
'well i hope you're happy then, luke.' he scoffed, standing and going to the kitchen and luke frowned, following him.
'calum..' he whined, hugging him from behind and the boy rolled his eyes and didn't hug him like he usually would 'babe.' he pouted
'you're an ass.' he mumbled, turning around and luke smiled apologetically.
'i love you.' he kissed him softly
'tell me you love me.' he pouted
luke gasped
'baby.' he whined
'hffph.' he huffed
luke pouted 'i got jealous, 'm sorry.'
'no shit.'
luke frowned 'd'ya wanna be alone?' he whispered and calum sighed, grabbing his forehead and turning around in his arms and grabbing luke's cheeks
'what i want is for you to calm down, luke.' he sighed and luke nuzzled into his palm 'you have girls falling at your feet all the time, yeah?' luke sighed and nodded 'i need you to trust me like i trust you and not get jealous okay?'
luke sighed and nodded 'i'm sorry, love.' he whispered, pulling him close and kissing him on the lips repeatedly, humming, and calum giggled.
'i love you.'
'i love you too, no matter how many acting jobs i have and how many girls i kiss.'
'good.' luke sighed, pulling him flush against him and cupping his butt, and humming into his mouth 'oh doll, 'm a better kisser though aren't i?' he whispered and calum smirked, jumping on to wrap his legs around luke's waist.
'prove it.'

they definitely didn't act out that scene.

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